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Beth Rigby. Jess Phillips. Ruth Davidson. With polls suggesting trust in politicians is low, three political powerhouses unite to unravel the spin and explain what’s really going on in Westminster and beyond. Every week, they will examine our political leaders and their policies – how they’re written, and how they’re sold to voters – as we prepare for a general election. With so much at stake, they will work out which politicians are coming out on top and who is having an Electoral Dysfuncti ...
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Canal dedicado a contribuir a elevar el nivel del debate económico, político y electoral a través de la explicación clara y sencilla de los problemas económicos y electorales que afectan a hogares, empresas e instituciones, con propuestas sensatas y viables para superarlos.
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The Electorette is one of the longest running feminist podcasts, and offers analyses and solutions to the world's biggest political and social challenges, all through the lens of women. Hosted by Jennifer Taylor-Skinner, The Electorette regularly features award-winning authors, politicians, academics, activists, and organizers like the founder of Mom's Demand Action, Shannon Watts, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and author and MacArthur 'Genius Grant' Fellow, Nicole Fleetwood. The Electorette is ...
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Signum, Comunicación Política S.C., es una empresa consultora especializada en estrategias políticas. Integrada por ex funcionarios electorales y académicos; generamos una sinergia interdisciplinaria que nos permite optimizar procesos y brindar soluciones adecuadas para nuestros clientes
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show series
Beth sits down with the deputy Labour leader, Angela Rayner to talk in detail about the investigation into the sale of her ex-council house and the impact it had on her and her family. They also discuss the row over Diane Abbott and accusations of a purge of Labour’s left. Plus, Angela invites Beth aboard her battle bus as her election campaigning …
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La viabilidad económica de la gobernabilidad poselectoral hay que comenzar a construirla desde el mismo 29-J y no después de la toma de posesión el 10-E. Al interés nacional le conviene que los actores políticos, económicos y sociales logren unos acuerdos básicos que permitan gestionar recursos para atender las urgencias y prioridades nacionales, y…
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EMILYs List president, Jessica Mackler, joins The Electorette to discuss the importance of electing pro-choice, Democratic women to office—candidates who are unapologetic advocates for reproductive rights. We also discuss how unified messaging about abortion rights, among all Democrats, will energize voters. Lastly, we discuss the crucial role Vice…
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This week, Beth gets Ruth and Jess's take on what's happening now that Diane Abbott has had the Labour whip restored. The WhatsApps from Beth’s sources keep coming as they're recording. They discuss the strategies behind the Sunak and Starmer campaigns – with one going for headline-grabbing pledges and the other spending the first week focusing on …
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With Westminster still reeling from the prime minister's decision to call a general election on the 4 July, Beth, Jess and Ruth lift the curtain on what was going on in parliament as rumours started to swirl. Who decided to call an election now? Why did Rishi Sunak not have an umbrella? And what kind of campaign will the parties run over the next s…
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After the Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer set out what Labour would do if it wins the election, Beth Rigby, Jess Phillips and Ruth Davidson discuss the six key policies that have been unveiled. They also talk about the major speech made by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the beginning of the week and debate whether the election campaign has really sta…
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Following the defection of the Dover and Deal MP Natalie Elphicke to Labour, Beth, Ruth and Jess discuss the surprise move and whether it could have been handled differently by Sir Keir Starmer. They also talk about Beth's interview with the former immigration minister Robert Jenrick and his warnings about Reform UK. Plus, how significant was the d…
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El Pacto plantea un Programa Básico de Reformas Económicas, Sociales e Institucionales que se puede llevar a cabo en el lapso que va desde la fecha de las elecciones presidenciales hasta la toma de posesión, através de una acción conjunta entre el gobierno saliente y el gobierno entrante. De esta forma, el nuevo gobierno -en vez de heredar un país …
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Con base en el artículo 29 de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, el Pacto de Convivencia Pacífica plantea claramente que “quedanexceptuados de la amnistía las violaciones graves a los derechos humanos y los crímenes de lesa humanidad, tal como se establece en el Estatuto de Roma. Estos casos sólo podrán ser juzgados en las in…
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Para Antonio Ecarri "el principio rector para un gran acuerdo de gobernabilidad en Venezuela pasa primero por el reconocimiento. El reconocimiento de que los actores tienen que subsistir, tienen que convivir y tiene que haber el espacio plural para que todos puedan accionar políticamente, incluso con la alternabilidad debida.La construcción tanto d…
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It’s the morning after the day before for Beth, Ruth and Jess as they pull apart the local election results they have so far. They discuss what big council losses for the Conservatives could mean for the Rishi Sunak narrative. How does the re-election of Ben Houchen as Tees Valley mayor help him? Also – are there some niggles for Labour within the …
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Esosa Osa, the founder and CEO of Onyx Impact, an organization that fights the harmful information ecosystems that target Black communities, discusses how misinformation and disinformation campaigns target the Black community and voters. Osa served as the Senior Advisor to Stacey Abrams' gubernatorial campaign, and is the former deputy direction of…
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La propuesta de un Pacto de Convivencia Pacífica en Venezuela surge de una amplia consulta a importantes e influyentes voces de la sociedad civil que trabaja por vencer la apatía electoral, reconstruir la confianza en el voto, mantener la ruta electoral, rechazar las vías violentas e insurreccionales, alcanzar una solución electoral y pacífica del …
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La prolongación de la guerra en Ucrania y la escalada del conflicto bélico en el Medio Oriente -con los ataques cruzados entre Israel a Irán-, representan una seria amenaza para la seguridad energética de EEUU y Europa. En este contexto, un aumento de la producción de petróleo venezolano puede ayudar a conjurar y despejar ese peligro. --- Send in a…
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Following the prime minister's trip to Europe this week, Beth Rigby, Jess Phillips and Ruth Davidson examine whether Rishi Sunak is convincing on the world stage and ask if his announcement on defence spending will help the Conservatives' chances in next week's local elections. And after the Rwanda bill was passed this week - is this another win fo…
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Dr. Jade S. Sasser discusses eco-anxiety, climate guilt, and her new book, "Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future," as well as, the growing reproductive-resistance movement among young people who've decided to refrain from having children due to the looming climate crisis. From this Episode C…
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La sustitución de la licencia general por licencias específicas pareciera ser una puesta en escena para vender la narrativa de que EEUU está castigando al gobierno venezolano por no haber dejado inscribir a María Corina Machado ni a su sustituta en las Presidenciales de 2024. Así, la Administración Biden reduce el costo mediático y político-elector…
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Horas antes de anunciarse la reimposición de las sanciones, representantes de Pdvsa y Repsol firmaron un acuerdo para la extensión del área geográfica de la Empresa Mixta Petroquiriquire. También se firmó la alianza petrolera Roraima entre inversionistas privados y Pdvsa que espera producir 45 mil barriles diarios al cierre de 2024 y alcanzar 120 m…
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Following allegations Tory MP Mark Menzies misused campaign funds, Beth Rigby, Jess Phillips, and Ruth Davidson examine the fallout for the government and for the politician who has been suspended from the parliamentary party. He denies all the claims. And after the Commons votes to ban anyone born after 1 January 2009 from buying cigarettes, the t…
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A 24 horas de vencerse las licencias petroleras de la OFAC, en Venezuela se anunció la creación de la nueva empresa mixta petrolera Roraima, con 51% capital de Pdvsa y 49% de Repsol. Aunque la Administración Biden decida suspender la Licencia General 44 otorgada a Pdvsa, la creación de la empresa mixta Roraima confirma que la OFAC mantendrá vigente…
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As the fall-out from the Westminster honeytrap scandal continues to unravel, Beth Rigby, Jess Phillips and Ruth Davidson explain why contacts are so valuable in Parliament and ask what William Wragg’s resignation tells us about Rishi Sunak’s leadership. And, with Labour riding hight after two major polls predicted landslide victories at the upcomin…
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Sondra Goldshein, the Executive Director of The Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, discusses the organization's election-year ground game focused on electing candidates who support family friendly policies like childcare, elder care, and paid family leave. The organization is investing $40 million dollars to back the reelection campaign of the…
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La desaceleración de la inflación se ha logrado al costo de congelar los salarios de la nómina pública y reducir el gasto público, contraer el consumo privado que mueve la economía y prolongar el deterioro de los servicios públicos de agua, electricidad, gas, telecomunicaciones; así como de los sistemas públicos de educación, salud e infraestructur…
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Quizás la insistencia tenaz de MCM de inscribir su candidatura o la de su sustituta sea parte de un acuerdo interno entre MCM y la PU, de una astuta y audaz puesta en escena a través de la cual se finge una ruptura entre MCM y la PU, pero una vez que la candidatura definitiva de la MUD haya sido postulada, aceptada por el CNE y no impugnada por nad…
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Tenemos un problema de convivencia, el conflicto político está siendo muy costoso y tenemos que encontrar la forma de superarlo. Rescatar la convivencia debe ser un principio de la acción política y social, se puede construir de abajo hacia arriba a partir de pequeños acuerdos.. Creo en un acuerdo nacional impulsado por la sociedad civil, no podemo…
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Why do politicians never answer the question?’ It’s something Beth Rigby, Jess Philips and Ruth Davidson get asked all the time; so, this week they’ve dedicate the whole episode to answering your questions. From why back-benchers ask seemingly pointless questions at PMQs, to the importance of Instagram for the next general election, and where to ge…
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En una entrevista en CNN Corina Yoris dijo: “Ninguna persona a la que María Corina le diga ‘toma tú el testigo ysigue en la carrera’, va a ser aceptada”. Cualquiera sea el escogido por MCM para recibir su capital electoral va a ser inhabilitado y su apoyo puede desembocar en una especie de beso de la muerte, tal como fue aquel beso fingido y mal in…
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Dr. Venice Haynes, the Senior Director of Research and Community Engagement at United States of Care, an organization focused on building a better health care system by expanding access to quality, affordable healthcare, discusses their recent report which shows positive outcomes, particularly for Black women, when state-level Community Based Organ…
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While the Royal family have faced a challenging few weeks, Beth Rigby, Jess Phillips, and Ruth Davidson explore the points where royalty and politics meet, and what the family will say publicly about the state of cancer care following the King and the Princess of Wales' diagnoses. Plus, is deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden someone likely to be fe…
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As the prime minister tries to shake off rumours of a Tory coup and faces more delays to his Rwanda legislation - Beth Rigby, Ruth Davidson and Jess Phillips discuss where his leadership is at. What could happen if the local elections on May 2nd end badly for Rishi Sunak? Although he's standing down, they think Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar is …
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Dr. Krystale E. Littlejohn, professor and author of the book "Just Get on the Pill: The Uneven Burden of Reproductive Politics," discusses her latest book, "Fighting Mad: Resisting the End of Roe v. Wade," a collection of 52 essays she edited alongside historian, and author Dr. Rickie Solinger. This incredible collection features essays from some o…
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Llegadoel día D y la hora H, ¿Cuál será la decisión de MCM ante la imposibilidad de inscribirse en la carrera presidencial? ¿Llamará a la comunidad internacional a deslegitimar la elección y desconocer el resultado para reeditar la historia del interinato de Guaidó? ¿Le levantará la mano a un sustituto entre su gente de confianza que ella misma adv…
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Sky News political editor Beth Rigby, Labour's Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips and former leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Ruth Davidson, look at some of the big politics stories of the week. They say it's Tory donor Frank Hester who's had an "electoral dysfunction" this week after he apologised for comments he made about MP Diane Abbott. …
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Beatriz Lopez, the deputy director of the Immigration Hub, an organization dedicated to advancing fair and just immigration policies, discusses the GOP's strategy of using a multi-faceted misinformation machine to fuel anti-immigration sentiment — a fear-based strategy they've invested hundreds of millions of advertising dollars in, that they hope …
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Todos los precandidatos de la oposición que dividen al país descontento -en lugar de estarse frotando las manos por la inhabilitación de MCM-, deberían retirarse de la carrera presidencial y dejar que el clamor nacional se escuche y escoja al candidato único y unitario. Solo así será posible capitalizar electoralmente el enorme descontento con el a…
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El CNE informó que MCM tiene una prohibición para ejercer cargos públicos, por lo tanto no podrá inscribir su candidatura presidencial. En vez de insistir en que solo con ella habrá elecciones libres, que si no es ella no es nadie, a MCM le corresponde ahora demostrar su liderazgo y convocar a votar masivamente por una candidatura de consenso que p…
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The fall-out from the Budget, Donald Trump at Super Tuesday and whether Westminster is paying enough attention to your local council’s financial woes; all are up for discussion in this week's episode of Electoral Dysfunction. Sky News political editor Beth Rigby, Labour's Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips and former leader of the Scottish Conserv…
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Betsy Campbell, the Chief Engagement Officer at RESOLVE The National Infertility Association, discusses the immediate, as well as the long term implications of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that granted personhood status to embryos created during fertility treatments — a decision which effectively banned IVF treatments in the state. Since the ru…
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Para lograr la alternabilidad en el poder por la vía electoral y pacífica, la clave está en subir los costos de permanencia en el gobierno y bajar los costos de salida. Pero si a quienes ejercen el mando político la derrota electoral se le convierte en una tragedia de persecuciones, juicios y condenas, entonces se aferrarán al poder y en Venezuela …
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Following the Rochdale by-election, Sky’s political Editor Beth Rigby, the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, Jess Phillips and former leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson discuss what George Galloway’s win means for parliament. They examine the fall out of the by-election and ask why politics is not working for many people. They also …
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Los peores estrategas se preparan para los peores escenarios, pero el chavismo no quiere ni siquiera imaginarse fuera del poder. Les da terror quedar expuestos a una ola de persecuciónes, juicios y condenas. Sin garantías políticas de no persecusión el regimen no va a dejar que lo metan en una autopista sin retorno de una elecciones competitivas qu…
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