Topic: The Genius Zone: Work At Home Mom Overwhelm I invite you to join me on a journey of inspired self-discovery, join me and learn how to stop living in your fears & learn how to have courage. Get on the wait list for the most empowering movement you will ever join. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P R O D U C T - A F F I L I A T E - L I N K S By clicking these links and buying the products you are helping to support my channel The Genius Zone and there are no additional costs to you. I appreciate any support! :) Shop Branded Gear Best Books for Entrepreneurs Think and Grow Rich The Law of Success How to Stop Worrying and Start Living The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Ego Is the Enemy Before Happiness -------------------------------------------------------------------------- S H O R T - V I D E O - D E S C R I P T I O N Welcome to the Genius Zone where I give you business tips, tricks, and hacks in three minutes. I invite you to join me on a journey of inspired self-discovery, join me and learn how to stop living in your fears & learn how to have courage. Get on the wait list for the most empowering movement you will ever join. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- L E T’ S - C O N N E C T ! W E B S I T E visit P I N T E R E S T Instagram F A C E B O O K I N S T A G R A M --------------------------------------------------------------------- V I D E O - O V E R V I E W --- What if you knew how to have more courage? What if you just somehow knew that things would turn out okay? Or that, quitting your job wouldn't be so bad? That your goal of starting your own business was actually possible? That all of the anxieties and emotions that go along with facing your fears were only temporary and end the end they would leave you with one thing, courage. That having that courage would lead you to do bigger, better, bolder, braver, more amazing things? Think about it, the excitement of chasing your dream, the freedom of owning your own company, the satisfaction of seeing your product being sold to millions, or does that thought terrify you? Living a life doing what you want to do every day, instead of spending your life working for someone who doesn't appreciate your efforts? Making them money, giving them freedom, giving them the ability to live their dreams, while you work until your old enough to retire. Then what? You spend the next 20 years trying to regain the youth you lost, you have freedom, but you're too old and sick to enjoy it? That's no way to live, as a slave to someone else's dream. Here's what Dale Carnegie said about fear and courage, "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it." I invite you to join me on a journey of inspired self-discovery, join me and learn how to stop living in your fears & learn how to have courage. Get on the wait list for the most empowering movement you will ever join. ---------------------------------------------------------- The Genius Zone: Work At Home Mom Overwhelm…