Mandarin 24/7 - Society- 中国年轻人新职业-网络主播 Streaming Stars or Struggling? A new career for Chinese young people - online streamer | HSK 5/B2
Manage episode 421852890 series 3087157
流量网红 还是 苦苦挣扎? 中国年轻人新职业-网络主播 Streaming stars or Struggling? A new career for Chinese young people - online streamer
中国人力资源和社会保障部 - Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China
云网智能运维员 - Cloud network intelligent operation and maintenance personnel
生成式人工智能系统 应用员 - Generative artificial intelligence system application personnel
网络主播 - Internet anchor
流量经济 - Traffic economy
80 tập