Het Oog brengt een overzicht van het nieuws, een blik in de ochtendkranten en het betere journalistieke interview met mensen in en achter het nieuws, omlijst door mooie muziek.
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Just a rag tag group of elder millennials talking about the good, the bad, and the nostalgia of our childhood. Join us every week as we talk about everything from sci-fi films of the 60’s to our favorite cereals of the 90s and maybe a boy band of the early 00’s. Bangarang lost boys, welcome to nostalgialand!
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An unofficial podcast about the Seattle Sounders produced by Sounder at Heart's Jeremiah Oshan and Aaron Campeau, with Likkit Pocinwong
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Each episode we add a new entry to the Nostalgium Arcanum, a repository for the movies, tv, music, games, and other pop culture that still enchants us today. Find us on twitter at: @nostalgiumpod
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Podcast de Nostalgia do portal Supersoda
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Multi media review show with occasional interviews
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Peninha, Luciano Potter e Arthur Gubert em um talk show para falar da História das coisas. "Qualquer coisa MESMA" (SIC).
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På Filmmagasinet Nosferatu elsker vi film mere end noget andet. Vi elsker udenlandske kunstfilm, amerikanske actionbaskere og alt derimellem. Den kærlighed vil vi rigtig gerne give videre.
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De NOS-voetbalcommentatoren nemen de week door. Met aandacht voor de laatste voetbalwedstrijden, het voetbalnieuws en vooruitblikkend naar de komende wedstrijden. Anekdotes van de voetbalexperts die ter plekke waren en er de hele week bovenop zitten. Presentatie is in handen van Arno Vermeulen.
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Um podcast semanal sobre nostalgia e videogames que marcaram as nossas infâncias dos anos 80 e 90.
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Akkerdjie! Een podcast vol jeugdhelden en nostalgie. Ons graag steunen? http://ko-fi.com/akkerdjie
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Welcome to Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show, the podcast where nostalgia comes alive! Hosted by Jake Deffinbaugh, with co-host, Chris Bixby.
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A second look at our favorite movies, without the fog of nostalgia
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Conversations about history, politics, and pop culture.
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Old time radio and new audio versions of classic pulp stories and novels.
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A mix of some of the finest music from legendary performers and personalities of the greatest generation, along with complete vintage broadcasts from the golden age of radio. Mix it together, and that's NOSTALGIA RADIO TIME, hosted by Greg Van Beek. Including the 'Bing Sings' feature each week! Heard each Sunday at 9 AM (ET) over New York's 920 WON: The Apple and each Thursday at 9 AM (ET) streaming over YUSA red on the Yesterday USA Super Station at http://www.yesterdayusa.net/ Join our Fac ...
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In den Nostromo- Gesprächen schnacken Fred, Sebastian und Udo mal im Duo, mal im Trio und ab und an mit erlesenen GästInnen über ihre große Leidenschaft - Filme. Der Schwerpunkt der cineastischen Auseinandersetzungen liegt zum einen auf formalen Qualitäten, wie der Inszenierung, der Produktion und Herstellung, darüber hinaus auf technischen Aspekten, wie Kamera, Lichtsetzung, Schnitt und Colorgrading, und zu guter Letzt auf der inhaltlichen Interpretation der Stoffe. Unsere Herzen schlagen f ...
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The High School Debate Soap Opera
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Nos experts répondent à vos questions sur vos animaux.. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Nós a EuropaColaboração Europe Direct Madeira Realização: Marta Cília
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Join Esther, Aoife and Neil as they mock, ridicule and (occasionally) praise the classic nostalgic TV shows of their long-long-ago youth. Seriously, why does everything hurt now?
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Doug Walker remembers it so you don't have to! Join him and he dives into movies from your distant and not so distant past.
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Rubrica semanal, da autoria de José Guerreiro, com uma notícia sobre Portugal publicada fora do país, seja em imprensa internacional, blogs, sites ou publicações nas redes sociais.
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Ben jij nieuwsgierig en wil je meer weten over wat er in de wereld speelt? In de podcast van het NOS Jeugdjournaal beantwoorden Bart, Annabelle en Pien elke week vragen van kinderen bij een nieuwsonderwerp. Reageren? Dat kan! Stuur een spraakberichtje naar de podcasttelefoon: 06-26586701
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Philippe et Sandy vous donnent rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne Humeur.
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🎙Put your pop-culture past to the ultimate test--THE NOSTALGIA TEST w/ longtime friends Dan & Manny 👬
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Dit schaatsseizoen zit je nog dichter op het ijs met de NOS Schaatspodcast. Na elk schaatsweekend praten de hoofdpersonen je bij over wat je gezien hebt, of juist hebt gemist. Schaatsers schuiven aan en onze huis-analisten gaan dieper in op verschillende thema’s binnen de sport.
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Head on back to the good ole days! Whether it’s waking up Saturday morning to watch cartoons with a big bowl of cereal, opening an N64 on Christmas, or seeing the Chicago Bears do the Super Bowl Shuffle for the first time, the Nostalgia Junkies are here to walk you down memory lane! Join the squad as they discuss how 80s, 90s, and early 2000s tv shows, music, movies, toys, books, video games, and more shaped their youth and their lives. Come join them as they relive the past and experience t ...
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Taking your earholes back to the era of Hammerpants, plaid, backwards overalls, grunge, and New Jack Swing! We revisit the music of the ’90’s on Dope Nostalgia. Join us for chats with the artists, laughs with friends, and a lot of reminiscing.
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Lista diaria de música dos países lusófonos.De luns a venres en Radiofusión
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Les spécialistes cyclisme de la RTBF débriefent et préfacent l'actualité du vélo. Pendant les Classiques, mais aussi pendant le Tour de France. Les membres récurrents de l'équipe sont Samuël Grulois, Rodrigo Beenkens, Jérôme Helguers, Kevin Paepen, Lise Burion et bien sûr aussi nos consultants Cyril Saugrain, Gérard Bulens, Frédéric Amorison, Axel Merckx ou encore notre "sage" Jean-Luc Vandenbroucke.
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O programa da Jovem Pan que revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia, abordando os temas de modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta. Os Pingos nos Is alcançou a liderança da audiência no rádio e se tornou referência no segmento no YouTube.
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Podcast by NoStandardsPodcast
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Il podcast ufficiale di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo! Online dal 2009 Giochi Sul Nostro Tavolo si evolve e diventa punto di riferimento anche nel mondo podcast. Qui potete trovare curiosità e aggiornamenti su giochi da tavolo, gdr e libri games da parte dei redattori di questo storico storico sito! Sito: www.giochisulnostrotavolo.it Canale Telegram: https://t.me/GiochiSulNostroPodcast Mail: podcast@giochisulnostrotavolo.it
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Qu'on soit en voiture, à la maison, avec les enfants, en vacances... Il nous arrive plein de choses. C'est La Liste de Sandy, tous les matins à 06h50 sur NOSTALGIE. Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie.
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Nesse canal o professor Gilberto Penha de Andrade sempre estará abordando sobre importância da escola no contexto sociocultural, e sobre a sua influência na sociedade onde está inserida.
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¿Quieres tener conversaciones sobre temas que son tabú, no se hablan o te apena hacerlo con tu pareja o amigos? Este es un podcast para ti. Simple y atrevido, debatiremos sobre esas preguntas, dudas y situaciones a la que nos enfrentamos cada día, con nuestra pareja, amigos, compañeros, jefes y muchos más. Atrévete a tener una conversación entre nos.
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Here for the '80s & '90s kids who still long for the safe, spooky glow of the TV screen in a dark room, Kalyn Andrews and Christian Baxter Mott take a nostalgic look at the grittier side of the children's entertainment that ruled our adolescence and moulded our generation. Our show features every-other-weekly discussions ranging from movie nights and season-long binges, to spooky specials of shows and other traumas... (ahem, memories). So, grab your flashlights and join us as we go searching ...
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Exclusive interviews and reunions celebrating some of the biggest names in TV and film. A TV enthusiast’s paradise. There's also special shows and series and a regular Distinct Nostalgia Mind of the Month Quiz. Plus every now and then some original fresh comedy and drama. This is pure entertainment and fun. Enjoy! Definitely ‘more than a podcast’.
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A pop culture podcast hosted by two 90s babies and best friends, Amanda and Jess. NBN Classic is a rewatch series where we recap & review teen tv and movies from the early 2000s (think Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, etc). NBN Remixed episodes follow a similar format but cover the tv, movies, and music we love now (Heartstopper, Young Royals, Demi Lovato, etc). Listen along to two best friends having a giggle, and let us know what you think.
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Deze Podcast neemt je mee in de wereld van oude games, boeken, films en series 🎮📚🍿. NostalGeek gaat terug in de tijd en bespreekt wat de verschillende onderwerpen zo fantastisch maakte en waarom ze ons vandaag dat heerlijk nostalgische gevoel geven. https://linktr.ee/Nostalgeek
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El primer despertador transgresor y descarado, sin perder de vista la actualidad del nuevo día y muy atentos a los que hacen y dicen los oyentes despiertos a esa hora
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Segunda hora | Niños humanos vs niños Reborn
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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55:08Edgar Hita dice que le ha picado el gusanillo de la paternidad, pero la realidad es que no lo tiene claro. Conectamos también con Luismi Pérez desde su Observatorio Meteorológico de Rubí. Repasamos la prensa y la actualidad deportiva. Adriana Mourelos cierra el programa con un grabófono marcado por Mariano Rajoy.…
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Oposição perseguida? / Taxação das redes / Fim da Audiência de Custódia
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Nghe Sau
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O professor Gilberto, ao explorar os caminhos da Pedagogia Social, mergulha profundamente em temas diversos e relevantes, sempre ancorado na realidade da educação. Sua abordagem vai além do teórico, conectando conceitos com práticas do cotidiano educacional, iluminando questões que afetam diretamente alunos, professores e a sociedade. Por meio de r…
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Met vandaag: Tweede Kamer debatteert over hulp aan Oekraïne | Is herbewapening van Europa de enige optie? | De overheid moet adoptiekinderen helpen | Een reep eten voor het verbeteren van mentaal welzijn | Presentatie: Rob Trip
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Moeten we ons in Nederland zorgen maken over oorlog?
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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20:45In deze aflevering van de NOS Jeugdjournaalpodcast gaat het over ruzie tussen de Amerikaanse president Trump en de Oekraïense president Zelenksy. Een gesprek tussen de twee liep uit de hand, terwijl de landen eigenlijk vrienden zijn. Leiders van Europese landen schrokken en maken zich grote zorgen. De vriendschap met Trump is namelijk nogal belangr…
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1-De Ninghures-Corazón alionado 2-Guadi Galego e Tanxugueiras-Inconformismo 3-Brendan Cassidy e o Portughés-Non voltará 4-Grande Amore e Nacho Vegas-Ti e mais eu 5-Ruxe Ruxe-Astronáutica 6-Boyanka Kostova-Poper na furgoneta 7-Los Eternos-San Antonio 8-9Louro-Eu en ti 9-Filloas-Mediocre 2 10-Tiam Gz-Fronteooo!! 11-Izaro & Baiuca-Xorieri 12-Seixo-Sei…
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The Sounders, once again, fell flat on their trip to Real Salt Lake. This time it was two early mistakes that hastened their downfall. Mark Kastner joins Jeremiah to discuss the Sounders’ first loss of the season and look ahead to Cruz Azul. *** Nos Audietis is the flagship podcast for Sounder at Heart, which became a reader-supported website on Au…
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#420 - 'Vorig jaar champagnevoetbal bij PSV, nu is 't niet meer te drinken'
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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49:20Arno Vermeulen bespreekt met Jeroen Elshoff, Jan Roelfs en Philip Kooke het voetbalweekend. Over de rampzalige week voor PSV, de droomweek voor Go Ahead Eagles, de debuterende Van Persie en meer!
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#13 - Suzanne Schulting: zo moe als op de langebaan ben ik bij shorttrack zelden (S02)
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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47:28Alle topschaatsers komen voorbij in de NOS Schaatspodcast en daar is deze aflevering bepaald geen uitzondering op. Na het wereldbeker-weekend in Thialf praten we namelijk met drievoudig olympisch shorttrack-kampioen Suzanne Schulting. Ze neemt geen blad voor de mond. Al helemaal niet als gaat over de vraag of ze niet beter weer kan gaan shorttracke…
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Episode 2 Débriefing Omloop Het Nieuwblad et Kuurne-Bruxelles-Kuurne
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Nghe Sau
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1:00:40On avait tant parlé de ce week-end d’ouverture, il est déjà clôturé ! Nous allons débriefer dans ce deuxième épisode de votre podcast/vidéocast « On connaît nos classiques » l’Omloop Het Nieuwsblad et Kuurne-Bruxelles-Kuurne : victoire norvégienne -Soren Waerenskjold- à Ninove, succès belge -Jasper Philipsen- à Kuurne. Au programme également : une …
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durée : 00:44:59 - Dogappy toilettageBởi ici
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#153 Um Completo Desconhecido: Peninha e o filme sobre Bob Dylan
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Nghe Sau
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57:43Por Peninha, Potter e Arthur Gubert. Pra kto.bet.br. Pra traduzca.com/nosnahistoria. Os livros citados estão na livrarianosnahistoria.com.br. E você nos ajuda diretamente em apoia.se/nosnahistoria.
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CEN109: 💬¿Por qué hombres y mujeres comunican de manera diferente en las relaciones? 🤔 | Privacidad y apoyo emocional | @ConversacionesEntreNos | Silka y Rogelio
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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17:22Send us a text ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué hombres y mujeres parecen estar en mundos diferentes cuando conversan sobre sus relaciones? En "Conversaciones Entre Nos", Silka y yo, Rogelio, decidimos desentrañar este fenómeno intrigante. Observamos que, mientras las mujeres son como narradoras detallistas que no dejan escapar ni un nombre ni…
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O jornal espanhol The Diplomat in Spain destaca a exposição "Cuéntame del viento" em Madrid, da artista portuguesa Ana Vidigal.
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Programa de Trabalho da Comissão Europeia 2025. Quadro Financeiro 2028-2034. TTJUE e auxílio concedido à TAP. Acordo de Pesca UE-Cabo Verde. Taxas de juro. Salários Mínimos na UE. Conferência de Segurança em Munique
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