A very British podcast about very British films with an occasional hint of professionalism.
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A stroll through the rich and fascinating folklore of Britain and Ireland. From music, to psychogeography, to what to do if you notice the devil following you to church. It's a long, strange trip and there are no guarantees you'll be home in time for dinner. Each episode also includes a mini-almanac for the month ahead. If you enjoy this show, feel free to buy me a coffee https://bit.ly/2SWoNqH Music by @big.big.sky | Additional artists referenced in each episode | Logo design James Fisher
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Pod Britannia er en podkast om britisk politikk, kultur og samfunnsliv. Den utkommer annenhver fredag og setter søkelys på aktuelle tema fra Storbritannia. Pod Britannia ledes av journalist Trine Andersen, Erik Mustad, førstelektor i engelsk ved Universitet i Agder og Øivind Bratberg, førstelektor i statsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo.
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A British DnD 5e comedy podcast from 6 Brits, with little to no experience in dungeons or dragons. Join James (the DM), Tom (Keth Frostiron), Chip (Jeff Silverbow), Paul (Malrus Tosscobble), Alex (Derek Normalbeard) and Sophie (River) on their pirate adventure, as they explore the world of Dungeons and Dragons (but badly). NEW EPISODES WEEKLY | JOIN OUR PATREON - http://www.patreon.com/rollbritannia | BUY TICKETS TO ROLL BRITANNIA LIVE SHOW - aegp.uk/rollbritannia | MERCH SHOP - http://www.r ...
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Extraordinary Stories of Britain is a history podcast packed with fun and informative tales from our island’s long and storied past. Visiting little-known corners of British history, shedding new light on familiar faces, uncovering unusual - and sometimes bizarre - facts along the way, this is the podcast for anglophiles, history buffs, and anyone interested in finding out more about the UK. From killer queens to grime and punishment, from medieval medicine to celebrity cats, from secret sew ...
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Welcome to The Small Business Britain Podcast! We launching Series 3 to coincide with the General Election 2024. Join us to talk all things small business, manifestos, policy, and meet some special guests along the way
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Britannia è il podcast sulla Premier League che vi tiene aggiornati abbastanza da potervi bullare con gli amici. A raccontarvi cosa succede nel mondo di oltremanica sono le voci di Alessandro Giura, Federico Sborchia e Nicola Lozupone Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/britanniapod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/britanniapodcast Sottofondo: Chasing the Dragons - Joel Cummins, Kris Myers, Andy Farag, fornitaci da Gregorio Parisi
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A show from the West End of London, England about pubs, writers, attractions, theatre and a bohemian lifestyle. Includes Best Bohemian Boozers, sometimes. The Edinburgh Festival and occasional Theatre reviews. And how to get life wrong, often.
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A fans show looking at the Phillies week by week from across the Pond. Reviewing a week in the Phillies, letting you have your say from Twitter and Facebook, competitions, fun interviews and plenty more!
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EncicloTedia Británica es un podcast sobre cultura británica, creado por Ted (a quien escuchas en cada episodio) y Elena (que trabaja ”en la sombra”). Ambos llevamos muchos años viviendo en el Reino Unido, y con este podcast queremos que puedas aprender sobre cultura e historia británicas, y entender mejor este fascinante país. Si te gusta el podcast y quieres ayudarnos: suscríbete, déjanos un comentario o reseña, y recomienda el podcast a quien creas que le pueda gustar. Y si quieres ayudar ...
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Pax Britannica is a narrative history podcast covering the empire upon which the sun never set. Shortlisted for the 2023 Independent Podcast Awards, Pax Britannica follows the events which created an empire that dominated the globe. Hosted by Dr Samuel Hume, a historian of British Imperial history, Pax Britannica aims to explain the rise and eventual fall of the largest empire in history. After all, how peaceful was the 'British Peace'?
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lol Cover art photo provided by JJ Ying on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jjying
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A fortnightly podcast about UK true crime with a touch of the weird and the macabre. Hosted by Bob and Ali sat in The Settle Inn in Stirling, they take it week about to tell each other a criminal tale from British history, expect weird tales, dodgy history lessons oh and there's always someone drinking in the background!
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Breaking Britain is a podcast produced by the Europe's Borderlands Research Group at the European and International Studies Department in King's College London. Hosted by Russell Foster and Alex Clarkson, it will explore the pressures unravelling the unity of Britain and reopening the future of the island of Ireland in a European context. In each episode we will discuss the challenges reshaping a disunited kingdom as well as a wary republic with scholars and commentators who can provide expe ...
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Admiral Lord West tells the story of the Royal Navy during the 20th century.
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Hannah Fry looks back at 75 years of computing history to reveal the UK's lead role in developing the technologies we rely on today
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Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British music night clubs pubs fashion pirate radio Caroline English holidays television
Ray’s Rants UK
Ray’s Rants back to the 1960s 1970s 1950s in the UK Great Britain. Entertaining and fun. British music scene, Jimi Hendrix The Rolling Stones. The English pubs and clubs, Watney’s Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. England. Schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts. London, Caroline, Luxembourg. Mini cars skirts. Holiday in caravan, Butlin’s
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BWP Encore! Radio. Enjoy the lighter side of Britannia Wrestling Promotions... And get the inside scoops at the same time! Best Show in Wales. Best Value in Britain. #BritanniaWrestling
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A podcast for english Cover art photo provided by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nathananderson
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Um grupo de podcasts independente, pernambucano e multitemático. Nascido na UFPE, mas expandido para o mundo. Então desacelera e vem pro Caixa. 🎧
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How is Brexit Britain affecting your life? Six people’s personal views on what’s happening to the UK, recorded as they go about their normal lives.
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Writer, aikido sensei, Pyrenean Mountain Dog owner, 80s music obsessive and explorer of the wilder side of Britain.
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Andrew Dilnot, chair of the UK Statistics Authority, brings to life the numbers that highlight the patterns and trends that have transformed Britain
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Alex & Britas Pod om allt mellan himmel och jord – och formgivning! Vissa inslag av konceptuella maträtter och rykande hett skvaller från designbranschen.
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Welcome to LearnAboutHistory.Com, where amazing things happen.
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Британка и Universal Universal отмечают 20 лет в образовании. В юбилейный год зовем в подкаст Britanka Talks выпускников UU, ставших успешными игроками в своих индустриях. Кино, дизайн, музыка, архитектура, маркетинг, искусство, fashion, интерьеры: слушаем истории и узнаём, как устроены творческие индустрии глазами их участников. Сайт Британки: britishdesign.ru Больше контента — на сайте 20-летия Британки и UU: britanka20.ru #britanka20 #20UU
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Exploring what makes the heart of Britain beat with various series on music, industry, people and life. We’ll cover all sorts in our podcasts and bring you the very best we can so, stick around whether you live in the UK or abroad you may just learn something with us
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What happens when you suddenly have to apply for the right to continue to work, live, love in the country you’ve chosen as your new home? You decide to be patient and to get along with it. But what happens then when your application is rejected? You start wondering if you’ll ever belong completely. And then you write a podcast to vent it off. An Italian expat in Great Britain. An exploration into how to cope with Britishness, and how to make Britons cope with my Italianity. britalianpodcast. ...
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Bienvenidos a Humana, el podcast del Hospital Británico. Un espacio donde brindaremos toda la información que te interesa contada por el personal médico y técnico del Hospital Británico.
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O Que Braba! é um podcast do grupo Caixa de Brita para falar sobre cultura periférica. No podcast mais oleoso da região, trazemos as vivências e culturas que emanam dos corpos pretos e periféricos. Episódios novos aos sábados. Siga também os outros podcasts do Caixa de Brita no seu aplicativo e tenha toda a nossa programação na palma da mão.
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Chris Tetreault-Blay takes you on a whistle-stop tour of some of the most fascinating locations across Great Britain, each with its own historical links and tales to be told.
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Join LBC's Tom Swarbrick as he interviews leading experts, politicians and industry influencers to gather a weekly round up of the most important world news and hidden topics that you won't have heard about. Find out just what goes on behind closed doors and how today's decisions will affect Britain's future. Subscribe on Global player or wherever you get your podcasts, now!
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Aquí encontrarán predicas en vivo desde nuestro templo Igl. Cristiana Pentecostes del Movimiento Misionero Mundial en New Britain CT. 26 Union St. New Britain CT 06051. Pastora Jeanette Gonzalez.
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Welcome to the BiteBritian Podcast, a show dedicated to interviewing the most successful restaurant owners in the UK, learning about what goes into their incredible menus and more importantly what it takes to run some of the most successful restaurant in the UK.
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This is Rebuilding Britain from the Grantham Institute at the London School of Economics with David Shukman and Sepi Golzari-Munro where we uncover how Britain was built and how we might build back better. We’re talking about infrastructure, the scaffolding which underpins a society and the investment needed to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.
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Well researched expert briefings on key British issues
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We speak to the people designing and creating their luxury products and services in the United Kingdom. Share their passion and experience through a series of interviews.
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People in the public eye share their life stories with Kylie Pentelow. The Britain Get Talking Podcast is part of ITV’s campaign to encourage everyone to open up and connect with others.
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This is a podcast in which we are trying to help Britain better itself by popping up the balloon of self-satisfaction of Britons. Because not everything is great in Britain. And if you want to fix it, you first need to see where the issue is. Rule Brittannia: Public DomainArtwork: Michał Wrona Guitars: Artur Lesicki
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Sermons and Bible Studies from our church ministers and leaders.
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Iain Dale and Shelagh Fogarty bring you the latest political news, analysis and debate leading up to the General Election on 8th June. Who will be the next Prime Minister – Theresa May of the Conservatives or Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn?
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My general observations about how I think people are ignoring the seriousness of the state of Britain today and how the Justice System has been corrupted and is being used against those of us who are speaking out and shining a light on the decline and fall of our police, the authorities & judicial system....
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Welcome to Walks Around Britain. We're here to get you out walking. Every month on our podcast we've got audio walks, outdoor news & views, interviews, gear & kit reviews and area walking guides - inspiration for your next walking trip right here. You'll also find us on the web, on social media, on DVD, in books and on our television series - which is on TV channels around the world, on Amazon's Prime Video and via our own Walks Around Britain+ video subscription website (https://walksaround ...
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Since 2016, Ben has been on a mission to visit every site described in the book "Landmarks of Britain: The 500 Places That Made Our History". With guests who have joined Ben on his travels, this podcast is a funny, light-hearted look at the castles, caves, cathedrals, country homes (and pubs) visited along the way.At the end of each episode, guests are asked to contribute to an alternative list of landmarks and justify their choice.
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Nick Hennegan celebrates International Women's Day, with poems from Sylvia Plath and the Bronte sisters. www.BohemianBritain.com
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Bath: arquitectura georgiana, baños romanos y conexiones literarias | Daily Ted 128
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19:23Queridos/as Teddians, En este nuevo Daily Ted, os llevo conmigo virtualmente a la preciosa ciudad de Bath, una de las más bonitas e históricas de Inglaterra (y de mis favoritas), donde he tenido la oportunidad de grabar este podcast directamente desde sus calles llenas de historia, en una terraza (y rodeado de gaviotas asesinas 😅). Aquí, entre edif…
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S3 E29: All The Women, Independent Businesses
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22:51It is International Women's Day this week - when is it not at SBB? - and so we are discussing why women are starting businesses less (what??), our IWD research with Starling Bank, and what we really think about the DEI conversation... I don't think our position here will be much of a surprise! Championing all people to start and grow a business is …
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Episode 161 - Green for Danger (1946)
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55:18Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism. Back to 1946 this week and a murder mystery with a difference starring the wonderful Alastair Sim Green For Danger (1946) Set against the backdrop of World War II, Green for Danger unfolds within the tense confines of a rural English h…
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Hallazgo arqueológico de una basílica romana en Londres | Daily Ted 127
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17:33Queridos/as Teddians, En este nuevo Daily Ted, grabado mientras camino por las calles de la preciosa ciudad de Bath, os cuento sobre un importante hallazgo arqueológico en el corazón de Londres: los restos de la primera basílica romana de la ciudad, descubiertos recientemente cerca del mercado de Leadenhall, en la City of London (que, como muchos/a…
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Heratic? Homosexual? Spy? - The Life and Murder of Christopher Marlowe.
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42:58Christopher Marlowe was the star writer of the 1580s. The Elizabethans flocked to his plays. But Kitt’s life was shrouded in mystery. Was he a secret agent? A Catholic spy? A double agent for Queen Elizabeth’s government. There is evidence that he was heretical atheist. And he may have been England's first gay poet Hear how this ended with a murder…
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Welcome to the broadcast! Some Lide winds blow the cobwebs away, before we head up into the Curlew Mountains to view some strange lights... 🤝 Become a valued Friend of Folkways: https://bit.ly/34awiDB 📺 Folkways Youtube: https://bit.ly/3rUs9PF ☕️ Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/3dxssVw 💌 Get in …
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Ep. 266: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 13 - pt.2 | #DND
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43:31In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs battle through hangovers, misplaced identities, and the lingering chaos of their own making. A reckless venture into the Mask Ship reveals a nightmarish presence lurking within, while old debts come calling in unexpected ways. With tensions rising and patience wearing thin, the crew …
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Hello, I hope you're keeping well. Buying from shops... don't you hate it when they have nothing in stock? I'll be moaning about this and other stuff so do join me.Bởi Ray’s Rants UK
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Ep. 266: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 13 - pt.1 | #DND
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55:23In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs battle through hangovers, misplaced identities, and the lingering chaos of their own making. A reckless venture into the Mask Ship reveals a nightmarish presence lurking within, while old debts come calling in unexpected ways. With tensions rising and patience wearing thin, the crew …
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El Día del Pancake en Reino Unido | Daily Ted 126
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12:03Queridos/as Teddians, Cada año, el Shrove Tuesday, conocido popularmente como Pancake Day, marca el inicio de la Cuaresma en el Reino Unido. Esta celebración es siempre el martes antes del Ash Wednesday (Miércoles de Ceniza), que marca el inicio de la Cuaresma en el calendario cristiano. Su fecha varía cada año porque está vinculada a la Pascua, la…
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Alex Carr joined us as we looked into the Phils Spring Training so far and got into our thoughts including.. Rincones is catching the eye Could Sanchez reach an elite level Luzardo will return to CY Young level Proud Of Walker?! Make or Break Year for Bohm Best Roation in Baseaball and lots more!!
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Agenda de marzo (una selección) | Daily Ted 125
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18:55Buenos días Teddians, Empezamos semana, y empezamos mes aquí en nuestro podcast con este Daily Ted, en el que os doy una selección de algunos eventos, exposiciones y obras de teatro que tendrán lugar en Londres este mes. Como os digo, esto es solo una selección - si queréis escuchar la lista completa de eventos podéis hacerlo aquí, con cualquiera d…
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Medical stuff and other bits and pieces.
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19:09Hello, it me again with a quick chat about medical stuff and other bits and pieces.Bởi Ray’s Rants UK
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Buenos días queridos/as Teddians, Este es el último Daily Ted de febrero! Como siempre digo...el tiempo pasa muy, muy rápido! Como he hecho en otras ocasiones, este último Daily Ted del mes lo dedico a hacer un repaso al contenido de de febrero, un mes en el publicamos muchos podcasts Daily Ted, de muchos temas (desde Margaret Thatcher, a Jane Aust…
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Hope Springs Eternal, With Special Guest James Seltzer
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38:52It's a new show, It's a New season, The Phillies are back and so are we with a brand new season of shows! Special guest James Seltzer joins us to discuss the relatively quiet Phillies off season and the hopes of the new season ahead.
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La nueva película de Bridget Jones | Daily Ted 123
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25:17Queridos/as Teddians, El Daily Ted de hoy está dedicado a la película "Bridget Jones: Loca por él" (Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy en inglés) la cuarta película de la saga de Bridget Jones, que llegó a los cines el pasado 14 de febrero de 2025. En esta nueva película vemos a Bridget, interpretada nuevamente por Renée Zellweger, como madre soltera…
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Ep. 265: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 12 - pt.2 | #DND
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44:30In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs unravel ancient mysteries buried beneath Nassau’s surface, uncovering cryptic clues about a lost civilisation and its arcane network. As theories form and plans take shape, an old haunt calls them back for one final night of indulgence—where the line between revelry and recklessness …
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Ep. 265: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 12 - pt.1 | #DND
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54:52In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs unravel ancient mysteries buried beneath Nassau’s surface, uncovering cryptic clues about a lost civilisation and its arcane network. As theories form and plans take shape, an old haunt calls them back for one final night of indulgence—where the line between revelry and recklessness …
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San David, patrón de Gales | Daily Ted 122
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17:17Buenos días Teddians, Este sábado 1 de marzo es St David's Day, la fiesta nacional de Gales. Y para celebrarlo, he decidido hacer este Daily Ted dedicado a San David (en galés, Dewi Sant), santo patrón de Gales. San David al parecer tenía orígenes aristocráticos, era vegetariano y le encantaban los charcos (y el agua en general) y los puerros. En s…
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Il Liverpool che chiude il campionato, l'ennesima partita anonima dell'Arsenal ma anche le crisi di Chelsea e Nottingham Forest. Britannia è il podcast sulla Premier League che vi tiene aggiornati abbastanza da potervi bullare con gli amici. A raccontarvi cosa succede nel mondo di oltremanica sono le voci di Alessandro Giura, Federico Sborchia e Ni…
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Amazon compra los derechos creativos de James Bond | Daily Ted 121
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19:31Queridos/as Teddians, Comenzamos la semana con una noticia que ha sacudido el mundo del cine y el entretenimiento, no solo en el Reino Unido sino en todo el planeta: Amazon MGM Studios ha adquirido el control creativo de la emblemática franquicia de James Bond. Se cree que la filial de cine de la empresa de Jeff Bezos ha pagado unos 1.000 millones …
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Road Works, Tortoise, Amberley, Phones and more
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30:35Hello, it's me just popping in to see how you are. Here's a catch up on road works, Gary the tortoise, Amberley Museum, phones and more...Bởi Ray’s Rants UK
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Anthony Burgess and A Clockwork Orange.
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29:50Nick Hennegan celebrates one of his favourite books and the birthday of its writer, Anthony Burgess - with a podcast from the foundation named after him. www.BohemianBritain.com
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Queridos/as Teddians, En este nuevo Daily Ted nos adentramos en el mundo de Los Durrell, una entrañable serie británica que narra la vida de una caótica familia (los Durrell del título) compuesta de una madre viuda y sus 4 hijos, que se trasladan a vivir desde la gris Inglaterra al soleado Mediterráneo, concretamente a la isla griega de Corfú, a me…
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I februar 1975 ble Margaret Thatcher valgt som partileder for de konservative, på et tidspunkt da partiet sto rådville i opposisjon og lette etter en retning videre. Resten er historie. Hvordan lyktes Thatcher med å slå gjennom, hva var hennes ideologiske prosjekt den gang - og hvor mye er overførbart til dagens situasjon for partiet? Trine Anderse…
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Crises that Shaped European Politics 2: Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall - With Lee Savage
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1:08:49As part of our series exploring turning points that shaped European politics, we've been joined by Lee Savage to explore the impact the collapse of Communism in 1989 had on societies across Central and Eastern Europe. With Lee's help, in this episode we will take a closer look at how the years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall witnessed economic an…
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El mejor cine de Londres, en peligro de extinción | Daily Ted 119
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32:19Queridos Teddians, Este es un Daily Ted muy importante para mi, que ojalá nunca hubiera tenido que hacer. Os cuento sobre una noticia que ha sacudido a la comunidad cinéfila de Londres: el emblemático Prince Charles Cinema está en riesgo de cierre. Este cine independiente, inaugurado en 1962 y situado al lado de Leicester Square, ha sido durante dé…
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Ep. 264: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 11 - pt.2 | #DND
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56:14In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs set their plan into motion with deception, strategy, and just a hint of chaos. As identities shift and key positions fall, a single gunshot signals the moment of truth. With Nassau hanging in the balance, the fate of the island rests on a simple question. Will the Royal Guard surrend…
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Ep. 264: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 11 - pt.1 | #DND
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50:35In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs set their plan into motion with deception, strategy, and just a hint of chaos. As identities shift and key positions fall, a single gunshot signals the moment of truth. With Nassau hanging in the balance, the fate of the island rests on a simple question. Will the Royal Guard surrend…
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Hello, I thought I'd pop in and see how you are. All good, I hope? We've had some sunshine so I've mown the lawn. Is that mown or mowed? Whatever!Bởi Ray’s Rants UK
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Chelsea-Brighton, Manchester City-Newcastle, Tottenham-Manchester United ma anche chi è il Mr. Peanutbutter della Premier League, brutte parole su Van Nistelrooy e il ritorno di Beto Betuncal. Britannia è il podcast sulla Premier League che vi tiene aggiornati abbastanza da potervi bullare con gli amici. A raccontarvi cosa succede nel mondo di oltr…
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Nuevas placas azules en Londres | Daily Ted 118
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18:03Buenos días Teddians, Si habéis estado en Londres, seguro que habréis visto alguna que otra placa azul circular en algún edificio, recordando a un personaje famoso. Las placas azules de Londres son una tradición centenaria que conecta lugares con figuras históricas, y estas señales conmemorativas, gestionadas por una insitutción llamada English Her…
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Los Premios BAFTA 2025 | Daily Ted 117
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24:44Buenos días Teddians, La 78ª edición de los Premios BAFTA se celebró anoche, 16 de febrero de 2025, en el Royal Festival Hall de Londres. Los premios BAFTA son otorgados por la Academia de Cine Británica, reconociendo lo mejor del cine nacional e internacional de 2024. Tienen gran prestigio internacional, y para muchos son considerados una antesala…
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Nick Hennegan's Literary London celebrates St Valentines Day with some Literary Requests... and news about Resonance 104.4fm's fundraising events. https://fundraiser.resonance.fm/ www.BohemianBritain.com
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De Emma a Clueless, un clásico para cualquier época | Daily Ted 116
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17:48Buenos días Teddians, En este nuevo Daily Ted os cuento cómo Clueless (1995), la icónica comedia adolescente de los 90 protagonizada por Alicia Silverstone, es en realidad una adaptación moderna de Emma, la novela de Jane Austen de 1815. Se me ocurrió hacer este episodio debido a que justo mañana se estrena en Londres el musical de Clueless, y tamb…
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Better Man, un biopic muy especial sobre Robbie Williams | Daily Ted 115
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22:16Queridos/as Teddians, Hoy quería dedicar este Daily Ted a una película que vi hace poco y que me encantó. Se trata de Better Man, la reciente película biográfica que narra la vida y carrera de Robbie Williams, uno de los artistas más influyentes y controvertidos del pop británico. Dirigida por Michael Gracey (que también dirigió El gran showman), e…
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Ep. 263: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 10 - pt.2 | #DND
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48:58In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, tthe Bucs lay the groundwork for a daring plan to reclaim Nassau, weaving deception, strategy, and just a hint of chaos. As they prepare to strike, tensions mount, supplies are gathered, and unexpected challenges arise—some heavier than others. Can their carefully crafted scheme unfold withou…
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Hello, I hope you're keeping well. I've just popped in to say hi and see how you are.Bởi Ray’s Rants UK
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Ep. 263: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 10 - pt.1 | #DND
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49:26In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, tthe Bucs lay the groundwork for a daring plan to reclaim Nassau, weaving deception, strategy, and just a hint of chaos. As they prepare to strike, tensions mount, supplies are gathered, and unexpected challenges arise—some heavier than others. Can their carefully crafted scheme unfold withou…
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Miss Austen, nueva serie de la BBC | Daily Ted 114
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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24:49Queridos/as Teddians, En el Daily Ted de hoy os cuento sobre nueva miniserie británica Miss Austen, que se estrenó el 2 de febrero de 2025 en BBC One. Basada en la aclamada novela de Gill Hornby, esta producción de cuatro episodios nos ofrece una perspectiva íntima de la vida de Jane Austen a través de los ojos de su hermana mayor, Cassandra. La tr…
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Margaret Thatcher: 50 años de un cambio histórico | Daily Ted 113
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Nghe Sau
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21:34Buenos días queridos/as Teddians, Hoy 11 de febrero de 2025 se cumplen 50 años de un momento clave en la historia política del Reino Unido: la elección de Margaret Thatcher como líder del Partido Conservador en 1975, la primera vez en la historia de este país que una mujer era elegida como líder de un partido político, una mujer que logró desafiar …
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La emotiva historia de Nicholas Winton y la película sobre su vida | Daily Ted 112
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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18:31Queridos/as Teddians, En este episodio hablo sobre la increíble historia de Nicholas Winton, el hombre británico que organizó el rescate de 669 niños, mayoritariamente judíos, desde Checoslovaquia en la víspera de la II Guerra Mundial. A menudo llamado "el Schindler británico" (aunque a él este apodo no le gustaba), Nicholas Winton mantuvo su heroí…
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S3 E28: Entrepreneurs: 10 Lessons For Living
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Nghe Sau
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23:17This week on the Pod we share our lessons for living. It is all subjective of course, but this 10 (or 11? we lost count a bit in the middle there) will keep you and your small business on the right path. Remember - get sleep and take your vits. And No is a whole sentence. We may get t-shirts made...
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Lo más esperado de 2025: mis favoritos | Daily Ted 111
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Nghe Sau
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30:38Buenos días Teddians, En enero publicamos en nuestra cuenta de Patreon (para las 2 categorías más altas de suscripción) una super agenda cultural para 2025, con listas y pequeñas reseñas de series, películas, exposiciones, eventos culturales, documentales, teatro, y aniversarios históricos (todo centrado principalmente en el Reino Unido, aunque tam…
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Velgere i bevegelse har blitt et fenomen det snakkes mye om i britisk politikk. Et av områdene som det åpenbart er politisk kamp om er England utenfor storbyene. Hvorfor har Labour tradisjonelt hatt vansker med å slå gjennom hos mannen i landsbygata, og hva står de politiske kampene om nå? Hør Øivind Bratberg og Trine Andersen i samtale.…
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💧BRIGID'S PLACES: February 2025 Almanac
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12:48Welcome to the broadcast! Let's wander around some places associated with St Brigid, including a very famous street in central London... 🤝 Become a valued Friend of Folkways: https://bit.ly/34awiDB 📺 Folkways Youtube: https://bit.ly/3rUs9PF ☕️ Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/3dxssVw 💌 Get in contact f…
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Localizaciones de Bob Marley en Londres | Daily Ted 110
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Nghe Sau
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18:45Buenos días Teddians, Hoy 6 de febrero de 2025, Bob Marley habría cumplido 80 años, y para conmemorar su legado, en este episodio os cuento sobre varios lugares de Londres que marcaron su vida y su música. Y es que no sé si sabíais que, aunque Bob Marley siempre estuvo ligado a Jamaica, la capital británica fue un lugar clave en su carrera y en su …
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Ep. 262: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 9 - pt.2 | #DND
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Nghe Sau
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48:18In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs escape the clutches of a monstrous ship and regroup, their plans reshaping with every twist. A high-flying investigation takes them across Nassau, revealing troubling changes in the heart of the city. As they soar closer to the source of these disruptions, a familiar figure waits in …
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Ep. 262: Delvin Even Deeper - Chapter 9 - pt.1 | #DND
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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48:54In this week's episode, of Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Bucs escape the clutches of a monstrous ship and regroup, their plans reshaping with every twist. A high-flying investigation takes them across Nassau, revealing troubling changes in the heart of the city. As they soar closer to the source of these disruptions, a familiar figure waits in …
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