Episode 400 - Scavengy Energy
Manage episode 454147882 series 3170165
This Week on The Casual Hour…
We’ve got one final preview for the year of 2024. Are there any sweet treats under the tree or is it coal all the way down? Tune in and find out. Also Bobby and Chase have been cramming for GOTY with Metaphor, Dragon Age, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Arco and more. Will any of these late entries make our lists? All that on this edition of The Casual Hour!
// T W I T C H
M W F @ 9 PM CST
// S U B S C R I B E
We post Quick Looks and VOD from previous streams weekly!
// F O L L O W
One link to rule them all: www.thecasualhour.com
// T H E C A S U A L H O U R
Bobby Pease - https://linktr.ee/bob_omby
Chase Koeneke - http://Linktr.ee/chase_koeneke
// M U S I C
Love our theme music? It was created by Patric Brown. You can follow his antics on Twitter @insaneanalog or check out more of his music and download our theme at www.insaneanalog.com
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