The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.
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This series is learning the sefer 'Daas Hasefiros' by Rav Reuven Schlossberg, entering deep into the world of pnimiyus hatorah.
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Sports Talk
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Join Susan Hagen and David Heyes as they discuss all topics bass-related
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Comedians Sofie Hagen and Abby Wambaugh take turns reading Self Help Books and telling you what they got (and didn’t get) out of them. It’s earnest!! But also it’s funny?
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Join relationship expert Daniele Hage as she shares her insights and tips on how to bring out the best in yourself and your partner. In each episode, Daniele and her guests explore topics such as effective communication, nurturing the feminine self, and keeping the spark alive in long-term relationships.
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For deg som ønsker hageinspirasjon, råd og praktiske tips når det gjelder planter, blomster og alt annet som hagelivet har å by på. Vert er Gerd Ellen Ottersen. Hun formidler hageglede, -kunnskap og inspirasjon, både alene og i samtaler med spennende hage- og plantegjester. Episodene har noe å by på enten du er fersk eller erfaren med hage og planter. Hagespiren samarbeider med Hageselskapet, utgiver av landets største hagemagasin. En organisasjon som deler hageinspirasjon og kunnskap med ha ...
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Discussions regarding security, firearms and self/community-defense within the Jewish community. Based in Houston, TX.
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El podcast de fotografía del que no deberías fiarte demasiado, conducido por Edu López, fotógrafo y creador de contenido en YouTube, Patreon, Instagram y Tik Tok.
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It’s Not That Complicated with David Hagan is a weekly podcast with new guests in each episode discussing hot topics in the new home industry and related fields. David interviews leaders in homebuilding, sales and marketing, mortgage lending, and real estate. The It’s Not Complicated Podcast will help you develop new strategies, tactics, and disciplines in order to meet and exceed your goals for you and your teams, regardless of the industry you’re in.
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A salute to Sammy Hagar- The Red Rocker! From Rock to Rum, Cabo to Cars to Catalina, Baja to Beer, Montrose to Mexico to Mezquila, Guitars, Gear n' Grub, Chickenfoot, HSAS, The Circle, Los Tres Gusanos, The Other Half, and his still growing solo career, your "Bo-Hosts" Darin & Brent delve into anything- and everything- within 9 Degrees of Sammy, making pit-stops at all points in-between! More than just a podcast, it's celebrating the "Red Rocker" lifestyle, while also bringing a better "bala ...
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New host for hagah
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Notícias do universo dos animes e mangás comentadas por pessoas sem autoridade nenhuma no assunto
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Hør min historie om hvordan jeg hadde det fra jeg slet psykisk. Jeg vil også prate om temaer innen psykisk helse og personlig utvikling.
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Sjarmerende hagepodcast.
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This is Danny's Podcast
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Podcasten ”Peiling” med vertene Ole A. Hagen (NHO Logistikk og Transport) og Ingelin Noresjø (Grønt landtransportprogram). De diskuterer samferdselspolitikk, transport, logistikk og det grønne skiftet. Gjester i studio er ledende personer i samferdsels-Norge innen alle transportformer.
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Welcome to curtis Hager, where amazing things happen.
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High octane house music
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Welcome to hagan smith, where amazing things happen.
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En serie på St Rita Radio til inspirasjon for en dypere tro og vennskap med Jesus Kristus gjennom Karmelittordenens spiritualitet og helgener. Ved Anne Samuelsen, legkarmelitt og opplæringsleder i Karmels sekularorden i Norge. EWTN Norge drives av en stor gruppe dedikerte frivillige og finansieres utelukkende av bidrag fra våre lesere, lyttere og seere. Din støtte er avgjørende for at vi kan fortsette å spre evangeliet til enda flere mennesker i Norge. Takk til alle som bidrar med å hjelpe o ...
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Radio Host, Interviewer, WEDU.TEAM, Austin American Statesman
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Podcast by Tyler Hagerman
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we talk about my life and other topic as well as events around the world
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My life experiences Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the launch of the Hagar's Voice Podcast. Here's a brief intro, backstory and the hope for this channel.If you, or someone you know, is a victim of clergy sexual abuse, we are here for you. You are not alone. Visit
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How the name hidden treasures in secret places came to be The name of my book
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Authentic conversations about life, goals, and behavior change.
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Podcast by Hager Park Church
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Airs every Thursday night from 4-5 on 90.7 The Pulse FM, out of Grantham PA. Listen online as well, click the link below
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Author of the book entitled ‘B.E. - Be Effortlessly’, Marcus Hagans brings his expertise to you over the air.
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Das erste deutschsprachige TV-Magazin rund ums Thema Hexen, Heiden, Magie und mehr. Abseits des Esoterik-Booms und der Licht&Liebe Szene moderiert Lady Purple zynisch, weise und oftmals sehr konkret durch die Sendung.
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Our purpose at Hagee Ministries is to bring the lost to Jesus Christ while encouraging those who are already believers. Visit: for more information.
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Talking about news around the NBA world
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A podcast for witches, magical practitioners, mystics and hags. Created and hosted by Danielle of Little Reader Tarot and Lia of CRUCIFIXVI.
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Weekly sermon audio from the Church of Christ at Hagerstown
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Join me every week for spiritual conversation with enlightening guests! I connect with intuitives, lightworkers, spiritual visionaries, and more.
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David Hager, the well-known owner of Los Angeles Plumbing, has once again shown that his commitment to the community goes far beyond fixing leaky pipes. This past weekend, Hager organized a unique charity event dubbed “Flush Out Hunger,” aimed at providing food and plumbing services to underprivileged neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
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Een podcast voor kerkgangers, kerverlaters en kerkelozen. Altijd voorbij ’t Bijbel-pierenbadje, met relevante geloofsonderwerpen en thema’s die jou prikkelen, uitdagen, je leven raken, en helpen koers te houden in de woelige wateren van een steeds complexer wordende wereld. Neem gerust een kijkje over de heg… ============ * Saint K9® Podcasts zijn opgezet ter inspiratie, opbouw en verdieping van je geestelijke leven en wil jou hoop geven en (opnieuw) enthousiast te maken voor God en Zijn Woo ...
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El podcast se basará en mis experiencias familiares y temas de relevancia como dinero , sexualidad y psicología
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Consejos, entrevistas, técnicas y mucho más en episodios que cortos y prácticos para hacer Marketing en tu negocio. Soy Jho de Hagamos Marketing y te doy la bienvenida a este podcast hecho para aquellos que quieren estar actualizados en temas de marketing, tecnología e innovación.
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Conversaciones absurdas de temas varios con Juan Manuel De Cleene y Santiago De Cleene (si, son primos). Cubrimos temas geeks, filosóficos, científicos y culturales.
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‘Ask A Hag’ is an advice podcast about self-care and witchcraft in the modern world. This podcast is a place where people ask questions and the Hags provide helpful answers using their knowledge as healers and witches. This program is driven by you, our magickal listeners! Contact us with your questions! Support this podcast:
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Hagamos Café es un espacio para compartir experiencias y conocimientos de los actores del gremio cafetalero a través de un “Coffee Podcast” y video-blogs, con la finalidad de educar e informar a los todos los individuos de cada eslabón de la cadena del café.
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“Oí una voz que desde el cielo me decía: Escribe: Bienaventurados de aquí en adelante los muertos que mueren en el Señor. Sí, dice el Espíritu, descansarán de sus trabajos, porque sus obras, con ellos siguen. Apocalipsis 14:13
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Programa de Onda Campus, Univbersidad de Extremadura. Por Berto Cruz, Juanma García, Mario González y Pol García.
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Fight Philisophy with Alexander Hagen er en podkast om boksing, kampsport, trening, isbading, mental helse og mye annet.
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05/25: Gjenbruk i hagen med Hege og Jørgen Fon
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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44:53I denne episoden blir vi med på hagevandring gjennom en spennende hage full av kreativitet og gjenbruk. Gjester er Hege og Jørgen Fon. Alt fra planter til ulike materialer og ting kan ofte reddes og gis et nytt liv. -Og om det ikke gir dem evig liv, så får de kanskje noen år ekstra og mulighet til å være både til glede og nytte. Du finner Hagespire…
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(Recorded February 12th, 2025) Deception and self-interest seem to be increasingly prevalent in our modern cultural reality. From the highest levels of power to the cultural metrics of what is considered ‘success’ for individual humans: the Dark Triad traits of Narcissism, Sociopathy, and Machiavellianism have become disturbingly normalized. But is…
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(39) Taanug - the Deeper Motivation of Ratzon
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42:55Join the Aish Kodesh WhatsApp Status Join the secure WhatsApp Group To sponsor a clip or to find out about sponsorship opportunities send us a message hereBởi The Rav Moshe Weinberger Library
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 10
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21:48Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 10 Av Anne Samuelsen, 13. februar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. "Når vi vender oss til Gud, møter vi ham i ren selvutgivelse. At …
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Reimagining the Cultural Narrative: Art and Storytelling for Systemic Change with Dougald Hine
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1:36:53(Conversation recorded on November 12th, 2024) In today’s modern era, the overwhelming flood of information that constantly flows our way can leave us feeling disoriented, lost, and powerless. Even science – our most trusted source of truth – can be taken out of context to fuel division and distort the reality around us. In the midst of this confus…
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NMHMC | El Portafolio en fotografía, ¿qué es, para que sirve, es importante? Ep. 10
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52:02Sígueme en: https://www.estudiolumina.com
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The Plastic Crisis: A Health and Environmental Emergency | Reality Roundtable 15
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1:39:08(Conversation recorded on January 21st, 2025) Many of us are familiar with the problem of plastics as a distant issue in the ocean, primarily affecting fish and sea turtles. While these environmental effects are critical, the full scope of plastic’s repercussions on human health and well-being is largely unknown by most people, even as the research…
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04/25: Pilfletting med Klara Pil
Nghe Sau
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1:00:06I denne episoden besøker vi Klara Pil. Hun er kurvmaker og fletter alt fra tradisjonelle kurver til mer kreative installasjoner og dekor. Hun underviser også i kurvfletting, og det er nok mange som har vært på kurs med Klara Pil. Vi kan dyrke pil til fletting selv, men har vi ikke plass eller gode nok klimaforhold i hagen, er det mulig å kjøpe bunt…
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Share Your Story: A Call for Responses to The Great Simplification | Frankly 84
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4:46Link to record and submit your story There are further directions on the video submission site to set you up for success when recording. Most of all, we are looking for real stories from real people. We ask that you simply show up as yourself. The link to submit videos will only be live for a few weeks, so if you’d like to share your story for this…
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Join the Aish Kodesh WhatsApp Status Join the secure WhatsApp Group To sponsor a clip or to find out about sponsorship opportunities send us a message hereBởi The Rav Moshe Weinberger Library
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 9
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21:26Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 9 Av Anne Samuelsen, 6. februar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. "Eros og agape trenger hverandre for å være riktig kjærlighet. I Gu…
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Always Adding More: The Unpopular Reality about Energy Transitions with Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
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1:15:06(Conversation recorded on November 6th, 2024) The vision of a carbon-free, net-zero society is often framed around the promise of transitioning away from fossil fuels. But what can we learn from past “energy transitions” that might inform how feasible – or unrealistic – this vision actually is? Today, Nate is joined by energy and technology histori…
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The Real ROI of Doing the Right Thing—Bridget Cramer on Customer Trust
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28:37When it comes to marketing in home improvement, Bridget Cramer has cracked the code. As the Director of Marketing at Lindus Construction, she’s helped turn satisfied customers into raving fans—all through the power of authentic content, strong branding, and real-time engagement. In this episode of It's Not that Complicated, we break down the strate…
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S5 Episode 002: "Fortune Teller Blues" - Reactions, Speculations and Reviews!
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1:01:11Whoa! 2025 is off to a great start for Redheads as Friday Jan. 31st we got the surprise new track "Fortune Teller Blues, featuring Sammy and blues wunderkind, Joe Bonamassa. But what IS this tune?!? Where did it come from?!? It sounds a bit like...Deep RED...or is it...RED Country Communion!?! In this impromptu reaction/review the Bo-Hosts speculat…
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Questions from Nina (Ask Me A Question Part 5/5)
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26:04Double Bassists Susan Hagen and David Heyes answer questions about the bassBởi susanhagenbass
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03/25: Hageopplevelser med Caroline Handeland
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50:02Å gjøre hagen til et levebrød, er det nok mange som drømmer om. Caroline Handeland er langt på vei med å realisere sin drøm. Hun og mannen har åpnet Haugland Gård & Hage for publikum. Der har de åpen hage med kafé på søndager, og tar ellers imot busslaster med hagefolk. For det er mange som er på jakt etter inspirerende hageopplevelser. I tillegg t…
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The Year of Less by Cait Flanders
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1:10:39... And shopping and doing No Buy or Low Buy Years. NOTE: I (Sofie) refer to Aja Barber as Aja Barker - a very rude mistake from my end, I apologise profusely! Also I just learned that I also mispronounced her first name. I'm so so so sorry. MAIN SOURCE The Year of Less by Cait Flanders Cait Flanders' Substack about The Year of Less REFERENCES Adve…
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Artificial Intelligence and the Lost Ark | Frankly 83
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25:01(Recorded January 27th, 2025) We live in an era where artificial intelligence increasingly dominates the headlines with promises of revolutionary advances - from medical breakthroughs to productivity gains. Yet, while society fixates on these micro-level innovations, a deeper macro story remains largely untold: how AI may fundamentally reshape the …
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 8
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19:06Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 8 Av Anne Samuelsen, 30. januar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Den Hellige Ånd veller frem fra hver eneste selvutgivelse. Vi ser d…
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The Uncertain Future of Oil: Energy Poverty, Depletion, and 'Green' Ambitions with Scott Tinker
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1:44:05(Conversation recorded on October 30th, 2024) Human consumption of fossil fuels - especially oil - is a topic filled with complexity, tension, and uncertainty. Understanding this issue requires accounting for a wide range of factors - from dynamic global markets and widely dispersed reserves to ongoing innovation and geopolitical conflicts. Attempt…
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Bởi Travis
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Double Bassists Susan Hagen and David Heyes answer questions about the bassBởi susanhagenbass
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02/25: Planlegge kjøkkenhage med Dennis Asbjørnsen
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56:45Mens vi venter på våren, har vi god tid til å planlegge sommerens kjøkkenhage. Enten vi vil fylle en krukke, en pallekarm eller kanskje en stor kjøkkenhage med noe spiselig, er det lurt å planlegge hva vi ønsker å så. Noe kan vi starte tidlig, annet bør vi vente litt med. Gjest i denne episoden er Dennis Asbjørnsen. Han er kjent som Spiselig Hage o…
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S5 Episode 001: 30 Years of BALANCE!
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1:05:11"BALANCE" turns 30 today!! Wow, where did 3 decades go?!? In this bittersweet episode the Bo-Hosts wax nostalgic on this most epic of albums and look back on what was a turbulent era for their favorite version of the band. The Bo-Hosts also discuss Balance's place in landscape of Rock N Roll circa 1995, the interesting origins of certain tracks, Ed…
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Power vs Life: Towards Wide Boundary Sovereignty | Frankly 82
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40:10(Recorded January 20th, 2025) We are alive at a critical juncture for human civilization, and the biosphere, where the pursuit and accumulation of power - accelerated by technology and AI - increasingly threatens the support systems of the diversity and majesty of complex life on Earth. These high stakes of our times require a radical reimagination…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 7
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18:22Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 7 Av Anne Samuelsen, 23. januar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. «Man kunne altså lett få inntrykk at det som kom først var den gudd…
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From Data to Deals: Karyn Bonder’s Insights on Homebuyers
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30:52What happens when innovation meets homebuilding? David Hagan welcomes Karyn Bonder, VP of Business Development, Builder Sales and Marketing at Zonda, to explore the intersection of consumer preferences, advanced technology, and builder strategies. Karyn dives into tools like UTour and explains how AI and data insights are driving industry success. …
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A Woman’s Greatest Challenge: Balancing Needs, Relationships, and Identity
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42:56In this thought-provoking episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast, we dive into the complex and often unmet challenges women face today. Daniele Hage reflects on her journey as a stay-at-home mom in the 80s and 90s, confronting societal pressures that undervalued her role while exploring how modern women navigate the evolving dynamics of relationships,…
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Navigating International Crises: The Evolving Challenges for Humanitarian Organizations with Birgitte Bischoff
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1:13:21(Conversation recorded on December 18th, 2024) With the increase in geopolitical conflicts, supply chain challenges, and unprecedented natural disasters, there is more need than ever for international humanitarian organizations that transcend political and national allegiances. How will such organizations grow and evolve to become a central compone…
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Tidligere næringsminister, kunnskapsminister og arbeids- og sosialminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen gjester Peiling. Som redaktør i E24 er han ikke lenger i "svar-bransjen", men trives med å trekke linjer, kommentere og kombinere interessen for politikk og næringsliv. I Peiling tar vi opp Draghi-rapporten, bilkøer, Nord-Norgebanen, Instagram, Churchill…
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The Future is Local: Bioregioning 101
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1:28:48(Conversation recorded on December 11th, 2024) The past century has been marked by the rise of globalization in every sense of the word - through production, culture, agriculture, consumption and more. This trend has brought great wealth and opportunities to many people - but what have we lost and forgotten through this process? In this Reality Rou…
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Double Bassists Susan Hagen and David Heyes answer questions about the bassBởi susanhagenbass
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01/25: Forkultivering - Gjenhør med Tommy Tønsberg
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46:33I denne episoden prater jeg litt om klokkeranke, men først og fremst handler det om å så frø inne. Allerede nå i januar er det flere planter som har godt av å få frøene sine i jorden. Det blir derfor et hyggelig gjenhør med episoden om frøsåing med Tommy Tønsberg fra 2022. Noen vil ha hørt det meste av denne episoden tidligere, men den er vel verdt…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 6
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Nghe Sau
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22:04Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 6 Av Anne Samuelsen, 16. januar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. « ..fullkomment objektiv lydighet og fullkomment subjektiv kjærligh…
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Reality and Perseverance in India: Pollution, Poverty, and Policy with Sunita Narain
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1:12:52(Conversation recorded on December 4th, 2024) It is an unfortunate reality that the countries least responsible for the climate and ecological crises we face are often the ones most vulnerable to their effects today and in the future. India – with its population of 1.4 billion, rapidly rising temperatures, and limited resources compared to many dev…
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Double Bassists Susan Hagen and David Heyes answer questions about the bassBởi susanhagenbass
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Bởi Travis
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PSA and also, the Basic Tools of The Artist's Way
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36:42Just a little update on this month's (late!) episode and some Artist Way Introduction Stuff... A List of All The Books We've Covered Here Subscribe to our Patreon for extra bonus episodes and to sign up for our The Artist Way thing in January! Help Hole is on Instagram and TikTok Sofie is on Instagram, TikTok, Threads, Twitter and Facebook Abby is …
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 5
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19:20Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 5 Av Anne Samuelsen, 09. januar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Mennesket, skapt i Guds bilde Det absolutte ved Gud og hans kjærlig…
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