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Misato 王茗萱

Hàng tuần
東方有中醫,西方有芳香療法! 萃取自植物精華的天然精油,除了散發自然清新的香氣,點綴生活品味外,更棒的是能帶給我們全方位的健康守護! 跟著Misato的腳步,發掘出生活中常見的健康問題,探討發生的原因,再了解如何運用簡單好上手的芳香療法來維持身、心、靈三方面的健康,擁有美好的植感生活,找回那失落已久與大自然的香知香息~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to MISAC Connect Audio, the official podcast of the Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC). This podcast is your go-to resource for in-depth discussions, expert insights, and community stories that go beyond our MISAC Connect forum.
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MisAdventureland Podcasts


Hàng tháng
Feed for Misadventureland Podcasts. Professor Kelsey's Book Club, Wayfinders, Roger, Roger and more! Misadventureland Discord: https://discord.com/invite/UVP3AnN Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/misadventureland/support
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Misadventures in Marketing

American Marketing Assocation - San Francisco Chapter

Hàng tuần
Misadventures in Marketing is a podcast about high tech marketing in Silicon Valley, focusing primarily on marketing challenges in early stage technology startups. Hosts Peter Farago and Steve Haney, veteran Silicon Valley marketing executives, chat weekly about marketing practices in high tech, the latest martech product news, their experiences from the front lines, and interviews with their CMO friends and colleagues.
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Misadventures With Tea

Joseph Castillo, Micropone Productions

Hàng tháng
Welcome to Misadventures with Tea, the perfect podcast for tea connoisseurs, enthusiasts, and lovers of all things tea. In each episode, we take you on an adventure filled with rich history, hilarious real-life stories, and, of course, live tea tastings that’ll leave you craving a hot cuppa tea. Whether you’re a seasoned tea enthusiast or just here for fun, grab your favorite mug and join us as we spill the tea on everything from oolong to Earl Grey!
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Hank Patterson's Outdoor MisAdventures

Travis Swartz & Hank Patterson

Hàng tháng+
Prepare to forget everything you ever thought you knew about camping, fly fishing and outdoor adventure with the always super hilarious, Hank Patterson. Hank is a high school graduate, community college dropout, camping expert and world renowned fly fishing guide. Follow Hank into the wild at your own risk!
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Misal Romano

Santi Pérez

Hàng tháng
Podcast dedicado a la Tercera edición oficial en español del Misal Romano reformado por mandato del Concilio Vaticano II. En lenguaje coloquial iremos profundizando en este libro tan importante para la vida de la Iglesia.
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Misaha Podcast

Dina Foudeh

Hàng tháng
Welcome to a heartfelt podcast. I am Dina, Life and Leadership Coach, specialized in Emotional Well-being. Here to interact with and listen to stories of real-life success icons. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the conversation.
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Misael Costa

Misael Costa (Gold Line Brazil)

Hàng ngày+
Welcome to the Misael Costa (Gold Line Brazil) podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Tom Barrett on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wistomsin
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Young Misadventurers

Magic Orchard Production Network

Hàng tháng
Young Misadventurers is an engaging Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in a home-brewed world and played and created by a group of close friends. If you're looking for a fun, new D&D podcast to check out, give us a listen! Merry misadventures to you all!
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Software Misadventures

Ronak Nathani, Guang Yang

Hàng tháng
A show about not just the technologies, but the people and stories behind them. In every episode, Ronak and Guang sit down with engineers, founders, and investors to chat about their paths, lessons they’ve learned and of course, the misadventures along the way.
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The Misandry Hour

Presented by Clementine Ford

Hàng ngày+
The Misandry Hour is a monthly feminist podcast hosted by Clementine Ford. Each episode will address a different theme with different women appearing to share their views and expertise. Everyone involved in the production and presentation of The Misandry Hour is paid for their time. Warning: these episodes contain strong language, challenging ideas and women who don't care what men think of them.
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GNA Misadventure League

Cecil Xavier

Hàng tháng
The GNA Misadventure league is a group of like minded people playing tabletop role-playing games, hosted by Cecil Xavier. Join in and play along as they explorer the worlds of table top role-playing games.
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Misadventures & Accomplishments

Stardust & Glitterbean

Hàng ngày+
Two students at the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma explore what it means to juggle everyday college life with witty humor. Welcome your ears to helpful tips cost-friendly activities to help de-stress as a student or an everyday doer. Cover art photo provided by Ben Weber on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@benearlweber
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Deadly Misadventures

Deadly Misadventures | Wondery

Hàng tháng
It’s been said our lives are no more than a string of decisions. Thousands of choices made every single day. Most seemingly inconsequential. While others harness the potential to lead us to dark and unforgiving places. Do our choices control our destiny? Or are we all like the gambler who repeatedly rolls the dice, hoping each time for a smile from Lady Luck?
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Join the Party Poopers as they reflect upon their recent Gloomhaven misadventures! Discussions include detailed scenario reports, class discussions, party dynamics, and plenty of hijinks! The Party Poopers are a four-player party experiencing Gloomhaven for the first time, so expect fresh takes and off the cuff reactions throughout
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Completely Mental Misadventure of a thrift store

Completely Mental Misadventure

Hàng tháng
If you drive around from thrift store to thrift store trying to make a buck or just looking for deals, this is the podcast for you! We buy and sell storage units and estates and offer knowledge and humor about what we find and what YOU should be looking for as you hit garage sales, second hand stores, and antique shops and how to sell it properly.
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Enjoy laughing about life's lessons through the eyes (and voices) of two loving people on their second marriage, over 50 (shhhh... don't tell) and second chance to screw things up for everyone. Cowboy and Kiki crave new experiences and share as they go. We are a blended family with so much to share with you!
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show series
Episode Summary In this episode of OnBase, host Chris Moody sits down with Caroline Quinn to explore the nuances of optimizing Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies. Caroline shares her deep insights on defining the right ABM mix, navigating between one-to-one, one-to-few, and programmatic ABM approaches, and ensuring marketing investments align…
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In this episode of MISAC Connect Audio, we take a deep dive into network and systems monitoring—focusing not just on the tools, but on the challenges, strategies, and best practices behind managing and securing modern networks. Building on a recent MISAC webinar, our guests Michael Tooma and Zachary Ruiz join me for a candid conversation about aler…
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This week's guest began life as a taekwondo athlete and argues those skills are directly transferable to stand-up comedy. He joined us to talk about the sport-comedy crossover, one-liners and hitting comedy gold in Edinburgh. Follow Sporting Misadventures on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SportingMisadvn - and Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/s…
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In this 2nd episode of Misadventures in Marketing, hosts Peter Farago and Steve Haney discuss Peter’s superhero origin story, his roots in the Bay Area, and Steve’s affinity for Peet’s Coffee. Then they delve into the intricate relationship between sales and marketing teams, and where they strongly disagree on how that relationship should work. It’…
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【遠雄商舟】打造新世代辦公標竿! 座落北士科,北市難得的國際級濱水商圈, 全球頂尖AI大廠首選,嶄新ESG永續綠建築, 締造人性、共享,結合生態休憩的辦公空間。 企業總部即將落成,立即預約專線 : 02-2826-2777 認識您未來的企業總部: https://fstry.pse.is/79ywqm —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 出國住宿旅店,居然要擔心會不會被床蝨攻擊,實在很掃興耶! 沒關係~還是有方法可以治它們的~ 這個配方帶著噴準沒錯唷! 【防臭蟲精油噴霧】 10ml ,精油濃度3% 75%酒精 精油比例:牛至1滴+百里香2滴+丁香花苞1滴+真正薰衣草2滴 歡迎小額贊助支持本節目,讓我能閱讀更多和芳療有關的書籍和資料,繼續分享更多芳香療法在日常生活裡的運…
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Episode Summary In this episode of OnBase, host Chris Moody sits down with Chad Holdorf to discuss how agentic AI is revolutionizing B2B go-to-market strategies. They explore the rise of AI-driven agents, why automation leaders are doubling down on AI, and the biggest mistakes B2B teams make with AI adoption. Chad also shares real-world use cases f…
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In this episode of Misadventures in Marketing, hosts Peter Farago and Steve Haney explore the intricacies of starting a new CMO role, particularly within technology startups. They discuss the importance of understanding company dynamics, building trust, and the balance between strategic thinking and relationship building. Through personal anecdotes…
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This week's guest was a keen footballer growing up until pushed into rugby and loved spending his summers watching cricket. He joined us to talk being the fastest man on the planet, riding his Brompton bike and The Crystal Maze as an Olympic sport. Follow Sporting Misadventures on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SportingMisadvn - and Instagram - http…
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Brewing up a storm… In this episode, Marianne and I steep ourselves in the art of Moroccan Mint Green Tea—infused with jasmine flowers and a dash of nostalgia (because apparently, it tastes like Grandma?). If that piques your chai-riosity, grab your favorite mug and join us as we spill the tea! Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/misadventureswit…
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聽《昨天是世界末日》,和Uncle & Amu一起聊聊!我們將用節目陪伴你,輕鬆度過無聊的周間時光!現在就訂閱我們: https://fstry.pse.is/79yx2t —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 強力推薦家長們閱讀「失控的焦慮世代」與「過曝世代」這兩本探討網路媒體對青少年們的影響! 後來我和幾位國高中老師們聊到這話題,光是少女的不雅照被脅持這件事情,這些老師們的學校都有女學生遇到, 這事情的嚴重性比我們想得還糟糕啊! 孩子的教育不能等,不能等的是如何培養他們在網路上保護自己的知識和技能啊! 【提振少女自信】香調配方 真正薰衣草60%+甜橙30%+伊蘭伊蘭10% 歡迎小額贊助支持本節目,讓我能閱讀更多和芳療有關的書籍和資料,繼續分享更多芳香療法在日常生活裡…
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In this episode, join Frank and me as we drift through the aromatic past of tea culture and Frank's misadventure in Chile. We bond over film and talk about film projects we have worked on, like the Kill Zone and soon-to-be-released Under the Orange Tree. If this interests you, grab your favorite mugs and come spill the tea with us! Instagram - http…
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Episode Summary In this episode of OnBase, host Chris Moody sits down with Judit Szabo to discuss the complexities of aligning account-based strategies within diverse tech environments. With organizations facing challenges in tailoring ABX (Account-Based Experience) initiatives across different teams, tools, and processes, Judit shares her insights…
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This week's guest took a break from his current tour to talk everything from keeping in shape and Mrs Doubtfire to fake tan and moments when lifting weights have gone awry. Follow Sporting Misadventures on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SportingMisadvn - and Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sportingmisadventures/ and let us hear about your own …
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偶爾聽一點沒營養的吧! 工作感情、幹話綜藝、名人專訪...我們全都有... 搜尋《激罵揪某聊》 https://fstry.pse.is/77juhy —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 這次挖出岩蘭草精油這麼多功效,有些我還真沒有嘗試過,看來又可以來好好體驗體驗了! 岩蘭草精油九大功效: 強力鎮定大腦的作用~穩定心緒配方:乳香+岩蘭草 超強的助眠效果~助眠配方:真正薰衣草/甜橙/苦橙葉+岩蘭草 優異的抗微生物功效~細菌殺光光改良版:藍膠尤加利+絲柏+茶樹+永久花+廣藿香+岩蘭草 消炎止痛的作用~止痛配方:乳香+岩蘭草;肌肉和關節發炎:岩蘭草+檸檬草+迷迭香 具有優異的抗氧化作用,可維持身體細胞的健康~對抗身體與大腦慢性發炎嗅吸配方:胡椒薄荷+岩蘭草 具有促使細胞再生…
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Misadventures in Marketing is a new podcast from the American Marketing Association San Francisco chapter. Every week, Silicon Valley marketing executives Peter Farago and Steve Haney will explore current topics in technology marketing, their own experiences running marketing and GTM organizations in tech, and hopefully impart some wisdom to their …
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Episode Summary In this episode of OnBase, host Chris Moody sits down with Chad Sollis to discuss why digital accessibility is a strategic priority for brands today. Chad shares his journey from graphic design to marketing leadership, highlighting the importance of accessibility in enhancing brand reputation, compliance, and consumer loyalty. He br…
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What better guest to chat cycling with Chris than Dave Gorman, who once pedalled across the UK to a variety of stand-up gigs after an early medical mishap. He joined us to push Taskmaster as an Olympic event, and to talk supporting Liverpool and a new batch of Modern Life is Goodish. Follow Sporting Misadventures on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Sp…
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《下課孩想聽》榮獲正聲廣播電台優質聲音節目獎, 帶著小朋友探索科學,發現世界驚奇,還可以開心學英文喔! 快來和Teacher Carrie一起展開冒險吧! ⮕ https://fstry.pse.is/79cyny —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 在我朋友圈裡引發搶購的保養組合,其實只需1/4的價格,就可以用芳療來達成,效果一樣好呢! 別急~先聽我分享,了解自己的膚質,再來調配方唷! 【女生】 白天配方 10ml的基底油,甜杏仁油6ml+荷荷芭油4ml 精油濃度1.5% 精油比例:苦橙葉2滴+橙花1滴 搭配純露:橙花純露 晚上配方 10ml的基底油,橄欖油7ml+玫瑰果油3ml 精油濃度1.5% 精油比例:大馬士革玫瑰、大花茉莉、伊蘭伊蘭、永久花、橙花、玫瑰天竺葵…
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當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看⮕ https://fstry.pse.is/786y36 —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 感謝大家的支持,「精油科學輕鬆學~打造健康日常」確定要開線上直播課了! 時間:2025/3/10 星期一晚上7:30,在我的YouTube的會員頻道內直播,歡迎大家來加入~ Misato的香氣札記~YT會員頻道連結:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODDeS3YaiS_fJXNuaX9iNQ/join 等3/10再加入會員就好唷~我們線上見!…
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Episode Summary In this episode of OnBase, host Chris Moody sits down with Abhishek Damani to discuss the critical role of aligning sales performance metrics with broader business goals. They explore why traditional sales metrics sometimes fall short and how companies can define KPIs that reflect strategic priorities. Abhishek also shares his struc…
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The three-time Grand Slam winner and double Olympic champion joins us fresh from the golf course to talk about his new sporting love, his dreadful start to his post-retirement skiing career, coaching Novak Djokovic and when drug tests go horribly wrong. Follow Sporting Misadventures on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SportingMisadvn - and Instagram -…
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歡迎訂閱《靜聽冥想C's meditation》VIP方案!享受專屬心靈饗宴 專享VIP限定內容,涵蓋情緒療癒、身體對話、人生信念課題等深度療癒冥想。 隨時無限次收聽所有系列,讓我們陪伴你找回內心的安定與力量。 輕鬆進入療癒: https://fstry.pse.is/789ww4 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 到了一個年紀,結交朋友是希望彼此可以推心置腹與共好成長! 有五個類型的朋友,敬而遠之有助身心健康哦! 【真心誠意】香水香調  男香: 前調:檸檬+佛手柑 共6滴 中調:真正薰衣草+歐洲赤松 共 10滴 後調:岩蘭草 4滴 女香: 前調:粉紅葡萄柚+佛手柑 共6滴 中調:真正薰衣草+大花茉莉 共 10滴 後調:岩蘭草 4滴 歡迎小額贊助支持本節目,讓我能閱…
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