Join friends Carmen Thorley and Audrey Stratton every other Tuesday as they talk about their favorite things, sometimes dropping important knowledge... but most of the time goofing around. Cover art by Jordan Stewart:
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Final episode of Bob's Burgers and Conflict: Bringing it all together!Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Episode 4 of 5 of Bob's Burgers and Conflict: Conflict StylesBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Episode 3 of 5 of Bob's Burgers and Conflict: PowerBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Episode 2 of 5 of Bob's Burger's and Conflict: EmotionsBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Episode 1 of 5 in the miniseries Bob's Burger's and Conflict: Interests and GoalsBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Did you teach Audrey's Communication in Pop Culture Class? No? Than this version of this episode isn't for you. See those references on the bottom? They're there for exactly ONE person, and you know who you are. If you are not that person, go check out the directors cut version instead. We have FUN over there.Abad-Santos, A. (2017, June 9). How the…
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This is the FULL, RIDLEY-SCOTT DIRECTORS CUT-STYLE version of our Horror Movies episode. TBH mostly you're just gonna hear several minutes of us listing horror movies. Aren't you glad you paid for the steelbook version of this?Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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What, you thought that just because Carmen graduated and Audrey is on summer vacation they WOULDN'T talk about stuff they've studied in school? My dude, you are SO WRONG. And hey - wear a mask, mmkay?Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Board the catbus and join us on part TWO of our discussion of Studio Ghibli! We talk about which films have the best and worst Rotten Tomato scores (spoiler alert: one of them has a 100% and it's SO GOOD please seek it out!), the merit of including some maybe-incest romance in a film, and fumble through the impossible task of ranking our favorites.…
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Let's once again travel to the before times and imagine that we live in a world where we are allowed to sit right next to our friends and talk about our favorite animation studio. Granted, Carmen and Audrey don't actually sit in even the same building when they record in normal times, but we give you full permission to pretend that they are sitting…
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Hey remember in the BEFORE TIMES when all was well and we didn't have to bring up the whole pandemic thing every time we talked to another human being? Well that's when we recorded this, with the intention to hold on to it for a few weeks while we built up a buffer of episodes. Then the world started burning down and a few weeks turned into a coupl…
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Let's take a breather, shall we? This week our two (very audibly) tired hosts meander through a few of our favorite things that won't take up a full episode, including a spider, doughnuts, public transportation, and some listener submissions!Lucas the Spider Parent – “Replay”…
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Boogers and Bad Drivers #2 - Harry Potter
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1:50:35YOU THOUGHT WE WERE DONE TALKING ABOUT HARRY POTTER, DIDN'T YOU?! Oh, you were so, so wrong. In part THREE of our exploration into Harry Potter, we talk about all of the things in the franchise that we just. Can't. Stand. (This is the last one, we promise.)Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 27 - Harry Potter, Part Two
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1:14:25We continue on our magical journey through the world of Harry Potter as we discuss books 5-7, fandom, merchandise, and other Harry Potter-related things.Pottermore: Puppet Pals, "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" People, Dear Reader…
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KWAK Ep 26 - Harry Potter, part 1
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1:20:41We know it's probably been a whole week since you've had "Hedwig's Theme" stuck in your head, so we're here to fix that and get you thinking about Harry Potter for AT LEAST the next month or so. Mary Jane Moore joins us this week as we talk about our growing up with Harry Potter and what we like about the first half of the series. Yer a wizard, lis…
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We love you YEAH, YEAH YEAH! And we're fairly certain that's not a bad thing. I know we're glad you're listening! This week Lexi Ramirez joins us to talk about her favorite band, The Beatles, and schools us on some old-school rock and roll. Find out who the fifth Beatle was, who funded a Monty Python film by mortgaging his own house, and how much t…
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Happy Birthday to us! To celebrate our (belated) birthday, we're going to talk about people who are funnier than we are! Like, way funnier. Suuuuuper funny compared to us. Confuse-A-Cat Slapping Dance Inquisition…
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KWAK Ep 23 - Poetry Part Two: 19th Century to Now
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1:10:57We wrap up our month-long journey into poetry by talking about our favorite poets from the last couple of centuries. Poets Mentioned/featured:Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" Rimbaud Said It: Kanye West or Oscar Wilde?https://www.buzzfee…
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A wild Bonus Episode has appeared!>Listen>Review>Share>All of the above because you're a wonderful human being in control of their own life!Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 22 - Poetry Part One: Ancient Epics to 18th Century
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1:30:36We're putting on our powdered wigs and getting ready for high tea this week as we talk about early poetry! Works referenced:The Chimney Sweeper, by William Blake on a Grecian Urn, by John Keats…
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We here at Kitten Whiskers and Kanye love our mothers and all mother figures in our lives, so we invited our own moms on to talk about what it's like to raise tiny human beings (hint: it's not easy.) Join us as we talk about embarrassing stories from our younger years, some of our favorite fictional moms, and what it's like raising kids in the age …
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Musician Michael Radford joins us today to talk about Sufjan Stevens. Gotta be honest here, folks - there were probably as many tears as there were laughs this time around (but in a good way.) Come cry with us, will you?Tracks Featured in this episode:Satan's Saxophones from A Sun CameThe Year of the Rat from Enjoy Your RabbitCome On! Feel the Illi…
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If regular episodes are like your favorite Glade Plug-In scent, then this episode is like throwing a whole bunch of those smelly wax squares on a candle warmer, which may not smell good but we'll probably sound good? This metaphor got away from me pretty quickly.Featuring: Everyone's favorite analrapist; the real reason Audrey can't buy a house; ga…
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KWAK Ep 18 - The Marvel Cinematic Universe
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1:17:46Step aside, Feige, I got this - the State of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Address. Maybe you're a relatively new fan that needs a bit of direction on where to start, or maybe you're a longtime fan that's gotten so confused by the sheer amount of content available to consume that you've forgotten where you even are! No worries, whatever your needs …
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KWAK Ep 17 - The Academy Awards
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1:06:33The lights! The beautiful people! The red carpet! It's all happeni- oh, the Academy Awards were a couple of weeks ago? Well, we're still going to talk about it like it's a relevant topic. Join us this week as we go over our favorite fashions, become put out over snubs that happened over a decade ago, and discuss the movie President Trump won an awa…
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This is it folks, the last episode of Kitten Whiskers and Kanye. Carmen spoils the topic less than five minutes in and RUINS the whole thing. Give it a listen, I GUESS, as guest speaker Mary Jane Moore talks about the most subversive anime ever created, One Punch Man. (Editor's note: this is neither the last episode, nor did Carmen ruin it.)Featuri…
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Oh, why hello, stranger! Long time no see! Come, take a seat and let's catch up. How have you been? Would you like to hear about King Arthur? Of course you do. Good news - we have a lot to say about the subject!Featuring: the most significant link between Marky Mark and Justin Timberlake; how many Shrek movies even are there; OUAT making Audrey so …
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KWAK Ep 14 - Role Playing Games
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1:01:31You and your party are looking for a new podcast to listen to, when you stumble upon... Kitten Whiskers and Kanye! What do you do?Listen, duh! Join Audrey and Carmen this week as they talk about the history of Role Playing Games and how it's slowly but surely managed to make its way into mainstream culture.…
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Busy Christmas week + a computer that's acting up = late episode... sorry about that, folks! Maybe you can ride that Christmas high with us for one more day?Featuring: too much talk about wrapping paper; death disk music; the color pink; vegetable loveBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Let's all be honest with ourselves, just because we're adults doesn't mean we don't still absolutely love cartoons. Carmen and Audrey talk this week about what they loved as kids and what they love now, as well as play a game that seems to have no rules laid down for them. Fun stuff!Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 11 - The Eruption of Mount Saint Helens
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1:05:18In our most explosive episode yet, our guest expert Hannah Peterson blows our minds with some earth-shattering facts about Mount Saint Helens! Join us as we learn about how it formed, why it erupted, and how incredibly stupid people can be when it comes to natural disasters.Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 10 - Greek Legends Part B - Popular Culture
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51:48This week we wrap up our talk about greek mythology and take a look at how much it influences popular culture! Featuring: snap, crackle, plosives; Zeus' jock jams; the one story even Audrey is afraid to talk about; how to pass the time when you're stuck in a Chinese airport for 14 hoursBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 9 - Greek Legends Part A - Storytelling
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1:10:10This week we talk about Greek myths and discover just how terribly petty and stupid everyone in our favorite stories actually seemed to be. Featuring: Just how Game of Thrones can it get?; punishment tally; greek high school social hierarchy; don't listen to your dad (if your name is Icarus).Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 8 - Outtakes and Deleted Scenes
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47:33We're forced to take a bit of a break from recording this week, so we humbly offer you a little look at some of the things that don't quite make it into the final cuts of the pod and ask that you bear with us while we get our act together. Featuring: Gravity Falls Burn; ALL the Beauty and the Beasts; a surprisingly heartfelt talk about literature; …
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I'm basic. You're basic. Let's all be basic together as we talk about not just accepting but embracing our White Girl Syndrome. Talking points: WGS PSA; layers upon layers; no seriously how did we get so far off track.Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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Boogers and Bad Drivers #1 - Disney's 1991 Beauty and the Beast
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1:26:31We're taking a break from our usual format of talking about things we love this week to instead talk about things that bother us, with this episode's focus being on Disney's animated Beauty and the Beast. Which one of our two heroines dislikes it, and why? Listen and find out!Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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In our fifth episode of the pod, we talk about movie score composers, and it's surprisingly... informational?! We couldn't believe it, either. Don't worry, there's still a few goofs in there.Featuring: Take a trip to the land of giants (please don't actually do that thing); Audrey argues against herself and wins (or loses?); the other on-screen mon…
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Whoops! Didn't mean to be a day late there. To make it up to you, we're going to talk about not one, not two, but SEVERAL favorite things! Welcome to our first Potpourri episode, where we talk about some of the little things we're excited about. Featuring: Julie Andrews sings Salt n Pepa; Double the Royce; The one true female bonding experience; an…
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You wanted to listen to us talk about food, right? And not just a certain kind of food, but ONE SPECIFIC dish? Great, we thought you did. Featuring: Marmaduke Constable; Apologies to all Canadian Catherines; Summer Camp DaresBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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KWAK Ep 2 - Non-Disney Fairy Tales
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1:15:07This week Audrey takes the lead and talks about fairy tales that Disney hasn't quite gotten around to animating, for whatever strange reason. Featuring: Approximate Jeopardy; WWHLD; It was Dopey all along; 18th century Saw franchise.Bởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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On the debut episode of Kitten Whiskers and Kanye, Carmen and Audrey talk about Kanye West. Featuring: Kanye is Ron Swanson (and also a bunny;) Carmen doesn't hate her parents; Rapper's BFF Lockets; autotune licenses; most delicious album; guest starring squeaky tableBởi Kitten Whiskers and Kanye
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