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Tadeu Fernandes

Tadeu Fernandes

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Perca o medo do julgamento e destrave seu potencial. Tenha mais confiança, aumente sua autoestima e se comunique de forma atraente e segura. #Confiança, #Clareza, #PNL, #Comunicação e #MarketingDigital.
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Carol Fernandes

Caroline souza

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Vamos Juntos conhecer a palavra de Deus, para experimentar tudo aquilo que o Senhor preparou para nós. Aqui você ouvirá mensagens de Deus, conhecerá mais sobre a palavra, sobre o mundo cristão, como buscar mais de Deus, como se santificar, vai ser momentos preciosos em que aprenderemos juntos. "E Conhecereis a verdade , e a verdade vos libertará".(João 8:32)
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My name is Stefanie Fernandes and I created this podcast for you as a resource in your parenting and your life. I am a clinical hypnotherapist, BWRT practitioner and a conscious parenting coach. I specialize in working with moms who want to learn about conscious parenting and heal from traumatic experiences, especially when there is too much anger and yelling in the home. Do you struggle with your child not listening? I have a solution for you --> Get your free guide "How to Get Your Child t ...
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DJ Leo Fernandes

DJ Leo Fernandes

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Leo Fernandes (born June 6, 1980 in Sao Paulo Brazil,) From an early age in Brazil Leo Fernandes had a connection with the drums & beats. His fist contact with music was at his father's TV production company, as a child he was always behind the scene but always dreamed of coming to the states. When he finished school 2003 he obtained a visa that would allowed him to come to New York. There his fist weekend in the Big Apple his friends took him to the Legendary ROXY night club. Peter Rauhofer ...
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show series
The message emphasizes how unity is the strength of both God's kingdom and homes. Using Mark 3:24 as foundation, it explains that a divided kingdom or house cannot stand. The speaker outlines three key principles for maintaining unity: communication (listening and speaking wisely), forgiveness (extending grace as God does), and prayer (praying toge…
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Advocacia-Geral da União virou alvo do bolsonarismo após defender o ministro Alexandre Moraes na ação que corre na justiça dos Estados Unidos. Ao mesmo tempo, a AGU está defendendo pelo menos 15 pessoas ligadas ao ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro, inclusive, cinco processos envolvem Bolsonaro. Em 'Tudo É Política', Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o ca…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes analisa a ascensão dos chamados 'pregadores de redes sociais' e sua disputa por influência política com os pastores e congregações evangélicas. 'De tão explorada essa simbiose entre evangélicos e política, ela já começou a se dividir. Agora, vai ser cada vez mais difícil captar esse voto de maneira monolítica'.…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o resultado das eleições na Alemanha e explica o desempenho histórico da extrema-direita. O partido de Friedrich Merz, a União Democrata Cristã da Alemanha, conquistou 28,5% dos votos totais. O partido de extrema-direita, AfD, contou com 20,8% dos votos e ficou em segundo lugar.…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta a decisão do ministro, que envolve um processo de prisão e extradição de um blogueiro, Allan dos Santos, por disseminar ataques ao STF. Em resposta, o grupo de comunicação de Trump junto ao CEO do Rumble, Chris Pavlovski, entraram com uma ação contra Moraes por censura na justiça da Florida.…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes fala sobre o artigo 142 da Constituição Federal e a relação com a delação premiada do tenente-coronel Mauro Cid. Segundo a comentarista, os envolvidos na suposta trama golpista usaram o artigo para justificar o golpe após as eleições presidenciais de 2022. 'Eles faziam isso para tentar convencer as Forças Armadas de que não…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o Encontro Nacional dos Novos Prefeitos e Prefeitas em Brasília, destacando a presença de importantes autoridades, como o presidente Lula, o vice-presidente Alckmin e os presidentes da Câmara e do Senado. O evento evidenciou o papel central dos municípios na Federação, especialmente na execução de orçamentos em parc…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes fala sobre a expectativa para o anúncio de Trump sobre a imposição de tarifas de 25% na importação de aço e alumínio. Embora o governo brasileiro não tenha sido pego de surpresa, dado que ameaças semelhantes ocorreram no primeiro mandato de Trump, a estratégia atual é esperar a confirmação oficial para, então, negociar, evi…
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In "Dealing with Your Spiritual Enemies," Pastor Michael Fernandes guides you on a transformative journey to overcome the unseen forces that threaten your peace, growth, and relationship with God. Drawing from the wisdom of Solomon and the experiences of great men of faith like A.A. Allen, this book offers practical steps to identify and defeat the…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes repercute a operação que apura o desvio de recursos da saúde. O alvo é o presidente do PSDB e ex-governador de Goiás, Marconi Perillo. Comentarista destaca que não é a primeira vez que um presidente do partido tem problemas com a Justiça. Após perder representatividade no cenário político, PSDB discute sua possível absorção…
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In this message Pastor Michael emphasizes that one's past should not define their future. Jabez prayed to God for 3 key things: 1) to be blessed, 2) for his territory/influence to be enlarged, and 3) for God's hand to be with him. Just as Jabez overcame his limiting past through prayer, the speaker encourages the audience to seek God's blessing, en…
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Using the story of Elisha making an iron axe head float, the message teaches how to regain your anointing when it's lost through busy ministry. The iron represents the anointing, while the wooden handle represents humanity. To regain your anointing, you must first acknowledge where you lost it through personal conviction, prophetic rebuke, or divin…
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The message emphasizes that we shouldn't let our past name our future, illustrating this through biblical examples where names often reflected circumstances or trauma. Like Jabez, who was named "pain" but refused to let his past name his future, we too can break free from negative labels. Pastor Michael stresses that your past shouldn't name your f…
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The message explores how fear and anxiety, like twins, create emotional wounds that deeply impact our well-being. Prophet Elijah's story illustrates how emotional wounds manifest through running from assignments, isolation, and withdrawal from support systems. These emotional wounds can be healed through three key approaches: finding rest in worshi…
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The message emphasizes the divine command to take new territories through influence and personal transformation. The speaker explains that taking new territories requires becoming an agent of change by renewing one's mind through God's word. Breaking new frontiers is essential for taking new territories, whether through learning new skills, languag…
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📖 The message highlights "Testimony as a Key to Restoration" through the story of 2 Kings 8, where a testimony about Elisha's works led to a woman's property being restored. 🏠✨ 🙌 It emphasizes that sharing testimonies opens doors for breakthrough and divine favor. Christians are encouraged to spread testimonies, not negative stories, to bring resto…
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Join Pastor Michael Fernandes as he dives deep into the transformative journey of Jephthah, a man who rose above the pain of rejection to achieve great things through God's power. 📜✨ In this powerful message, explore how we, too, can overcome any form of rejection—whether it's based on our background, appearance, or past mistakes—and find redemptio…
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🔥 Are you struggling with illness or pain? Do you question God's will for your healing? Join Pastor Michael Fernandes as he delivers a powerful message from Mark 1:40-44, revealing Jesus' compassion and willingness to heal. 🙏 🔔 Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more uplifting messages! Click the bell icon to stay updated with our lat…
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In this powerful sermon, Pastor Michael Fernandes delves into the fundamental key to receiving blessings and miracles from God: expectation. He emphasizes that approaching God's presence with genuine anticipation of His movement in our lives is essential for transforming our spiritual journey from a mere ritual to a meaningful relationship. Pastor …
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In this message Pastor Michael explores three devastating sources of emotional wounds: trauma/abuse, loss/grief, and guilt/shame. Through biblical examples like Tamar and Naomi, the speaker illustrates how untreated emotional wounds can destroy lives and relationships. These emotional wounds often manifest as addiction, depression, and destructive …
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Discover how the restoration of worship is the first step towards spiritual breakthrough and how sacrificial worship can transform your life. 🔥 Learn to overcome the enemy's attacks on your worship, just as Job did when his animals were targeted. Don't miss this opportunity to prioritize worship and rebuild the foundation of your faith! 🎉 Tap the l…
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In this sermon Pastor Michael delves into understanding the roots of emotional wounds that many people carry, often hidden beneath a polished exterior. These emotional wounds can manifest as pain in various aspects of life, including relationships and physical health. Pastor Michael encourages listeners to understand these roots of emotional wounds…
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Are you chasing after things that promise much but deliver little? 🛑 Learn how to discern what truly matters and make choices that align with God's eternal purposes. Let this powerful message by Pastor Michael Fernandes inspire you to evaluate your pursuits and choose wisely. 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share this video with your friends…
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When Holding On Means Losing Everything. Pastor Michael deals with everything from money to relationships. Discover His peace and joy. 👇 Engage with us: LIKE 👍 if you're ready to embrace true freedom SHARE 🔄 with friends & family who need this message COMMENT 💬 your story of letting go and letting God SUBSCRIBE 🔔 for more transformative content fro…
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In this powerful message, Pastor Michael Fernandes delves into the story of the four faithful friends who brought a paralytic to Jesus. Discover the incredible power of intercession, partnership, and unwavering faith that leads to miraculous healing and forgiveness. ✨ What You'll Learn: The importance of bringing others to Christ through prayer, gi…
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O relator da Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA), o senador Angelo Coronel (PSD), disse nessa quinta-feira (19) que a votação da proposta ficaria para o retorno dos trabalhos no Congresso Nacional, em 2025. 'O eixo do argumento dele é que é preciso conhecer os vetos presidenciais, a Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias. (...) Mas as razões que se conhecem no C…
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In this powerful message, Pastor Michael explores the keys to mental and emotional health from a biblical perspective. He emphasizes that having a sound mind 🧠 is a precious gift from God and is crucial for our overall well-being. 🌿 He also discusses the connection between mental health and physical health, explaining how each influences the other.…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta a pesquisa Genial/Quaest, que revelou que o nome de Lula é o preferido dos eleitores para a candidatura à presidência em 2026. Ela destaca que a pesquisa entrevistou mais de 8 mil eleitores, sendo a maior já realizada pelo grupo.
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o momento conturbado do partido União Brasil. Nesta quarta-feira (11), a Justiça Eleitoral de Goiás condenou o governador Ronaldo Caiado por abuso de poder politico e cassou o registro do prefeito eleito de Goiânia, Sandro Mabel. Na terça-feira (10), a Polícia Federal já havia cumprido mandados de prisão contra forn…
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