1x04 | HIROMI YOSHIDA: The Challenges of the Basque Language
Manage episode 452046994 series 3606154
Hiromi Yoshida learned Basque before ever stepping into the Basque Country, three decades ago. Since then, she has frequently visited us. We met the linguist and Basque language teacher in Azpeitia, a town she particularly loves. In fact, she wrote her thesis on the local dialect and translated Bernart Etxepare’s Linguae Vasconum Primitiae, the first book written in Basque, into Japanese.
Yoshida highlights the dialects and the dynamic nature of the Basque language, but she is concerned about its health, as it is not easy for minority languages to survive in a globalised world. In this episode of the Basque. Podcast, we will closely explore the journey of this Japanese researcher from the moment she fell in love with the Basque language to the present day.
Euskal Herrian sekula izan gabe ikasi zuen euskara, duela hiru hamarkada, eta orduz geroztik maiz etorri da. Hiromi Yoshida hizkuntzalari eta euskara irakaslearekin elkartu gara Azpeitian, bereziki maite duen herrian. Izan ere, bertako euskalkiari buruz egin zuen tesia, eta japonierara itzuli zuen Bernart Etxepareren Linguae Vasconum Primitiae liburua, euskaraz idatzitako lehena.
Euskalkiak eta gure hizkuntzaren dinamikotasuna nabarmentzen ditu Yoshidak, baina kezkatuta dago euskararen osasunarekin, ez baita erraza hizkuntza gutxituentzat mundu globalizatuan bizirautea. Basque. podcastaren atal honetan, gertutik ezagutuko dugu ikertzaile japoniarraren ibilbidea, euskararekin maitemindu zenetik gaurdaino.
This podcast is produced by Ulu Media for Etxepare Basque Institute:
- Director: Oier Aranzabal
- Translation: Diana Draper
- Sound Design: Oier Aranzabal
- Sound mixed at Ulu Studio
- Producer: Cristina Tapia Huici
You can also explore more stories about Basque culture and creativity on our websites www.basqueculture.eus and www.etxepare.eus.
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