Uncuffed empowers people in California prisons to tell their own stories. The award-winning collaboration between incarcerated student producers and professional journalists shines light on the human experience of people before, during, and after their prison terms. The new Season 4 is hosted by formerly incarcerated producer Greg Eskridge. https://www.WeAreUncuffed.org
Welcome to Pat’s View! Our view is affected by our circumstances, beliefs and even what we CAN’T see. That’s why I am so thankful that the Bible gives us a clear lens to view life, so I’m zooming in to take a closer look. Please join me as I view life through the lens of God’s Word to live a blessed life! Don't forget to subscribe to the show!
Welcome to Pat’s View! Our view is affected by our circumstances, beliefs and even what we CAN’T see. That’s why I am so thankful that the Bible gives us a clear lens to view life, so I’m zooming in to take a closer look. Please join me as I view life through the lens of God’s Word to live a blessed life! Don't forget to subscribe to the show!
Spoiler alert. I’ve always been a play by the rules kinda girl! I don’t generally break the rules, but since it’s only a people rule, I had to do it! I read the back of the book-first! I’m being silly. But seriously, I found a victory strategy in the last book of the Bible that I just have to share. It’s found in John’s Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to him on the Isle of Patmos. I found a Victory Strategy Revelation 12: 11 They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death. Here’s a quick snapshot of committed believers that were distinguish by the description “they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death…. Wow! they loved God more than their lives… their reputations… their possessions. A loud voice announced that they conquered the devil by the blood of the Lamb AND…I can’t pass the reality of these words without pausing…the reality of His Love…the reality that Jesus gave His life for you and me…. He gave His very life blood to give you… Redemption 1 Peter 1: 18 , 19 BSB For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life you inherited from your forefathers, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or spot. Remember the victory strategy includes the word of our testimony. Word is also translated utterance, message, statement, speech; there is no doubt it means spoken word here. The word used here for testimony is a legal term. And our testimony is that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law! Galatians 3:13 Galatians 3:14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Be cleansed from all sin 1 John 1:7 BSB But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. And our testimony is Lord I choose to walk in the light of your Word! I thank you that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. All sin…ALL SIN! Thank you, Father! I cannot cleanse myself. Yet, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin!! Confidence Hebrews 10: 19 BSB Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by the new and living way opened for us through the curtain of His body, And our testimony is we praise you that because of the blood of Jesus we can come boldly (KJV) into the Most Holy Place…into your Presence. His Presence! His Presence is so wonderful. We don’t come into His Presence fearful. We come into His Presence where we are welcomed and cherished and wanted. Please, please realize. There may be places that you are not welcomed, but His Presence is not one of those places!!! He made you to have fellowship with Him. He made you because He wanted you to be in His family! Hebrews 3:1 King James Bible Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; The word translated profession here is also translated confession. It simply means to agree with what God says. Dear friend, if we set our heart to believe what we see, nothing is going to change in our life. But if we set our hearts and eyes on the Word of God we can have what the Word promises. That’s why we need to discover what Jesus purchased for us. If He is the High Priest of our profession, we need to be saying what God says! If you say nothing, then don’t be surprised if you are not receiving what God has for you! It’s important for us to realize that what God showed John in Revelation 12: 11 is a 2 fold strategy for sold out believers that want to defeat the enemy! The blood of Jesus is powerful. Jesus made it possible for us to win over sin and defeat the enemy, but we must understand we access His power through faith and prayer.…
A Desperate Journey of Faith Have you ever felt an urgency in your heart, an almost desperate need to take your concerns to Jesus? Maybe you’ve thought, If only Jesus were here… If that resonates with you, you're not alone. The story of a nobleman in the Bible paints a vivid picture of a father’s determination to reach Jesus and to heal his son. This story is more than just a miracle; it's a powerful message of faith and prayer strategies that can help us. A Nobleman’s Plea for Help This nobleman, living in Capernaum, heard about the miracles Jesus performed at Passover and felt a spark of hope ignite within him. He hurried 20 miles to Cana, where Jesus was, longing for a miracle. It’s not hard to picture him, a man of stature and status, walking with purpose and desperation in every step. When he found Jesus, he urgently pleaded, “Please, come with me to heal my son!” 48 Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe.” The nobleman remained undaunted, repeated his plea. Faith in Jesus’ Word Rather than going with the nobleman, Jesus simply said, “Go your way; your son lives.” And the nobleman believed Jesus’s words. This is remarkable because the nobleman didn’t argue or demand proof. He believed Jesus’ words and started the journey back home. On his way, his servants met him, saying, “Your son is getting better.” And when they compared times, the nobleman knew without a doubt that his son’s healing happened at the exact moment Jesus spoke those words. A Greater Miracle than Healing But the story doesn’t end there. The nobleman and his entire household came to believe in Jesus. This wasn’t just faith in healing but faith in Jesus as the Messiah. The miracle was a sign that pointed to something greater—Jesus’ divine identity. The nobleman’s journey began with seeking physical healing, but it led to spiritual transformation for himself and his whole family. Signs that Build Faith John, intentionally shared this story to show us that faith is crucial. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” This nobleman’s story challenges us to build our faith by immersing ourselves in God’s Word and trusting in His promises. The Power of Jesus’ Word It’s significant to note that Jesus wasn’t physically present at the nobleman’s home when the healing occurred. It was Jesus’ spoken word that brought healing from a distance. Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His word and healed them.” This is a powerful reminder that we can hold onto God’s promises today. Even though Jesus isn’t physically with us, His Spirit is still present, and His Word remains powerful to heal and restore. Miracles Still Happen Today The nobleman’s story also reminds us that God performs miracles not just to meet our needs but to draw people to Himself. He uses signs and wonders to reveal His love and power, as seen in countless testimonies of people finding faith through divine intervention. One such story is of a man in Guyana, who was a Buddhist priest. During a critical illness, he saw a vision of his gods and Jesus standing at the foot of his bed. When Jesus reached out and touched him, healing power surged through his body, and he came to believe in the one true God. Miracles like these continue to testify of God’s unchanging power and love. Holding Onto Faith During Gradual Healings Sometimes, God’s healing is immediate, but other times, it’s gradual. The nobleman’s son began to improve, and by the time his father returned home, he was completely well. This teaches us that we must continue to stand firm in faith, even when the manifestation of healing takes time. The enemy may try to bring doubt, but God’s promises are unshakable. Invitation to Believe The story of the nobleman and his son is a powerful reminder that faith in Jesus goes beyond the miracles we seek; it leads us into a deeper relationship with the Savior. If you’re facing challenges or praying for a miracle, I encourage you to hold onto God’s Word and believe in His promises. Believe God’s Word. Trust that the same Jesus who healed and restored in the past is still at work in your life.…
Do the things you are seeing and hearing around you break your heart? Not just for your needs, but other's needs, the prodigals, the hurricane victims, and what about the elections? I believe God is calling every believer to care and pray. We are called to intercede... to stand in the gap. Let me share why I believe every born-again believer should be an intercessor. We live in a time where prayer isn’t just encouraged—it’s essential. Let’s dive into the Word of God and see how Scripture calls us to stand in the gap for those in authority and the world around us. The Biblical Call to Intercede In 1 Timothy 2:1, Paul urges us to offer petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, especially for kings and those in authority. Why? So that we may live peaceful and godly lives in dignity. Prayer has a powerful effect, not only on our lives but also on our communities and nations. Throughout history, when Israel had godly leaders, the people followed in righteousness, and the reverse was also true when the leaders strayed from God's ways. The Importance of Leaders With the state of the world today—elections approaching, natural disasters like Hurricane Helena, and unrest everywhere—it’s clear that we have many reasons to pray for our leaders. When we pray, we invite God to intervene in these situations, aligning them with His will. It's time for us, the church, to rise up and get on our knees in prayer. Spiritual Strength, Not Physical Just like the image given in Isaiah 37 and 2 Kings 19, there’s a feeling that people are weary. It’s like a mother ready to give birth, but lacking the strength to deliver. While many of us may be physically strong, our spiritual strength is what’s lacking. And this is concerning. It’s time for the church to wake up and become spiritually strong through prayer. Don’t Misinterpret God’s Control We often hear the phrase, "God is in control." While this is absolutely true, it is not an excuse to relax and do nothing. God invites us to partner with Him, and one of the most powerful ways we can do that is through prayer. Jesus was a man of prayer. He also taught His disciples to pray, saying, "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." It’s Time to Pray with Purpose Jesus didn't teach us to pray simply as a formality. He showed us that our prayers play a role in bringing God's will to pass here on earth. Yet many Christians today don’t pray, assuming that whatever happens is God's will. This is a dangerous mindset. It’s time to sound the alarm! We must rise up as the church and pray the promises of God over our lives, our leaders, and our nation. The Power of God’s Promises Prayer is more than just words—it’s aligning our hearts with God's promises. Just as a baby develops over nine months in the womb, there’s a gestation period for the promises of God. We must take hold of His promises, meditate on them, and pray them through relentlessly until they come to pass. As believers, we have the authority to use the name of Jesus and the Word of God in our prayers. We can boldly approach God's throne, trusting that if He gave us His Son, He will surely hear and answer our prayers. Join the Prayer Movement There’s a significant event happening on October 12th A Million Women – An Esther Call on the Mall in Washington, D.C. (It's not just for women!) It's a day of fasting and intercession for our nation, leaders, and prodigals. If you can’t attend, you can still participate by setting aside time to pray, fast, and intercede. Let’s humble ourselves before God, praying for revival in our churches, families, and nation.…
I believe that Precious Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth guides us into all truth! I believe that because …we have a wonderful promise in John 16:13 says, “However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come.” Before I take you to what God is dealing with my heart about, I’d like to be your travel guide on a little rabbit trail. Don’t worry—ill get you back safely! I’m blessed to live in Florida, a state that’s known for its beautiful beaches, sunny weather, and endless fun activities. It seems like everyone wants to move here! Most of you are too young to know this, but in mid-1950s through 1971, if you were looking for a place to vacation in Florida, your travel guide would probably have pointed you to the famous Orange Blossom Trail. Among its attractions were The Singing Tower, Cypress Gardens, and Masterpiece Gardens. Masterpiece Gardens: A Popular Florida Gem Masterpiece Gardens was a gorgeous 38-acre showcase of towering, moss-covered oak trees and vibrant semi-tropical plants nestled along a peaceful river. It was a place where you could feed deer, watch alligators, and even enjoy a sky ride. But the real draw, the masterpiece itself, was its namesake—a breathtaking work of art that people from all over traveled to see. And believe me, it was worth the trip! Wayne and I were at Masterpiece Gardens recently when a couple approached us, excited to see the masterpiece they remembered from their childhood. They’d taken a detour off the main highway, driving down winding back roads, eager to relive their memories. Unfortunately, we had to break the news: the masterpiece was no longer there. The Mosaic Masterpiece: A Work of Art and Faith Curiosity got the best of me, so I did a little research. I want to tell you what I discovered and show you the real MasterPEACE.…
Have you ever felt like trusting God is a struggle? You’re not alone. I’ve been there too, wondering why things aren’t unfolding the way I expect them to, and sometimes, fear creeps in. King Asa’s Bold Faith in God There are moments when we want to trust, but it just feels so hard. This reminds me of the story of King Asa in Second Chronicles 15. Let me set the stage for you. Build your faith by hearing, reading and meditating on Scripture. It is so important to trust Him because there are so many benefits!…
Do you ever find yourself hesitating to pray for someone's healing, wondering, “ What if they don’t get healed ?” It’s a common concern, but let’s flip the script. Instead, ask yourself, “ What if they do get healed ?” We don’t stop sharing our faith even though not everyone we witness to gets saved. In the same way, we shouldn’t let doubt hold us back from praying for healing. I want to build your faith and confidence by digging deeper into Isaiah 53:5, connect it with 1 Peter 2:24, show you the why in Matthew 8: 16,17. A close look any of these 3 verses wouldn't be complete without taking you to Jehovah Rapha! Some of you pray through the redemptive names of God, so you're going to love this! It's a lot to cover, but it's worth the trip. I get pretty excited in this teaching! I strongly suggest that you listen or watch the audio or the video for this one!!!…
I am so thankful for the many times that I and my family have experienced biblical healing! I've been digging in God's Word and testimonies of modern-day healings, lately. That study has built my faith to see God's power demonstrated. In this post I want to share an inspiring story of a man that was healed because there is power in the name of Jesus. Smith Wigglesworth: A Vessel of Miracles God used Smith Wigglesworth in powerful ways to heal the sick. The miracles he witnessed were truly amazing. Whenever I picked up a book of his sermons, I was captivated from the very first page. One story, in particular, touched my heart deeply. It was the story of a church leader who had fallen gravely ill. I share that story in this podcast, but I also want to talk about other ways that people are healed biblically. I pray that your faith will be stirred to pray for healing and that you will experience physical or emotional as well. #biblicalhealing #healingbyfaith #prayerforthesick…
I have some great news for you. You can memorize God's Word even if you are horrible at memorization. I've struggled to memorize things, my whole life, however, it doesn't have to stop me from memorizing Scripture. Although it has been one of my excuses for not memorizing Bible verses. I'm discovering that I can't afford to miss the wonderful benefits that come from memorizing Scripture. Check out my website at https:///patriciaholland.org for more inspirational posts.…
Do you want more? I've got lots of inspiring stories at patriciaholland.org What do you do when you are facing difficult circumstances? How do you deal with hard places? I want to answer that question by begining with a look at an aurora borealis. Might sound strange, but I think you'll enjoy the stop when you understand the back story. Would you like to be strong in the Lord? You can be! And I'd like to encourage you on that journey! I'd like to give you send my free ebook "Stronger". All I need is your email address and I'll get that book and a weekly encouraging note off to you right away! Here's the link: https://patriciaholland.org/ Read More…
Do you want more? I've got lots of inspiring stories at patriciaholland.org Would you like to be strong in the Lord? You can be! And I'd like to encourage you on that journey! I'd like to give you send my free ebook "Stronger". All I need is your email address and I'll get that book and a weekly encouraging note off to you right away! Here's the link: https://patriciaholland.org/…
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Communion Do you ever feel too forgetful? That's a terrible question. Don't answer it! Let me tell you how my mom solved that question for me. I was so afraid that I would forget! When I complained to my mother, she sent me to the closet to get some ribbon. When I brought it back, she cut a piece and handed it to me with the instruction, “Tie it around your finger. Now you will remember! because every time you see the ribbon you’ll be reminded that Mildred has a birthday party at 3:00 on Saturday.” My mother, was right. I remembered. I didn’t let her forget either because I needed her to take me to the party. The Israelites NEEDED to REMEMBER God knows how forgetful we can be. Just like my mom God had a strategy to help them remember. God was going to deliver His people from slavery. In Exodus 12 God laid out His strategy that would lead to their deliverance. God’s final plague was about to be released. The precious heir, the oldest son in every family would die throughout Egypt. Even the animals were included in this horrendous plague. God assigned the Israelites a duty that would ensure His protection and exemption from the plague. God told them to… Kill a lamb. Take the blood. Paint the doorposts, top and sides! You will be safe in the midst of the plague. This plague was the pivotal event that freed them from slavery. It would change their identity and distinguish them as God’s chosen people. They needed to REMEMBER God’s faithfulness. So, before the plague ever happened, God told Moses and Aaron so you won’t forget, you must celebrate this miracle every year. God had the annual celebration of Passover all planned before it even happened! A celebration that at its innermost core was a memorial to the goodness and faithfulness of God. God had a covenant with these people, with this nation. Hundreds of years later. It was at a Passover celebration that we spot the perfect lamb…the lamb of God, Jesus. He was about to fulfill the plan of God. He was about to do what no animal sacrifice could ever do. He was about to pay the full price of sin. He was going to do more than redeem a nation. Jesus came to be the Savior of the World. He was about to make a way that anyone and everyone could be forgiven, cleansed from all sin and born into God’s family. A sense of belonging that would help them experience a new identity. A relationship with God. Peace. Love. Joy. A new covenant. And like God declared “Remember” at the Passover in Egypt, Jesus, knowing that He was about to pay the ultimate price, said “Remember”. This is important…it wasn’t what they expected to hear. Jesus was telling them, “From now on, when you celebrate this event…I want you to remember me!” Me? What? This was the Passover. They were to remember how God saved Israel from death and delivered them from bondage. Israel’s deliverance from Egypt was a prophetic picture of what Jesus would do at the cross for anyone that would believe on Him. We know the saying…”Out of sight. Out of mind.” Jesus was leaving them. Before He died, He set in place a memorial, a celebration to remember Jesus! Let me show you what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11. 23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, (Sorry to interrupt. Jesus knew what was about to happen to Him. Did it show in His voice? Did He speak slowly for impact? Did He stop at the end of each phrase so the gravity of what He was saying could sink into their hearts? OK. Here’s what He said.) “This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” The New Covenant Berean Standard Bible 1 Peter 2:24 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. “By His stripes you are healed.” Forgiveness. Redemption. New Birth. Peace. Healing. Wholeness. Body. Soul. Spirit. Through Jesus! One more thought. We call it communion at my church. It’s not snack time. It’s more than a symbol. While the activity is symbolic, it is so much more than a symbol that calls us to remember the past. Yes, remember, REMEMBER what He did so you can walk in newness of life right now-today. So, you can experience His love, grace, peace and power. An invitation to come close, to experience a deep level of spiritual fellowship. Do we do that? Do we even really understand what that means? Sunday’s communion stirred something in my heart. I want to know what it is to really commune, fellowship, experience Him at a deeper level. He also gave a prophetic promise. He won’t drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes!…
Check out my website at https:///patriciaholland.org for more inspirational posts. I'm so excited about the story that I have to tell you today. This story happened about 115 years ago, but it has a direct effect on my life. I even have a couple of options for you! Video It is NOT perfect...ahh! So frustrating!! Audio link I want to tell you about Lillie Corum. She lived in Springfield, Missouri. She was a mom with four kids, and she lived in a white clapboard house. Back Story But now, here's the back story that's really important to help you fill in the details of how she could make such a good decision when she did. Her sister Rachel Sizelove was baptized with the Holy Spirit in the Azusa Street revival in July of 1906. In her heart, she really felt like she needed to go to the Midwest to talk to her siblings and her mom and share with them what God had done in her life. She wanted to tell them about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that she had experienced. She arrived at Lillie Corum's house the last part of May of 1907. Little Fred, (Lillie's son) was just a little bitty fella, but from behind his mother's apron, he tells his story of seeing Aunt Rachel. He said that when she walked in the door, it was like her face was just all lit up. She seemed all aglow. She had her hands up in the air and she was praying in her heavenly language. The family ushered Aunt Rachel into the parlor, where they gathered around and listened to her powerful stories. The whole time she was there, she couldn't hardly talk about anything else. She had so many stories and so many testimonies of what the Holy Spirit was doing in that revival. Rachel tried to explain to her family that the presence of God was so real. She could hear God clearer than she had ever heard him before, and that the voices of the world just seem more distant than they had ever been before too. June 1st, 1907 Lillie Corum grew hungry to be filled with the Holy Spirit. In one of their all-night prayer meetings, in the wee hours of the morning, Lillie was baptized with the Holy Spirit. She was so excited. She just wanted to tell everybody. She was just like Rachel. Rachel didn't stay long. She went on back to California. Lillie began telling her neighbors, and they begin getting filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Azusa Street Revival was life changing. If you know about the Azusa Street revival, then you've probably heard about the miracles that took place and about the radical healings. You've probably read about the amazing transformations in people's lives when they got saved. It was absolutely phenomenal what God was doing. God was working and moving in the Springfield group of believers too. The numbers grew, so they began looking for a building. After a long period of time and a lot of problems, they were able to rent a building. Hungry people came. The testimonies of what God was doing stirred a spiritual hunger in people's hearts. These people came to be filled. Curious people that showed up. They wanted to see for themselves exactly what was happening and what was going on inside the church. The Rowdies came too! But, there was another group that showed up, and this group was what they called the Rowdies. These folks really didn't typically come inside the service, but you knew they were outside. They came to harass and annoy the believers. Sometimes the crowd outside was bigger than the crowd inside where the people were seeking God. The rowdies made their presence known by making all kinds of racket. They would stand in the window and holler while the service was going on. They would bang on the on the walls of the building. They would cut the reins on their horse's bridles. Remember, this was 1907, many of the people's only transportation was a horse. One night, Sister Lula France from Joplin was preaching when one of these rowdies came in. This little fella came running down the center aisle holding an egg. He threw that egg and it hit the pulpit. When it hit the pulpit, it splattered. That egg went everywhere. It got on the preacher. It got all over that pulpit. It was on all the people down front. It went everywhere. The boy stood there gloating, enjoying the moment. The mess. The confusion. He's laughing. He's loving every minute of what he's seeing. Mrs. Lillie Corum goes over to the boy. She points her finger in his face and said, "you threw that egg!". He stood his ground as he replies sarcastically, What of it? She said, I'm going to pray for you. I'm going to pray that you won't be able to sleep at night until you give your heart to Jesus. I'm going to pray that God will make you a preacher and that you'll be a soul winner. And God will use you in mighty ways. And she did pray. She didn't talk about praying...she prayed. Many years passed. She was in church when a nice-looking young man greeted her, "Hello, Mrs. Corum, do you remember me?" She looked at him first one way and then the other, then answered, "I don't think I know you." To that he replied, "Mrs. Corum, I'm the one that threw the egg." Then he began to cry, "I couldn't sleep nights after that happened. As I lay there awake, I would pray. Then I began to seek God. I got saved." And he says, "I'm up here going to Bible college now. I'm going to be a preacher." That young man's name was Phineas Jennings Dake. And when I heard his name I thought I recognized it. I got my favorite study Bible. I went to the first page and there was the name I'd just heard. Phineas Jennings Dake! He was the author and the organizer of the study features of my precious study Bible. All the lists, I loved the lists!!! It made me go back and reread the verse sure enough, he had listed things in the verse that I had missed. He had cross references, that make me go back and forth all over my Bible. I love technology and I do so much study online, but there was nothing like that back then. And there are things in my Dakes Annotated Reference Bible that aren't found in the reference books I've found online! I can't begin to tell you what the Dake's Reference Bible has meant to me. It was a big, expensive Bible. Using that Bible taught me how to dig, to digest, to think and rethink about what I was reading. My Dakes Annotated Bible has shaped me and my life and my beliefs. It has been an inspiration to me again and again. I made the connection to explain how Mrs. Lillie's decision impacted my life. But in the heat of that moment how did she make such a life changing decision? It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that Lillie Corum responded like she did. Yes, she pointed out the wrong he was doing, but she also prayed for him. She prayed for him. But,I can't help but wonder if things would be different if instead of only seeing the bad that people do, we would pray for them. If we PRAYED, really prayed for them, would things be different? When we hear bad news, when we see people behave in ways that break our heart, AND it should break our heart! It should break our heart BIG enough that we go to God! Big enough that we pray for them to be born again and that they would encounter God in a powerful way. I am convinced that Lillie Corum's prayers and the way she spoke into that rowdy boy's destiny is a factor that made it possible for me to have an Annotated Bible. A Bible that taught me how to study Scripture. I will always be thankful for the gift she gave me when she prayed. I didn't even know to BE thankful for Mrs. Lillie Corum until a few weeks ago! But I can tell you...I am thankful!!!…
The war was over and Corrie ten boom was back in Germany. She was there to speak to some young people about the riches that we have in Christ Jesus. I wish there was a recording of that teaching! In her book of stories called “Amazing Love”, she explains that although Germans are very reserved, she invited her audience to stay for a discussion after the meeting. It took a lot of courage for seven young people to stay. One of them spoke up and said, I'm an atheist. You do what you do with Jesus. I do it without Him, and I do it at least as well as you. Then, he began to talk about his successes that he had been able to accomplish in his own strength. Wise enough to pray. Corrie ten Boom didn’t want to argue or debate with anyone, so she prayed silently. Then she responded, “If the time should come in your life when you can no longer go on in your own strength, then remember and think about what you've heard this evening.” Another young man spoke up “Oh, for me, the Bible is the inventory record of all that I possess in Him. I followed Hitler with all my heart and soul. But God intervened in my life and took everything away from me. I was a prisoner, and one of my comrades read the Bible with me every day when we were in prison camp. It was then that I came to know Jesus.” Then everybody was ready to talk. They began to talk about the troubles they had seen and what they were going through. One young man said,” I am so unfaithful. I want to believe, but my faith wavers. And now that you've told me all these wonderful things, I feel certain again. But what about tomorrow? What if I waver tomorrow? What if my faith is not strong tomorrow? Corrie ten boom explained with an illustration. “I was a watchmaker by trade. Sometimes we got watches that didn't keep good time. There were some things I could repair myself, but there were some things that I just had to send back to the manufacture. When the manufacture repaired them, they ran perfect again. That's what I do with my faith, Corey explained. If there's something wrong with my faith, I just send it back to the heavenly manufacturer. When he repairs it, it works right again. I'm so thankful that Hebrews 12:2 doesn’t tell us to look to our own faith? Corrie continued, “If it did, I might say my faith is great and that would be pride. The victory would be the devil's because spiritual pride is very destructive.” Or maybe I would say, “Oh, my faith doesn't amount to anything. It doesn't do anything for me. And that's defeatism. That's a victory for the devil, too" . Hudson Taylor once said, “We do not need a great faith, but faith in a great God!” Hebrews 12:2a BSB "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,..) Fill your heart with the Word of God. Renew and strengthen your faith in a great God that does what He says He will do when we choose to believe Him instead of circumstances!…
Isaiah 61:3 shows us a dynamic picture of Jesus the Joy Bringer comforting the mourer. to console the mourners in Zion— to give them a crown of beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and a garment of praise for a spirit of despair. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. There are many reasons people grieve, but Jesus brings beauty out of ashes!…
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Player FM đang quét trang web để tìm các podcast chất lượng cao cho bạn thưởng thức ngay bây giờ. Đây là ứng dụng podcast tốt nhất và hoạt động trên Android, iPhone và web. Đăng ký để đồng bộ các theo dõi trên tất cả thiết bị.
Tham gia ứng dụng podcast tốt nhất thế giới để quản lý các chương trình yêu thích của bạn trực tuyến và nghe ngoại tuyến trên ứng dụng Android và iOS. Nó miễn phí và dễ sử dụng!