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The Ringer

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Analyzing the music and meaning of one album per season, one song per episode. Join host Cole Cuchna as he dives deep into albums by Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Radiohead, Beyonce, Tyler The Creator, Frank Ocean, and more. Let's Dissect.
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Lukas Ondreka

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Im Dissens Podcast spricht Lukas Ondreka mit schlauen Menschen einmal die Woche über alles, was in unserer Gesellschaft falsch läuft. Denn: Kritisieren was ist, heißt sagen was geändert werden muss. Dein Podcast für kluge Denkanstöße.
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Join Lukas Biewald on Gradient Dissent, an AI-focused podcast brought to you by Weights & Biases. Dive into fascinating conversations with industry giants from NVIDIA, Meta, Google, Lyft, OpenAI, and more. Explore the cutting-edge of AI and learn the intricacies of bringing models into production.
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America Dissected

Incision Media LLC

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Wellness isn’t just about mindfulness, exercise, or the right skin routine. Science, politics, media, culture, tech — everything around us — interact to shape our health. On America Dissected, Drs. Abdul El-Sayed and Katelyn Jetelina cuts into what really makes us sick — be it racism, corporate greed, or snake oil influencers — and what it'll take to heal it. From for-profit healthcare to ineffective sunscreens, America Dissected cuts deeper into the state of health in America. New episodes ...
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Unfiltered Dissent

Amy Zellmer

Hàng tháng+
Welcome to Unfiltered Dissent—the podcast where creators challenge the narrative and boldly speak truth to power. Dissent isn’t just disagreement— it’s democracy in action. If you are someone who wants to resist injustice, this podcast is for you. Here, we say the quiet parts out loud. No censorship. No sugarcoating. Just raw, unfiltered truth.
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Vital Dissent seeks to oppose calamitous escalation in US foreign policy by exposing establishment narratives with well-researched documentary content and insightful guest interviews. Topics include: an antiwar foreign policy, historical revisionism, technocracy, eugenics, government & private corruption, & the use & development of propaganda. Host Patrick MacFarlane is the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute. He is a practicing attorney. His work has appeared on Antiwar.com ...
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Dissect That Film

Dissect That Film

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When you take couch conversations about movies and you turn it into a podcast, you get DISSECT THAT FILM. Hosts Brett, Dan and Angela take movies they love, hate and maybe have never seen and plot break them from beginning to end, and they each bring their own unique views on the movies brought to the table. Full of fun, humor and facts, DISSECT THAT FILM is the place to be. So bring your popcorn, your favorite drink and a comfy blanket and let’s get to slicing into the world of cinema.
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Informed Dissent

Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald

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The intersection of healthcare and politics. Useful, credible information about your health and alternative methods to keep your body and mind healthy. Learn more about the hosts InformedDissentMedia.com Email Media@informeddissent.com for more information.
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The Dissenter

Ricardo Lopes

Hàng tuần+
My name is Ricardo Lopes, and I’m from Portugal. Thank you for visiting my podcast. Over the past few years, I have conducted and released more than 900 interviews and talks with experts and academics from a variety of areas and disciplines, ranging from the Arts and Philosophy to the Social Sciences and Biology. You will certainly find a subject of your interest covered here. New interviews are released on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
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Dissecting The 80s

Tripp and Andrew Laino

Hàng tháng+
Tripp and Andrew Laino have been watching movies together since 1992, and making fun of them together since 1999, when a rainy afternoon of babysitting turned into 8 hours of cheesy science fiction and jokes. Raised on a strict diet of 80s movies, the pair have an undying love for the decade and all of the weird, wonderful cinema therein, despite barely being there for it. Every other week (since 2014) they dissect a movie and the bizarre cinema quirks of 30-odd years ago.
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The Dissenter Weekly

Kevin Gosztola

Hàng tuần+
A show that provides regular updates and discussion of the United States government's war on whistleblowers, attacks on freedom of the press, and the extent to which officials go to hide their actions.
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We Dissent

Rebecca Markert

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We Dissent is a monthly law podcast hosted by two secular women, who are also attorneys at the Freedom From Religion Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Join us as we discuss developments affecting the separation of church and state in the US Supreme Court and lower federal courts. We’ll also explore other advocacy work we do to help atheists and other nonreligious people outside the courtroom. We know there are so many atheist podcasts and legal podcasts and ...
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Dissecting Dexter

Gareth Watkins

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Podcasting since 2010, this is the longest-running Dexter podcast! A podcast devoted to the tv series Dexter, Dexter New Blood and Dexter Original Sin, delving into the journey of Dexter Morgan, the serial killer hiding in plain sight as a police blood spatter expert in Miami. With episode commentary and plotline and character analysis, cast interviews, this is a perfect companion to the tv show. Email feedback to dissectingdexter@gmail.com or follow on Twitter @dissectdexter
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Inspiration Dissemination is an award-winning radio program that occurs Sunday nights at 7PM Pacific on KBVR Corvallis, 88.7FM. Each week on the program, we host a different graduate student worker from Oregon State University to talk about their lives and passion for research here at the university. By presenting these stories, we can present the diverse, human element of graduate research that is often hidden from the public view. Please find us on social media! Twitter: twitter.com/kbvrID ...
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Have you always thought there was something special about 80s and 90s country music that you've never been able to put your finger on? Why does this music stand out? Well, let's don our cowboy hats, adjust our oversized belt buckles, tease that hair, and see if we can get the bottom of it, by picking apart one song at a time.
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Delightful Dissent

Matthew Bellringer

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Delightful Dissent is a live-recorded oddcast about challenging assumptions. You can find upcoming episode livestreams, and past recordings, at https://www.matthewbellringer.com/delightful-dissent.
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Blunt Dissection

Blunt Dissection

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The Blunt Dissection Podcast exists because everyone has a story worth listening to. It's the original and best interview podcast in veterinary medicine where the best minds in the various subcultures of veterinary medicine (and sometimes outside) are profiled/deconstructed so you can listen to their remarkable stories, and also learn the habits, routines, thought processes and anything else that makes these individuals so good at what they do. What’s in it for you to listen? For some, it's ...
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Rita Garcez

Hàng tháng
Alguém lê efectivamente a descrição de um podcast? Bem... Aqui fala-se da vida, das neuras e das preocupações de alguém que ainda não ultrapassou a "fase dos porquês". :)
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Statens Naturhistoriske Museum

Hàng tháng
I Dissektion kommer vi med konservatorens kniv helt ind under huden på dyret og åbner op for vores viden, holdninger og følelser for det enkelte dyr. På den anatomiske rejse når vi tættere på dyret, gennem de naturvidenskabelige og historiske fortællinger. Dissektion er produceret for Statens Naturhistoriske Museum af Hz&Tone med støtte fra 15. Juni Fonden. Redaktion: Karsten Elmose vad og Anne Katrine Gjerløff. Fotos: Birgitte Rubæk Læs mere og se billeder fra Dissektion på www.snm.ku.dk/po ...
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Dissecting High Performance In Tennis

Adam Blicher, Tennis Coach

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Imagine what it would be like to have access to the thoughts, reasonings and concrete steps of some of the most experienced and knowledgeable Tennis Coaches in the world? – That was what I was wondering back in 2015 when I set up this podcast as a part of my learning process in my attempt to one day be a Tennis Coach on the Professional Tour. Listening to the show you will get an in-depth insight into how these Tennis Coaches help Tennis Players thrive as Humans, develop as Tennis Players an ...
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Daring Dissent

Daring Dissent

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Daring Dissent is a podcast that spotlights tales of remarkable resistance throughout history. In the face of oppression and extraordinary challenges, these fearless rabble-rousers found their own ways to make their voices heard. Every other Monday you can listen to historian/teacher Jeff DeMoss delve into the past to amplify the voices of the silenced.
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A glorified audio diary where two MSBA students, Sagar and Cory, learn about what other graduates are up to. Want to be on the show? Have any questions for us or our guests? Contact us at stochasticgradientdissent@gmail.com.
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Foi o que Ela Disse

Joe Bigodes

Hàng tháng
Espaço de conversa descontraída abordando assuntos sérios. José Sousa (@zcsousa) , Pedro Vasconcelos (@pedrovasconcelos11) e Ezequiel Campelo (@ezequielcampelo) opinam, discutem, trazem convidados para enriquecer o debate (ou não) sobre TUDO e MAIS ALGUMA COISA!!
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Hàng tháng
Let's talk dirty. Dissecting Love is a podcast about love, sex and human evolution. Ever wondered why we fall in love? Or why we cheat? Did you know that semen can alter your mood? Join us and discover how evolution has shaped our most intimate behaviours. Subscribe on iTunes to automatically download new episodes as they are released!
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Ministry of Dissent

Ministry of Dissent

Hàng ngày+
HERE IT IS! - The ministry of dissent podcast has landed, talking about all the hot button issues of the day and offering a common sense approach. uncensored, unedited and unchained.
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Descent into Dissent

Jeffery Sanders

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A podcast devoted to discussions that stray from the accepted stnaces on religion, politics and philosophy in order to pursue that which is true. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/descentintodissent/support
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Welcome to the show! This podcast touches on all things dance, whether it would be speaking with artists, responding to media, or speaking on frequent issues within the dance industry! This dance podcast, meant for everyone, discusses dance systematically from the prospective of a university student studying dance. The goal of this podcast is to encourage people to think about dance as a system in a lighthearted format. Episodes will be published every other Thursday. Welcome to the convo! V ...
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show series
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EPISODE 194: Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! We are back in the world of Leprechaun as we venture to the bright lights of Vegas to see what shenanigans that Leppy boy has in store this time with 1995's LEPRECHAUN 3. Hailed as the best of the franchise, does it really deserve that moniker, or is it again, just another forgettable horror sequel? @O…
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Abdul and Katelyn talk about the current measles outbreak, the danger of relitigating the MMR vaccine again, and the latest round of DOGE cuts to public health. They also peek into the confirmation hearings for Trump’s picks to lead NIH and the FDA, where Senators pressed hard against vaccine skepticism. Then Abdul talks to Adrienne Ammerman, found…
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In this edition of the "Dissenter Weekly," host Kevin Gosztola focuses on the Fox News network's push for leak prosecutions against media sources at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Homeland Security Department (DHS). The network is furious that details about ICE raids are being shared with the press before agents conduct the raids…
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Sharing my thoughts on Lois Lowry’s ‘The Giver’. Vital Dissent website Join my email list and become a premium member: http://www.vitaldissent.club Vital Dissent Merch 10% off with code VD10 Show notes: Support Today | The Libertarian Institute The Giver Quartet Box Set Early Liberty Weekly articles and podcasts Stoned Apes & Brave New World Ep. 29…
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Millionen-Erbin und Steuergerechtigkeits-Aktivistin Marlene Engelhorn im Gespräch Plutokratie in den USA und ein deutscher Kanzler mit Draht zu den Vermögenden: Der Einfluss der Reichen auf die Politik und die soziale Spaltung werden zunehmend zur Gefahr für unsere Demokratien, ist Marlene Engelhorn überzeugt. Die Millionenerbin aus Österreich setz…
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Our season-long analysis of Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers continues with "Rich - Interlude," a track given to controversial rapper Kodak Black. Why? Well, that's exactly the question we attempt to answer. Shop Dissect S13 Merch. Follow Dissect on Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. Host/Writer/EP: Cole Cuchna Video/Audio Production: Kevin Pooler Additio…
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Burt I. Gordon was a savant when it came to giant animal attack movies, bringing live animals on a massive scale to the screen in ways not seen in Hollywood. In 1957 he directed the GIANT locust movie BEGINNING OF THE END with legendary actor Peter Graves, bringing forth what he could do in this genre. We look back at this now almost 70 year old mo…
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Teil 1 der "Was tun?"-Miniserie mit Felix Schulz, Social-Media-Referent von Heidi Reichinnek Nach langem Tiefflug ist die Linkspartei als Fraktion zurück im Bundestag. Ein Grund für den Wahlerfolg war die Ansprache von jungen Wählerinnen auf Social Media: Allein Heidi Reichinneks Brandrede gegen Friedrich Merz und dessen gemeinsame Abstimmung mit d…
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Hello, horrorphiles. In this spoiler-free episode, we’ll review Robert Eggers’s Nosferatu, starring Bill Skarsgård, Lily Rose Depp, Willem Dafoe and Nicholas Hoult. “A gothic tale of obsession between a haunted young woman and the terrifying vampire infatuated with her, causing untold horror in its wake,” according to The Internet Movie Database. T…
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In this episode, The Guardrails of Democracy, I talk with Marcia Bumgardner about the systems, policies, and institutions that keep our democracy intact. We dive into the challenges these guardrails face, the impact of misinformation, and what we can do to protect democratic values. Join us for a timely and insightful conversation on the power of c…
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Many of you have been asking for an audiobook version of Winning Words—and now it’s here! Want the full audiobook right away? You can get immediate access to the entire audiobook for the same price as the paperback ($14.99) by emailing me at adamblicher@gmail.com. Otherwise, the rest of the book will be released in episodes over the coming months. …
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Episode 193: Ladies and gentlemen, and everybody else in-between, welcome to an episode only the wild folks over on the Dissect That Film discord can bring to you. As Parker has stated many times, he's not a fan of Terry "Hulk" Hogan. So why not make him cover the first in Hogan's filmography, 1989's NO HOLDS BARRED. IT'S TIME TO RIP 'EM! Charlie f…
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This week Abdul is joined by physician and writer Dr. Dhruv Khullar, who is subbing in for Dr. Katelyn Jetelina this week. Abdul and Dhruv discuss a rash of alarming news out of HHS, including its uneven measles response, more cancelled meetings, a policy change to end public comment, and the re-evaluation of a key bird flu vaccine contract. They a…
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Linken-Chefin Ines Schwerdtner über die Aufrüstungsgefahr und den Weg zu Mehrheiten Es ist die Überraschung dieser Bundestagswahl: Die Linke hat mit 8,7 Prozent spektakulär den Wiedereinzug ins Parlament geschafft. Und die linke Opposition wird gebraucht – in Zeiten, in denen die demokratische Mitte nach rechts blinkt und massiv aufrüsten möchte. W…
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In this special edition of the "Dissenter Weekly," host Kevin Gosztola talks with Mickey Huff and Andy Lee Roth of Project Censored about how President Donald Trump's administration has weaponized distrust toward the news media establishment to further attacks on the press.Bởi Kevin Gosztola
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Sharing my thoughts on Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian. Vital Dissent website Join my email list and become a premium member: http://www.vitaldissent.club Vital Dissent Merch 10% off with code VD10 Show notes: Support Today | The Libertarian Institute The Greatest, Terrible Book Ever Made - The Story too Disturbing to be a Movie: Blood Meridian Ju…
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A Note: We do spoil a major part of David Copperfield's Vegas show in this. Vegas! Vegas! Vegas! It's our last episode before the paternity hiatus, and we're discussing a Laino family classic, and a not-great movie that we love deeply: Vegas Vacation! What's the kayfabe of Siegfried and Roy? Why isn't Audrey working at a strip club? How great is Wa…
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******Support the channel****** Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedissenter PayPal: paypal.me/thedissenter PayPal Subscription 1 Dollar: https://tinyurl.com/yb3acuuy PayPal Subscription 3 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/ybn6bg9l PayPal Subscription 5 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/ycmr9gpz PayPal Subscription 10 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/y9r3fc9m P…
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******Support the channel****** Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedissenter PayPal: paypal.me/thedissenter PayPal Subscription 1 Dollar: https://tinyurl.com/yb3acuuy PayPal Subscription 3 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/ybn6bg9l PayPal Subscription 5 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/ycmr9gpz PayPal Subscription 10 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/y9r3fc9m P…
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EPISODE 192: The juice is loose! Or at least we think so. Join us, along with Logan from @videovillaentertainment for a dissection 36 years in the making, as we look at the long awaited sequel to the 1988 classic, BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE. With most of the original cast back for another adventure with the dead, was the magic that we once knew from a…
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******Support the channel****** Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedissenter PayPal: paypal.me/thedissenter PayPal Subscription 1 Dollar: https://tinyurl.com/yb3acuuy PayPal Subscription 3 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/ybn6bg9l PayPal Subscription 5 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/ycmr9gpz PayPal Subscription 10 Dollars: https://tinyurl.com/y9r3fc9m P…
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Abdul and Katelyn discuss some worrisome changes at HHS, including RFK’s decision to postpone a key immunization committee’s scheduled meeting and the Trump Administration’s short-sighted strategy to combat bird flu. Then Abdul talks to Former FDA Commissioner Robert Califf about the impacts of the federal workforce purge. Check out our shop at sto…
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In this episode, I’m joined by none other than Dr. Evan Antin—the globetrotting vet with a knack for treating everything from household pets to some of the most exotic creatures on the planet. Known to millions as "America's Sexiest Veterinarian," Evan has carved out a unique career that blends adventure, veterinary medicine, and a passion for cons…
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