Ep. 9 - Small Steps to Create Radical Change- The Kaizen Effect
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In today’s episode, Diana and Marc focus on Kaizen, the simple but powerful concept that can empower your firm to grow continuously without committing to large changes. The concept is detailed in The Spirit of Kaizen by Rober Maurer. Kaizen is a favorite concept of Marc Whitehead, and he employs it regularly in the firm. Learn how Kaizen can be a small but game-changing addition to your firm’s strategy.
For detailed show notes, navigate using the time stamps below:
[1:20] Today’s podcast is about the concept of Kaizen. Kaizen is the idea of continual improvement through small and persistent step. It came from an American consultant in the Japanese auto industry who introduced the idea of continual improvement that eventually leads to big change.
[3:24] Marc’s favorite saying in the office is “we’re going to Kaizen the shit out of this.” One of the firm’s core values is excellence, and excellence to Marc means pursuing continual improvement.
[5:09] People are naturally opposed to change, so small changes over time are easier for people to deal with than larger changes. This makes them more effective over time.
[9:44] There are five perspectives to Kaizen. The first is the psychological perspective, which involves overcoming the fear of change using small actions. Taking small steps helps bypass the brain’s fear response.
[12:11] Marc Whitehead and Associates is currently testing different mediums during the onboarding process, including visual media for easy access to information. This is a minor change that is contributing to a big difference.
[13:55] Small changes are also a good safeguard against unintended consequences of bad decisions. They also safeguard against people becoming attached to their decisions – people are less committed and thus less invested.
[14:49] The second perspective of Kaizen is the business management perspective. Continuous improvement promotes a culture of ongoing growth. Rather than relying on organizational restructuring, incremental changes allow businesses to make small changes, assess, and act based on the results.
[17:34] The third perspective is the personal development perspective. Kaizen provides a framework for self-improvement that can apply to your health, work, and relationships.
[21:43] The fourth perspective is the perspective of innovation and creativity. Small manageable questions involved in Kaizen stimulate the brain without overwhelming it. This allows you to bring out the best ideas from your staff instead of stifling them.
[24:12] The final perspective the book offers is the cultural perspective. Marc finds this concept to be a bit “squishy,” but it refers to Kaizen’s benefits as a mindset. Kaizen encourages mindfulness and focus, which can be beneficial to your productivity. Kaizen allows you to step out of the whirlwind and see the big picture.
[28:30] Consistency is key to success, and consistency is built into the concept of Kaizen. As Miley Cyrus says, “it’s the climb.” Changing your mindset to focus on daily attainable tasks can allow you to overcome big challenges.
[33:55] The Spirit of Kaizen by Rober Maurer looks at success as a sequence that is built up over time. It also encourages readers to build in small rewards to grow momentum.
[37:09] Marc and Diana recommend listeners read The Spirit of Kaizen as well as The Compound Effect and The Slight Edge – all of these books are short reads that cover similar ground. If you want to discuss the books or the podcast, reach out at marc@carcwhitehead.com
Visit the Successful Barrister website: https://www.successfulbarrister.com/
Visit the Marc Whitehead & Associates website: https://disabilitydenials.com/
Buy The Spirit of Kaizen by Rober Maurer: https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Kaizen-Creating-Lasting-Excellence-ebook/dp/B009Q0CQMA
Listen to The Spirit of Kaizen by Rober Maurer: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Spirit-of-Kaizen-Audiobook/B009R8XQ7K
Buy The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+compound+effect&hvadid=409929688930&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9008455&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12077442470786840554&hvtargid=kwd-20018472067&hydadcr=22538_11318432&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_5a8ygfnne1_e
Listen to The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Compound-Effect-Audiobook/1982648066?source_code=GO1PP30DTRIAL54704252491HA&ds_rl=1261256&gclid=CjwKCAjw_4S3BhAAEiwA_64YhgKbk9Ba0T2dnjyl_GzihOcXXLJavesFNpn59Aw4i0HuDXloHdTjkBoCZPcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Buy The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson and David Mann: https://www.amazon.com/Slight-Edge-Turning-Disciplines-Happiness/dp/1626340463
Listen to The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson and David Mann:
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