3 Examples of Demonized Christians in the Bible - Series: "Can a Christian have a demon?" - Part 6
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There are examples of demonized Christians in the Bible?! That's a thing? Why would a loving God allow his child, us Christians, to have something bad like a demon? These are all good questions that we will discuss in this episode of the series: Can a Christian have a demon?
Timestamps to relevant points in the episode:
- [00:00] - Intro
- [01:10] - 3 Examples of Demonized Christians in the Bible (New Testament)
- [26:51] - Intermission
- [27:58] - Why does God allow Christians to have demons? Doesn’t He love us?
- [42:48] - Deliverance Prayer
- [44:50] - Outro
Key takeaways:
- Christians in the Bible with a demon: Ananias & Saphira, Simon the sorcerer, Apostle Paul
- God allows Christians to have demons because it is one way to get their attention, teach them to fight, and help them learn from the process.
Scriptures discussed:
- 1 Kings 22:23
- Acts 5:1-11
- Acts 8:5-23
- 1 Samuel 15:23
- Acts 20:20-24
- Acts 21:4, 10-14
- 2 Timothy 2:19-21
- Ephesians 2:10
- Revelations 3:5, 7:13-14, 19:7-8
- 1 John 3:3
- James 4:8
- 1 John 1:9
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In the next episode, we’re going to talk about The Weapons of Our Warfare - Best Practices to do deliverance. In this last episode, we’re going to look at practical steps on how to cast out those nasty demons. This is part of a series where we answer the big overarching question can a Christian have a demon?
Always remember, every day you live to bear much fruit!
Visit yeshuahboyton.com/free-video to learn the secret to spiritual breakthroughs.
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