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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 29, 2025) (NOTE: Although we have already posted this sermon separately, we felt it appropriate to repost it here in order to keep the order of our Exposition of Nehemiah logically flowing.) In our study of the Book of Nehemiah, we have been looking at the efforts of the children of Israel to rebu…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 18, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, discouragement is one of the most effective tools of the Enemy in the lives of those who are laboring in the Kingdom of God. There can be many reasons for discouragement, and we need to be aware of these reasons as we attempt to work in the Kingdom. Join us …
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 18, 2024) Have you ever been discouraged? Discouragement is one of the most effective weapons the Enemy has in his arsenal. There are many reasons for discouragement, especially as we labor in the Kingdom of God. Join us today as we begin to look at these reasons for discouragement, as exhibited i…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 4, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, external opposition often leads to internal problems. In this case, the opposition of the enemies of the Kingdom began to dishearten the Jews, so that they experienced discouragement and fear. This type of internal struggle can often be more challenging than …
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 4, 2024) As we continue looking at the opposition to the work of the Kingdom of God, we find that discouragement and fear are two very formidable obstacles. These opponents to the work of the Kingdom arise from within, and often cause more problems than any external forces. Join us as we begin loo…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 4, 2024) As the Jews began to work on the walls of Jerusalem, the enemies of the Kingdom of God began to rise up in opposition. The enemy is always upset when the Kingdom of God prospers! One of the first kinds of opposition that arose was opposition through ridicule, which can be a very formidabl…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 1, 2024) Yesterday we began looking at the symbolism of the walls of Jerusalem. We began to see that the titles of these gates and their placement point us to the gospel message. Join us today as we continue looking at the gospel in the gates of Jerusalem. Download Audio File…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 1, 2024) As we continue in Chapter 3 of Nehemiah, we want to examine the ten gates of Jerusalem that Nehemiah and his countrymen were repairing. As we have seen many times, the gospel message is preached on every page of God’s word, and this is no less true in the book of Nehemiah. Join us today a…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on November 17, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, there were many different kinds of people from many different backgrounds who worked to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. There were priests, pharmacists, stoneworkers, and farmers. Much like the church of God today, the Kingdom of God in that day was made up …
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on November 17, 2024) In our study of the Book of Nehemiah, we are examining Chapter three and the work that is going on to repair the walls of Jerusalem. Today, we review a little of what has gone on to this point, and then we begin looking at the different workers who participated in rebuilding the walls. W…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on November 6, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, Nehemiah had the challenge of building back the walls of Jerusalem that had been broken down. He didn’t sit around bemoaning the sad state of the Kingdom: he started working on the walls! We as a church face the same challenges today, and we need to be workin…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on November 6, 2024) As we continue looking at the life and work of Nehemiah, we find him now in the right place for the right work: Jerusalem, the visible capital of the earthly Kingdom of God in that day. His challenge was that the walls were broken down and the gates were burned with fire, and the reproach…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on March 2, 2025) Today we turn to another practice that is peculiar to the Primitive Baptists: the foot washing service. Jesus Christ Himself gave us this example when He knelt down after the institution of the communion service and washed the disciples’ feet. He tells us that we “ought” to do this, and that…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on March 2, 2025) In today’s sermon, we continue looking at the practice of “close communion”. As we have already learned, “close communion” is the practice of restricting access to the Lord’s table to the members of the local church, as well as others of like faith and order. Join us as we continue learning …
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on October 23, 2024) Nehemiah faithfully followed God’s rebuilding program, rather than going off on his own. He had the faith to follow God and do it His way, and we will see that he is going to be successful. Join us as we continue looking at Nehemiah’s faithful approach to rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on October 23, 2024) When Nehemiah discovered that the walls of Jerusalem were in disrepair, he was greatly moved and determined to do something about it. But instead of going off on his own, he faithfully followed God’s rebuilding program. Join us today as we continue seeing Nehemiah faithfully following the…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on 10/2/2024) As we have already seen, Nehemiah wanted desperately to help the people of God in the Kingdom of God in Jerusalem, and he had faith in God as he began to make plans. He had the faith to wait, the faith to focus, and the faith to go forward in God’s time. He was not a prophet or a priest, but sim…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on October 2, 2024) As Nehemiah mourned about the sad state of the children of God in Jerusalem, he prayed fervently and purposed to bring the matter before the king. But he had the faith to wait on the Lord’s time, and in that time the Lord blessed him with an opportunity to help God’s people. Join us as we …
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached September 22, 2024) When he heard about the shameful state of the Kingdom of God in Jerusalem, Nehemiah was greatly affected. God’s people were in great reproach, because the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, and the gates were burned by fire. But instead of mourning about it but doing nothing, Nehemiah de…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on September 18, 2024) In the Book of Nehemiah, we read about God’s rebuilding program for His Kingdom on earth. With the Lord’s blessings, we are starting a series today on this important book of the Old Testament. The first thing we see is the shameful state of the earthly Kingdom of God in Jerusalem, and i…
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by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on January 26, 2025) As we began to see yesterday, the Bible gives us many examples of those who came to “see Jesus.” Sometimes, we ourselves get to the point that we don’t see Jesus! When that happens, we need to seek Him again in the place where He may be found, which normally is in His Father’s house. Join us…
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by Elder John Morgan Owens (preached on January 26, 2025) In John’s gospel, we read of some Greeks who came to the disciples. They told them, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” This ought to be our constant desire: to see Jesus! Join us today as Elder John Morgan Owens points us to Christ and His finished work. Download Audio File…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on February 16, 2025) As we continue our study of the communion service, we come to the matter of “open” versus “close” communion. “Close” communion is the practice of restricting access to the Lord’s table to the members of the local church, as well as others of like faith and order. Join us as we learn why …
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on February 9, 2025) We have been studying the Scriptural foundations of the communion service, and we have seen the elements that we are to use, as well as the symbolism of this service. But how are we as individuals to approach this service? Some have refrained from the the bread and wine because of a feeli…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on February 9, 2025) The communion service ought to be a “high point” on the yearly calendar of the local church. We have been examining how we observe this service, and in particular what elements we use in this church ordinance. Last time we looked at the unleavened bread, and today we look at the use of wi…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on February 2, 2025) As we began to see yesterday, the communion service is vital to the life and spiritual health of the local church. We continue today looking at this service, which we commonly call “The Lord’s Supper”. Join us as we learn more about how we should observe this important ordinance of the ch…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on February 2, 2025) As we approach our 2025 Annual Meeting, when we will observe the communion service, we pause from our series on Romans to examine the Scriptural foundation for our practice of observing the communion service, commonly called the Lord’s Supper. Please join us as we try to understand why an…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on March 6, 2025) In our series on the Book of Revelation, Elder Buddy Abernathy has been teaching from chapter 16 about the final judgment of God. The seven angels with the seven vials of judgment illustrate in symbolic fashion what will happen when the wrath of God is fully and finally poured out upon the wicked…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on March 6, 2024) As we began to see in the last sermon, the seven angels with the seven vials represent the final judgment of God upon the wicked, which will be poured out at the end of time. We looked at the first three vials last time, and began to talk a little bit about the fourth vial. Today, Elder Buddy Abe…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on February 21, 2024) In Chapter 16 of Revelation, we see the seven angels pouring out the seven vials of God’s judgment upon those who are not children of God. Elder Buddy Abernathy takes us through the first three vials in today’s sermon, and demonstrates from Scripture how the righteous wrath of God will be one…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on February 7, 2024) As we continue in Chapter 15, we see more of the seven angels with the seven vials full of plagues. Eld. Buddy Abernathy takes us through the details of this vision about the end of times. Join us today as he continues laying the groundwork for the pouring out of these seven vials of judgment.…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on January 3, 2024) The Book of Revelation is generally a summary of how God will judge the wicked, both in time and eternity, and thereby deliver God’s people. Chapter 15 gives us a scene in heaven of the seven angels with the seven last plagues. In the midst of the celebration, the children of God in heaven sing…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on December 13, 2023) In the verses we examine today, we find imagery of the second coming of Christ and the final judgment of the wicked. This is the ultimate deliverance of children of God, and is one of the great promises of Scripture. Join us as Elder Buddy Abernathy shares these glorious and encouraging thoug…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on November 15, 2023) As we continue examining Revelation 14:13, we see clearly that the idea of our “works following us” does not mean that we work our way into heaven. Neither does it mean that we have greater rewards in heaven based on our conduct on earth! Rather, it means that we enjoy a little “heaven on ear…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on November 15, 2023) We continue today in Chapter 4 of Revelation, where we have been hearing about of the gospel being preached to the Gentiles. Verse 12 tells us about the “patience of the saints,” which teaches us that the truth of ultimate and final judgment of God upon the wicked is what inspires us to “keep…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on November 1, 2023) In today’s sermon, we continue looking at the angels who are preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. Part of the “good news” of the gospel is that, one day, wickedness will be judged by God. Join us as we continue our study in Revelation today. Download Audio File…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on October 4, 2023) In the first five verses of Revelation 14, we see a vision of God’s people among the Jews that are in heaven. These are represented by the 144,000 described in those verses. Today, we move on to the next few verses, which describe the gospel begin preached unto the Gentiles (non-Jews) in the wo…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on September 20, 2023) As we saw yesterday, Revelation 14 gives us a little peek into what is going on in heaven. This should be encouraging to us, because at the same time we are being persecuted on earth, the saints of God who have died are rejoicing in heaven! Sometimes it helps us in our tribulation to remembe…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on September 20, 2025) As we move on into the Book of Revelation, we have come to Chapter 14. In the first few verses, we have a view into heaven and of God’s elect children. There is a scene here where 144,000 worshipers are depicted as worshiping God together in heaven. What an encouragement that would have been…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on September 6, 2023) As we have seen throughout Chapter 13, Satan continually causes wicked powers and rulers to rise to power over the course of church history. The two beasts that we read about operate in a similar way, deceiving and destroying God’s people at various times in history. But God ultimately will j…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on September 6, 2023) As we continue in the Book of Revelation, we are still in Chapter 13 and looking at the perpetual uprisings of Satan. We have seen a “beast” that arose out of the sea; now we see a “beast” that rose out of the earth. This second beast is like the first, representing the historical cycle of th…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on August 16, 2023) In the last sermon, Elder Buddy Abernathy began to preach to us about the ongoing battle between good and evil as set forth in Revelation Chapter 3. As we continue through this chapter, we see that the uprisings of Satan are a continuing cycle throughout history, wherein the forces of evil aris…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on August 2, 2023) As we continue in the Book of Revelation, we come to a chapter that symbolically sets forth the ongoing battle between good and evil. In this chapter, we see the perpetual uprisings of Satan throughout history, primarily through world powers against the Lord and His people. Indeed, this is the o…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on July 19, 2023) As we continue in our series on Revelation, we come to some verses that depict a “war in heaven.” Elder Buddy Abernathy shows us by Scripture that, in keeping with the figurative language of the Book, this is a spiritual depiction of what happened on the cross of Calvary, in the ultimate battle o…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on July 16, 2023) In this portion of Scripture, Elder Buddy Abernathy shows us how the figurative language describes the first coming of Christ, and the general experience of His church while still here on earth. This “woman clothed with the sun”, who represents the the children of God left here on earth, “fled in…
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by Elder Buddy Abernathy (preached on July 5, 2023) Today we are returning to Elder Buddy Abernathy’s exposition on the Book of Revelation, which he has been preaching through for several months. We have just completed looking at the “interlude” between the blowing of the sixth and seventh trumpets, and today we begin to look at what happens when t…
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by Elder Mike Rodgers (preached on January 5, 2025) Solomon the king lived in a lavish residence and worshiped at a lavish Temple. He had much power, and many riches, but most of all he had wisdom. He had so much wisdom that the Queen of Sheba said the half had not been told of it! But Jesus said that there was a “greater than Solomon” here! Of cou…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on January 5, 2025) On the morning of Sunday January 5, 2025, Zion Church woke up to the news that one of our dear, precious members had passed away unexpectedly in his sleep. Bro. Roger Parker was a faithful member of Zion Church, and he loved the truth of grace as much as anybody we have ever known. On this…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 29, 2024) As we began to see yesterday, “rubbish” is not a problem that is relegated to Nehemiah’s time! There is “much rubbish” that we must deal with today as well. Join us as we continue looking at the fact that the “rubbish” of life often gets in our way as we try to do the work of the Kingdom…
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by Elder Chris McCool, Pastor (preached on December 29, 2024) In the Book of Nehemiah, we read about the efforts of the children of Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after returning from the Babylonian Captivity. Soon into the project, discouragement arose because of persecution, and because there was “much rubbish” laying around from when t…
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