Welkom bij de BasisBegrip Podcast. Wil je de blokkades opheffen die jou ervan weerhouden om de beste versie van jezelf te zijn? Wil je een aanpak voor een dilemma of uitdaging in je privé of professionele leven, die ook echt werkt en aansluit bij de situatie en bij jou? Dat kan! Door jezelf te versterken in persoonlijk leiderschap en jezelf in staat te stellen om uitdagingen logisch en effectief aan te pakken, zodat stress vermindert en het zelfvertrouwen toeneemt waardoor je weer het beste ...
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Von Grünen für Grüne.
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Interviews with pros, coaches, and shapers to help the everyday surfer get better at the thing they love. Gosurfbasis on IG, TikTok, FB, and YT
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DerVierheilig ist leidenschaftlicher Koch, Ausbilder, Küchenmeister und Ernährungsberater und hat seine 17- jährige Erfahrung aus der Küchenpraxis mit aktuellstem Ernährungswissen verknüpft und kreiert gesunde, leckere und abwechslungsreiche Gerichte mit hoher Nährstoffdichte. Stressfrei kochen, glutenfreie, basische, saisonale, vegane und vegetarische Gerichte sind im Programm. Fleisch und Fisch gibt es selten und in sehr guter echter Bioqualität. "Gesund = lecker" ist eines seiner Mottos, ...
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Gedanken zu Sinn und Unsinn in der Welt
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Das Basislager ist der Ausgangspunkt Deines Weges. Es ist der Anfang Deiner Reise. In stürmischen Zeiten kehrst Du hierher zurück und stärkst Dich, bevor es weiter auf dem Weg gen Gipfel geht.
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In 10 minuten bespreken Mirjam Stroetinga en Annemarie Koopman herkenbare casussen van samenwerken met ouders in het basisonderwijs. Mirjam is lerarenopleider en promoveerde onlangs op dit onderwerp en Annemarie werkte als trainingsacteur al met bijna 1500 startende leerkrachten over samenwerken met ouders. 10 Minuten biedt Colleges met basisinformatie, Casussen en Interviews.
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Dr. Ellen Kenner gives concise and practical advice to caller questions four times a week. Dr. Ellen Kenner is a private practice clinical psychologist. Ask your personal question by calling toll free, 877-Dr-Kenner or visiting DrKenner.com.
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This is Mathematical basis for reality; a podcast to fill the void. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mathematical-basis-for-re/support
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Basis 108. Der IT-Zukunftspodcast. heißt das Audioformat der Bechtle AG. Einmal im Monat begrüßt Moderatorin Svea Eckert interessante Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft. Svea Eckert ist eine investigative Tech-Journalistin. Sie arbeitet als freie Reporterin für die Tagesschau, die Tagesthemen, die ARD-Story und das junge YouTube-Format strg_f. Viele ihrer Recherchen wurden mit Preisen ausgezeichnet. Sie hostet verschiedene Podcasts und spricht auf großen Konferenzen, wie der Defc ...
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Podcast rund um die basische Ernährung und Lebensweise. Tipps und Infos, wie du dich gesünder ernährst, wenn du wenig Zeit hast und viel unterwegs bist, wenn du abnehmen und dein Hautbild verbessern willst, wenn du fit, voller Energie und leistungsfähig sein möchtest. Mehr dazu unter www.basischfit.com / www.facebook.com/basischfit und https://seminare.basischfit.com Musik: Fashionevent / Audiojungle/Wavesound
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My name is Justin Harris Imma battle rap blogger/hip-hop blogger
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Wanna listen to a financial noob summarize great economic literature? You don't? Okay, see ya around.
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Zufrieden ins Büro mit Birgit Schulze auf Basis der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation
Birgit Schulze Zufrieden in deinem Alltag
Der Podcast für die Erfüllung deiner Bedürfnisse im Job - auf Basis der #Gewaltfreien #Kommunikation.
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What I want to accomplish is to give you all the current NBA News or facts
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Wil jij meer weten over de toetsen in het basisonderwijs? Of het nu gaat om de toetsen van Leerling in Beeld groep 3 tot en met groep 8, de IEP-toets, de Dia-toets of de Doorstroomtoets, in deze podcast vertellen we je er alles over.
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A weekly break down of the two New York City baseball franchises, as well as opinion on the state of baseball. Nick Wilson and Alessandro De Gennaro
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Smashing the stigma, one episode at a time. Weekly interviews, education, editorials and always 100% raw and real because cannabis is not a crime.
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Irrational Basis Review: a constitutional law podcast that’s rationally related to a legitimate educational purpose. We'll provide deep dives about the constitutional law cases that are foundational to the first year law school curriculum. For professors, law students, and anyone interested in law! Hosted by Leah Litman, Melissa Murray, and Kate Shaw. Produced by Melody Rowell.
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Yr 11 Preliminary Biology Content 2018 Cover art photo provided by Trevor Cole on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@trevcole
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#FirstNameBasis is TribalScale’s podcast series. In each episode, we sit down with TribalScale employees or special guests to have authentic and candid conversations on a variety of tech, business, and innovation topics.
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I specialize in helping people like you, working in financial services and banking, to generate more business through the efficient and effective use of social media. I have one simple policy - I only ask you to do the things I’ve actually proven to work myself first.
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Future Proof hosts industry leaders racing to future proof their businesses, and seize opportunities created by AI and automation. Created by Basis Set Ventures, a venture capital fund investing in early-stage technology companies that fundamentally transform the way people work. We believe artificial intelligence delivers core value by improving productivity for all parts of the economy; from factories to offices. Music by John Mannes Jr. Art by Vuo Design.
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Elon Musk started the The Boring Company, so we started The Boring Podcast -- an intermittent show where two grad students talk about technology, Tesla, SpaceX, Gary the Snail and just about anything tangentially related to Mr. Musk. Muskrats unite!
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As parents, we all want to teach our kids to be inclusive, but how? Join Jasmine Bradshaw each week as she gives you the tools and practical strategies that you need to talk to your children about race, religion, and culture. If you are a parent who values inclusion and wants to teach your children how to truly love those who are different from them, this podcast is for you!
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Our mission at "On The Basis Of Democracy" is to explore current national and international issues from an American Jewish perspective. We aim to challenge divisive narratives, champion democracy, and promote a more cohesive society through engaging interviews, historical insights, and reflections. Upholding democratic principles and institutions is crucial in our American journey, where we face obstacles and strive for progress. We believe that democracy has the potential to promote life, l ...
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1-Moral Lies 2-New Career ~ 1-Examples of moral lies 2-Starting a new career after being fired
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1-Moral Lies 2-New Career ~ 1-Examples of moral lies 2-Starting a new career after being fired. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit…
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Künstliche Intelligenz – Jahrhundertchance für Deutschlands Wirtschaft?
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Im Gespräch mit „Netzökonom“ Dr. Holger Schmidt „Netzökonom“ Dr. Holger Schmidt sagt: „Künstliche Intelligenz ist Europas Jahrhundertchance“. Warum er davon überzeugt ist, obwohl der Zug bei den sogenannten Large Language Modellen für Europa abgefahren ist, erklärt er im Gespräch mit Svea Eckert. Darüber hinaus geht es in der aktuellen Folge von „B…
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Axel Lorentz: On high performance vs alternative boards
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In this week’s episode of the Basis Surf Podcast, I’m joined by Axel Lorentz, the legendary shaper from the Basque Country. When he was shaping for @pukasurf his boards made it to five out of six finals for Stab in the Dark. He is now shaping under his own label. Axel takes us behind the scenes to reveal what makes his designs excel for both pros a…
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S6 E205 Vraag aan ChatGPT: Gedachten die werkelijkheid worden, is dat manifestatie, intuïtie of toeval?
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In deze podcast lees ik mijn conversatie met ChatGPT letterlijk voor. De conversatie ging over mijn vraag hoe het kan dat sommige gedachten werkelijkheid lijken te worden. Is dat manifesteren, intuïtie of toeval? Veel luisterplezier!
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Neighbor Wars ~ My neighbor won't stop doing things that annoy me.
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Neighbor Wars ~ My neighbor won't stop doing things that annoy me. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more in…
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Blind Dates ~ How to get the most from a blind date ~ a short interview with Dr. Don Kieffer
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Blind Dates ~ How to get the most from a blind date ~ a short interview with Dr. Don Kieffer. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit w…
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1-Independence 2-Emotions ~ 1-Living with a demanding parent or partner 2-My friend can't express his emotions
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1-Independence 2-Emotions ~ 1-Living with a demanding parent or partner 2-My friend can't express his emotions. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-…
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Justice ~ My fiancé won't stop his toxic daughter from ruining my desire to marry him.
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Justice ~ My fiancé won't stop his toxic daughter from ruining my desire to marry him. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drke…
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Intimacy and Guilt ~ I try to not have sex with women I like because then I lose interest in them.
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Intimacy and Guilt ~ I try to not have sex with women I like because then I lose interest in them. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Vi…
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Finding Happiness ~ There IS a method ~ a short interview with author Craig Biddle
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Finding Happiness ~ There IS a method ~ a short interview with author Craig Biddle. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenne…
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S6 E204: Van persoonlijk leiderschap en probleemoplossing naar empowerment
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Persoonlijk leiderschap en probleemaanpak of probleemoplossing zijn nauw met elkaar verbonden en vullen elkaar aan in het proces van persoonlijke en professionele groei. Persoonlijk leiderschap legt de basis voor zelfbewustzijn, zelfregulatie en doelgerichtheid, terwijl probleemoplossing je helpt om specifieke uitdagingen en obstakels te identifice…
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S6 E203 Luister naar jezelf! Maar naar welke stem dan?
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𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗳𝗶𝗻𝘇𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘁:𝘓𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘢𝘳 𝘫𝘦𝘻𝘦𝘭𝘧! 𝘔𝘢𝘢𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘢𝘳 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮 𝘥𝘢𝘯? Als je zelfinzicht wil gaan gebruiken om dingen te beslissen of om op een bepaalde manier iets aan te pakken (heel verstandig!), dan is het wel handig als je weet naar welke stem, ideeën en gedachten in je hoofd je het beste kan luisteren. Misschien helpt uitleg in deze podcast daar dan bij…
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265 - „Das Geheimnis der starken Persönlichkeit: Olga von Stein über den Einklang von Innerem und Äußerem“
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So baust Du dir ein gesundes Selbstbewusstsein auf und stärkst deine Persönlichkeit. Innen und Außen hängen dabei stark zusammen, berichtet uns die bekannte Beauty- und Lifestyle Mentorin Olga von Stein. Zum 3.mal ist sie zu Gast im Podcast der basischen Lebensführung und hat wieder zahlreiche nützliche Tipps im Gepäck! Sie beantwortet uns im nähre…
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Angry Child ~ My angry child hits classmates and adults.
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Angry Child ~ My angry child hits classmates and adults. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more information …
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S6 E202: Ontdek hoe je AI ook kunt inzetten voor je persoonlijke groei of werk.
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In deze aflevering deel ik hoe je AI kan gebruiken om werk efficiënter te maken en ideeën te verwoorden. Een kijkje achter de schermen.
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Sacrifice Backfired ~ How can I regain my self-confidence after my romantic breakup?
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Sacrifice Backfired ~ How can I regain my self-confidence after my romantic breakup? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenn…
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1-Selfishness is not... 2-Dating Flip Flop ~ 1-Selfishness is not being a bully 2-My flip flopping boyfriend suddenly wants to end our relationship.
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1-Selfishness is not... 2-Dating Flip Flop ~ 1-Selfishness is not being a bully 2-My flip flopping boyfriend suddenly wants to end our relationship. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any persona…
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GUIDING Your Child ~ A new perspective on parenting - a short interview with parenting expert Cornelia Lockitch
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GUIDING Your Child ~ A new perspective on parenting - a short interview with parenting expert Cornelia Lockitch. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877…
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Nosy Sister ~ My sister gave out copies of my private journal.
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Nosy Sister ~ My sister gave out copies of my private journal. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more inform…
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Teenage Mom ~ Did having children contribute to ruining my marriage?
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Teenage Mom ~ Did having children contribute to ruining my marriage? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more …
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1-Teenagers 2-Boyfriends ~ 1-How to stay close with your teenagers 2-Why do I always need to change boyfriends?
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1-Teenagers 2-Boyfriends ~ 1-How to stay close with your teenagers 2-Why do I always need to change boyfriends? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-…
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Balans tussen focus op jezelf of focus op ander
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Het draait allemaal om balans. Geen enkel leven draait volledig om jezelf of alleen om anderen. Het gaat om flexibel schakelen tussen deze twee uitersten, afhankelijk van de situatie en het moment.www.basisbegrip.nl
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Envy ~ How can I get along with my envious sister?
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Envy ~ How can I get along with my envious sister? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more information about …
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Moving On ~ Help me to accept that our 7 year marriage is ending.
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Moving On ~ Help me to accept that our 7 year marriage is ending. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more inf…
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Hoe maak je logische goede voornemens?
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Heb jij ook altijd goede voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar? Maar ben je die vaak in februari alweer vergeten? In de podcast hoor je hoe je logische doelen voor jezelf kan stellen die wel slagen. Fijne jaarwisseling en een gelukkig nieuwjaar!
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Anxiety ~ I can't stop thinking about all the uncertainties in my life.
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Anxiety ~ I can't stop thinking about all the uncertainties in my life. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for mo…
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Depression ~ How can I help my adult alcoholic daughter.
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Depression ~ How can I help my adult alcoholic daughter. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more information …
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Bullying ~ Assertive vs. aggressive ways to deal with difficult classmates.
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Bullying ~ Assertive vs. aggressive ways to deal with difficult classmates. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com fo…
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Emotional Intimacy ~ Do men develop an emotional involvement more slowly than women?
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Emotional Intimacy ~ Do men develop an emotional involvement more slowly than women? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenn…
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Independence ~ My child always wants to do the opposite of what we want.
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Independence ~ My child always wants to do the opposite of what we want. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for m…
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Frauen in der IT: Warum wir den Code für Gleichstellung knacken müssen
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Diversität ist für Künstliche Intelligenz-Anwendungen essenziell Es ist kein Geheimnis: Es gibt aktuell immer noch vergleichsweise wenige Frauen in der IT – eine Veränderung ist zu erkennen, aber Informationstechnik und MINT-Fächer sind weiterhin männerdominiert. Um dem Wieso auf den Grund zu gehen, besucht Svea Eckert die Sozioinformatikerin Prof.…
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Alcoholism ~ Is my attempt to go sober the reason my life-long depression is ending?
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Alcoholism ~ Is my attempt to go sober the reason my life-long depression is ending? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenn…
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Trust ~ My 18 year marriage has become a nightmare.
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Trust ~ My 18 year marriage has become a nightmare. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more information about…
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Insecurity ~ Is my wife's recent weight gain the cause of her insecurity, anger, and suspicion that I cheat?
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Insecurity ~ Is my wife's recent weight gain the cause of her insecurity, anger, and suspicion that I cheat? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-…
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Anger w Newlyweds ~ My wife gets very angry at little things I both do and don't do.
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Anger w Newlyweds ~ My wife gets very angry at little things I both do and don't do. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenn…
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Hard Thinking ~ Some ways to develop skills to deal with difficult issues - A short interview with presenter Jean Moroney
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Hard Thinking ~ Some ways to develop skills to deal with difficult issues - A short interview with presenter Jean Moroney. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, tol…
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Problem Child ~ How can I merge our families when one son is an extreme problem?
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Problem Child ~ How can I merge our families when one son is an extreme problem? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.c…
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Todd Glaser: Capturing Kelly Slater’s Greatest Moments in “A Life of Waves
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In this episode of the Basis Surf Podcast, I’m joined by the legendary surf photographer Todd Glaser, who has spent decades traveling the globe with surfing icon Kelly Slater. Todd and Kelly recently released a stunning new book, “A Life of Waves”, a visual masterpiece showcasing some of Kelly’s most iconic moments. Don’t miss this episode as we di…
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Violent Brother ~ How can I get over the death of a violent brother whom I both loved and hated?
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Violent Brother ~ How can I get over the death of a violent brother whom I both loved and hated? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visi…
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Psychological Survival ~ I am dealing with endless serious physical and psychological traumas.
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Psychological Survival ~ I am dealing with endless serious physical and psychological traumas. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit …
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Interview 5. IB-er Madeleine Streefkerk (over de rol van de IB-er en wat werkt in het contact met ouders)
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“Contact met ouders, dat gaat heel erg over jezelf”. In de nieuwe podcast-aflevering van 10 Minuten legt IB-er Madeleine Streefkerk uit hoe het in ons nadeel kan werken dat we in het onderwijs vaak van de snelle oplossingen zijn. “Speelt er iets met ouders, dan willen we dat graag snel ‘fixen’, maar daarin schuilt het gevaar dat je voorbij gaat aan…
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Soulmate? ~ How should I evaluate a prospective soulmate?
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Soulmate? ~ How should I evaluate a prospective soulmate? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more information…
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S6 E199 Voicememo Persoonlijke effectiviteit: grotere doelen bereiken via kleine stappen.
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Vaak hebben we toch wat moeite met het bereiken van onze doelen, zelfs als we iets heel graag willen. Dit kan komen doordat we ons te veel richten op het eindresultaat, dat simpelweg te groot is om in één keer te behalen. Een oplossing hiervoor is om de reis naar het einddoel op te delen in kleinere, behapbare stappen en eerst alleen te focussen op…
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Does Information or Knowledge Create Life and Consciousness?
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Let's think about this. Does life create knowledge or does knowledge create life? And is consciousness just more information that is just a part of knowledge? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mathematical-basis-for-re/support
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Abusive Husband ~ Is my husband abusive enough to leave him?
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Abusive Husband ~ Is my husband abusive enough to leave him? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more informat…
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Romantic Exclusivity ~ My boyfriend can't stop being friends with his ex.
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Romantic Exclusivity ~ My boyfriend can't stop being friends with his ex. Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for …
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S6 E198 Stress verminderen door een effectieve probleemaanpak
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Even rustig de tijd nemen voor een gestructureerde probleemaanpak is essentieel om stressvolle uitdagingen aan te pakken. In deze podcast hoor je hoe je dat doet en wat het je oplevert.Wil je meer informatie over persoonlijk leiderschap en probleemaanpak? Of wil je een online coachingsgesprek aanvragen? Kijk dan op www.basisbegrip.nl #persoonlijk_l…
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Clutter ~ Why do I permit myself to surround myself with clutter?
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Clutter ~ Why do I permit myself to surround myself with clutter? Listen to caller's personal dramas four times each week as Dr. Kenner takes your calls and questions on parenting, romance, love, family, marriage, divorce, hobbies, career, mental health - any personal issue! Call anytime, toll free 877-Dr-Kenner. Visit www.drkenner.com for more inf…
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Om het beste uit jezelf te halen en stress te verminderen, is het belangrijk dat je grip hebt op de richting van je leven (persoonlijk leiderschap) en uitdagingen die je tegenkomt goed kunt aanpakken (effectieve probleemaanpak). Om je in persoonlijk leiderschap en een effectieve probleemaanpak te versterken, maak je vaak bewuste keuzes, onderneem j…
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„Digitalisierung der Verwaltung prägt die Gesellschaft.“
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Gespräch mit CIO Bund, Dr. Markus Richter Verwaltungsdigitalisierung – ein langfristiges, komplexes Thema, das häufig kritisch betrachtet wird. Um die vielfältigen Aufgaben und Herausforderungen, aber auch den Einfluss auf Gesellschaft, Staat, Demokratie und Wirtschaft zu beleuchten, trifft Moderatorin Svea Eckert im Bundesinnenministerium Dr. Mark…
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