Episode 9: Political Idolatry and Religious Confusion
Manage episode 403798358 series 3555080
Political idols: Have you made the Blue or Red party your idol? Do you follow them blindly?
The Lord is giving us a heart check on idolatry. Do you idolize politicians? Is your favorite artist an idol to you? Is shopping your idol? Is toxic culture your idol? What are you bowing down to in your life that has you out of alignment? Is it a religion?
I was born into the Blue party and into Catholicism and I had to get from under those alters in my life.
Jesus didn’t come for a religion. He came for a direct relationship with each and every one of us. He loves us. He literally died for us. Religion confines our minds… get in your Bible and your mind will be renewed and you will see differently. I mean the world literally changes around you and once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
Open your mind and join me on this journey of Faith in Politics. Let’s knock a devil out together. Tell the truth, shame the devil.
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