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Join us for one last, heartfelt episode with Mary Foley, who shares some of the year’s most touching and pivotal moments. This episode is filled with personal stories about her family, the laughs, the tears, and the unexpected twists that life threw her way. From the emotional roller-coaster of moving her mom into memory care to the poignant remind…
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In this episode, host Mary Foley opens up about the sudden and unexpected health issues her aging family members have faced, including her mother's bout with shingles and COVID-19, as well as her aunt's sudden passing. She reflects on the emotions, uncertainties, and ways in which she has found strength and comfort during these challenging times. H…
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On this episode, Mary Foley shares a heartwarming "Flip the Chip Moment" that's sure to lift your spirits. She tells the story of a mini-miracle moment involving her aging uncle and her mom, who's battling dementia. Despite the challenges they face, Mary and her family find a way to make her uncle's wish of visiting his parents' gravesite come true…
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In this episode, Mary Foley shares a hilarious and heartwarming story from her caregiving journey. She recounts the day her mother, who has dementia, came home with a mysterious pair of men's pants in her purse. Mary digs into possible scenarios, but also dives into the bigger life lessons this quirky incident holds. Key Takeaways: 1. Don't jump to…
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I'm back with another short story as a sidekick caregiver that I'm calling Flip the Chip Moments. Because as you know, chip happens on your nails and in your life. But instead of letting the chips keep you down, you can decide to "flip" a challenge or difficultly that’s wants to hold you back into something more positive that helps you more forward…
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I've decided to make a temporary change to my Live Like Your Nail Color Podcast where I talk with amazing midlife women. Because I need the time and energy to be present for my aging loved ones (including Mom with dementia and Uncle in hospice). Instead, I've decided to share stories (AKA Flip the Chip Moments) from my journey as a sidekick caregiv…
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When any chip happens in your life, where do you immediately turn? I bet it’s a gal pal, a female friend! That’s why today we’re exploring what we need from female friendships at midlife and how to create and nurture them. The opportunity to create rich female friendships at this point in life is greater than ever, if we are willing to try. I’ve in…
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In part 1 of this discussion, we talked about the common reasons why estrangement happens with an adult child and four things you can do starting today to put yourself on the path of reconnection. In part 2, Tina offers five specific things not to do if you have an estranged child, some real stories of reconciled relationships, and an unexpected ta…
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Parents whose adult children have cut them off often wonder: How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? What happened to my loving child? Over time, holidays, birthdays, and even the birth of a grandchild may all pass - in silence. But there is hope. Today’s gal pal is Tina Gilbertson. Tina is a Psychotherapist, Author, Estrangement Consultant, and…
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Today we are exploring when we find ourselves in the caregiver role of aging parents. I’m there as so many of you are, or will be. Honestly, I used to dread this whole thing, but I'm moving into seeing this as a beautiful time, though not easy. Even if you aren’t currently caregiving for aging parents, chances are you know a friend who is. So, list…
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Relationships are essential. Relationships help us get things done. And especially as women, our closest relationships have a tremendous impact on how we see ourselves and experience our everyday world. That’s why today I’m kicking off another mini-series called Women’s Essential Relationships. Together, we’re going to explore our relationships as …
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Quick question: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being amazing, how would you rate your personal financial well-being right now? Now imagine if that number were higher. How would that impact your personal resilience as the economy and stock market inevitably rises and falls? What kind of mindset around money would help kick doubts and fears about fund…
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Spring is in full swing, and time for another episode in the mini-series called Renew for Resilience. We’re talking about topics in your everyday life with the idea that if you and I consider this spring how we can renew these areas, we could boost our resilience to whatever may come our way. Because we’d be more prepared, strong, buoyant, durable,…
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What are your plans for the weekend? There are so many fun events, festivals, and activities that call us each spring to come out and play. As a cycling enthusiast, I could fill my entire calendar up with the number of group rides offered up to me on Facebook. But I’ve got a problem,and maybe you have the same problem. I’m not ready for any of them…
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Have you ever tried a particular diet like Whole 30, Keto, or one where you have to buy all your food from one company? And it worked. You felt better. For a while. But when you stopped the intensity, so did the benefits. And you’re in a funk again. That probably includes pretty much everyone listening right now. Today’s gal pal, Kelly Lutman, offe…
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Are you tired of chaos and clutter in your home? Do you ever wish someone would come in and make it go away? We have all answered “yes” to those questions because life is busy and seems to require a lot of stuff. But stuff can weigh us down and take up too much of our precious physical, mental, and emotional space. That is why spring cleaning is th…
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According to the Labor Department, 20% of adult women, that’s one in 5, spend time caring for an older relative. All while you’re working, running a business, involved with children and grandchildren, and trying to have a life. Maybe you, too? The good news is that there are people figuring out this whole thing way before me. In fact, my gal pal St…
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Are you willing to shake up the way you think, work, and lead? The relentless pace of business today is taking a serious toll on all of us. We might strive to be purpose-driven, impactful, and innovative, but we are often hijacked by never-ending to-do lists and constant crisis management. So, what is the solution? Unfortunately, it’s not as simple…
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Have you ever thought “I should be doing more”, “What if something bad happens?” or “I wonder what they will think of me?” These are thoughts of worry, regret, and comparison. And they set us up for feelings of anxiety and depression. But what if you could change your thoughts so you could change the way you feel? Today’s gal pal, Dr. Sherri Yoder,…
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In a world where it seems most people are just showing up and living with what happens, what does it mean to truly show up well for yourself, for others, and for what purpose? I bet you’ve heard the popular reframe “You can do hard things.” I think that’s repeated again and again because, when we are honest, we really don’t want to do hard things. …
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Love is a wonderful thing. And a hard thing. And sometimes a tricky thing, especially after you’ve been through a tough relationship, or you’ve lost a partner. And, as you may have noticed in a few past episodes, I mentioned that a few months ago Bill and I got married. People have been curious and asking me for details. So, I asked Bill if he’d be…
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What is the big deal about having better conversations, connections, and relationships? Pretty much everything! Last episode’s conversation with networking and communications expert, Patti DeNucci, author of More Than Just Talk: The Essential Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Enjoy Better Conversations, was so good that I decided to split it into two p…
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It’s been shown that positive, daily interactions with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and even people we encounter as we go about our days help us thrive personally and professionally. And yet, we live in an era where an increasing number of obstacles prevent us from communicating and conversing well, or at all with others. What can we do t…
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It’s a new year and maybe yours has started with exciting new possibilities and a feeling of fresh motivation. Or, maybe not. Maybe you’re moving through transition and change and it’s just not easy. Today’s gal pal, Lisa Tilstra, gets it. She knows firsthand that life's not easy, but it can be less difficult. I’m all for less difficult, bet you ar…
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Hey there, live like your nail color gals! The holidays have started here in the US and soon they will be in full swing with lots of people taking time off and slowing down to celebrate, exhale, and consider the new year ahead. In fact, I’m claricited about the holidays! That’s a new word my friend Kim Eley and I just made up. It’s the feeling of e…
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Hey there, live like your nail color gals! No matter what nail color you are wearing today – or none at all – I want to remind you that you ARE kind of a big deal. Last episode’s conversation with Erin King, international keynote speaker and author of You’re Kind of Big Deal: Level Up by Unlocking Your Audacity, was so good that I decided to divide…
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Women are often told that dreaming bigger and exuding confidence is the key to achieving professional success. While big dreams and confidence might get you started, they won’t fuel you throughout the marathon and over the finish line. Today’s gal pal says that in order to keep going through thick and thin, you need something more. International ke…
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In an October 2022 article by the American Psychological Association, “Americans are struggling with multiple external stressors that are out of their personal control, with 27% reporting that most days they are so stressed they cannot function… A majority of adults cited inflation (83%), violence and crime (75%), the current political climate (66%…
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Right now, you might be going through a tough time. Maybe it’s your health, your job, your relationships, your finances, your … fill-in-the-blank. My hope is that today’s episode will deeply encourage you not to give up. Keep chipping away at finding a way through to a better situation. It’s possible, even if there are moments that don’t feel that …
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Do you have an incessant urge to become more of who you truly are? To start a new chapter of life? Are you getting a quiet nudge to fulfill a dream? If so, then you are going to love today’s episode where you can start to envision your new you, your extraordinary life - and the path it takes to get there. Today’s gal pal, Linda Hogan is the author …
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When your nail color chips, it’s a bummer, right? But did you ever consider that a chipped nail is also cheering you on to build your resilience by reminding you that with a touch-up or change-up you’re good to go again? When chip happens in your career, business, or life, it’s not that simple. But, there is a path to a comeback and becoming more r…
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Are you feeling a little “meh” right now? Meaning, you are living day to day feeling mediocre, and not overly enthused about anything. Do you feel you are living below your potential and often feel like something is missing from your life? But, you can’t put your finger on it. Today’s gal pal, Kari Schwear, will help you put your finger on it, you …
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How open are you to change? Whether your instinct is to embrace change or to run from it, your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change. Is there a framework that is easy to remember and that allows us to move through change so it can be more exciting and less overwhelming? Today’s gal pal, Karen McCullough, has a framework forge…
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Did you know that when you dare to try a wild nail color or cool design that you are embracing that life is an adventure? It’s an easy, fun way to get outside our comfort zone and see that it’s not as scary out there as we make it. What if you lived in that mindset zone all the time? What difference would that make to how you responded to everyday …
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Here’s the truth. Life is hard. You may get severely ill, you might lose a job, a loved one deeply disappoints you, or something else that’s difficult, even life-changing. Chuck Swindoll said, “We are all faced with a series of amazing opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” I love how he flipped the chip on tough times. That…
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Do you need to be right to be happy, but you aren’t happy? Are there areas of your life that really bother you yet, you can’t seem to get past them? Today’s gal pal, Vickie Griffith says it’s likely a story you started telling yourself long ago you may not be consciously aware of. It is based on an event that happened, but you added a lot of extra …
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What nail color are you wearing right now? I’m asking because with so many things swirling in our world, it’s easy to feel thrown off, unsteady, and confused. It’s easy to forget who you really are and how you want to grow. Something as simple as your nail color is ready to help you remember who you are, want you want, and cheer you on. And I have …
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Are you in a crisis right now? Are you finding it hard to find joy in the middle of hard places? As today’s gal pal, Jill Baughan, says “Your life may be far from perfect. Your joy may seem like it’s gone underground. If so, it’s high time for a resurrection.” That resurrection can start for a few minutes each week by listening to her oh-so delight…
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Do you have a dream or desire to do something new? Something that keeps tugging at you, that keeps calling your name, that stirs your excitement just thinking about it? Maybe, it’s something big like a new career or business direction, or an exotic travel adventure. Or perhaps, it’s something a little less intense like learning to knit or taking gl…
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Feeling a little lackluster right now? Maybe it’s not just that your fingers or toes need some new polish. Maybe it’s you, too! Then you’re in the right place because my gal pal today has a practical approach to getting your shine back. We’re not just talking about feeling re-energized, we’re also talking about releasing your talent like a light to…
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What’s your story for 2022? It has been said that you are the story you tell yourself about yourself, whether that story is about the past, present, or future. That’s why the famous statement by Henry Ford rings true. He said, “Whether you think you can or, you think you can’t – you’re right.” So, what is the story you want to be true about the res…
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Are you currently a caregiver for an aging parent or loved one? If so, you will especially appreciate today’s episode. If not, there’s something here for you, too. Because even though today’s gal pal has an amazing story about caring for her Mom at the end of her life, it’s what she did with that story, that chip happening kind of experience, that’…
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Consider what life would feel like if you became more failure resilient. What might that do for relationships, businesses, careers, or yourself? If you knew how to flip the chip of failure, what would you go after right now? What new experience or adventure would you pursue? Give that some real thought because today’s gal pal is going to share a pr…
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Did you get a good night’s sleep last night? 46% of women say they have a problem sleeping almost every night. 70 million people suffer from sleep disorders in America. Women are more prone to a bad night’s sleep or insomnia than men. And, let’s face it, these last few years with so much happening in and around our lives, there’s a lot to lose slee…
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It’s inevitable, chip happens on your nails and in your life. When chip happens, it's easy to dwell on what happened and feel down. If you’ve listened to this podcast for at least a few episodes you know I keep encouraging you to try a new color to cheer you on because it’s a simple way to shift your energy and redirect your thinking – when chip ha…
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What makes a strong woman strong? I love listening to women’s stories about their lives to find the jewels to answer that question. And you know one thing I hear again and again? It’s that no matter how strong these women seem today, they all, I mean ALL, went through a really tough time. But they didn’t stay stuck in that tough time. At some point…
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Do you find it too easy to say YES to an invitation to an event, or a request to help, or someone who says they desperately need to talk with you? Maybe because you never want to let anyone down yet, you feel overwhelmed, overbooked, and downright pooped? Today, we explore the YES or NO of everyday decisions that massively impact our lives, though …
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Have you made a big decision in your career, business, or life in the last two years? Are you about to make another one? What if an important decision is about to arrive at your doorstep? Dang, this pandemic party has made good decision-making an essential life skill. Simply making a nail color decision when you see a color wall of options sharpens…
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When you think of joy, what comes to mind? Anything in the last two years? You might be thinking, joy, how about oh boy instead! Today’s gal pal Yolanda started the pandemic party like the rest of us feeling “oh boy, this stinks, this is hard” and through her own circumstances and journey, she learned to find a new level of joy. If that is not livi…
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Have the recent storms of life dredged up old ways of thinking or behaviors that no longer work for you? Imagine living and leading a life by design, rather than default. Wouldn't that feel awesome? Today's gal pal, Jennifer Ledet believes we all have too much opportunity to not go for it. Starting with a few powerful choices, we can live more inte…
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