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Do you struggle with setting boundaries and keeping them? Do you struggle with self confidence and speaking negative to and about yourself? Are you tired of allowing your abusers to replay their words in your head like a hamster wheel? If so, you are in the right place. There is hope, you can overcome and your past does not dictate your future. Hi! I’m Jennifer Whalen, a Christian Life Breakthrough Coach for women. After overcoming years of abuse, an eating disorder, and depression, God is u ...
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THE MANAGING MUM, Mom Stress, More Time, Set Boundaries, Work Life Balance, Mom Guilt, Self Care for Moms

Charlotte Haggie | Inspired by Brene Brown, Professor Marc Brackett and Dr Alan Watkins and

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Stressed out by trying to find time to fit it all in? Do you wish that you could be more present with your children? Desperate for time to think about what you need but don’t ever get there? Financial pressure keeping you stuck in this cycle? I am thrilled that you are here! This is the podcast for mums who are managing it all. Overcome the overwhelm so that you can be more present at work and at home. Learn healthy habits that will boost your productivity and decrease your stress so that yo ...
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show series
Tune in to my latest podcast episode where we talk about the complexities of setting boundaries. Join me as I explore the truths behind why boundaries can feel like such a daunting task. From dealing with our past to fear of conflict, I’ll unravel the barriers that hold you back from asserting your needs and protecting your well-being. I’ll uncover…
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Sarah had been struggling to keep her patience with her toddler and her husband and found herself snapping at them. Since becoming a mom and working on her business at the same time, she had lost sight of what she did to bring her joy and find her peace and she was looking for help in finding a way to be more patient and to remember what she loved …
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In today's episode, I'll talk about the impact of boundaries on our sense of self-worth and the dynamics of respect in our relationships. Being without boundaries can erode our self-esteem, leaving us feeling voiceless and insignificant. I'll explore how this lack of boundaries not only affects our own perception of ourselves but also communicates …
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Calm is something I used to envy in other working mums, or even SAHM mums, that seemed to have it all together. I might have looked calm on the outside but underneath it all, I was paddling furiously to keep myself afloat, I was exhausted and behind the scenes was chaos. But I have learnt how to slow down, how to be calmer and more patient and I am…
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Are you feeling like you get stuck before you ever get started? Are you constantly making excuses, telling yourself it won’t work, telling yourself that you’ll start later? What if instead, you set goals that were aligned with your dreams and you actually start achieving them? It’s possible. And it's easier than you think! It’s not only possible- I…
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This episode is a fabulous conversation with Mahnaz Sharif all about boundaries and how setting boundaries can support our productivity and our wellbeing! Mahnaz empowers Mums whose business dreams are buried under family needs. Most mums know the feeling of being sandwiched between what their family needs from them and the business they want to cr…
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In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing about a huge mountain that I had to overcome but I always had faith of a mustard seed that it would be ok. It’s a story that I’ve talked about but in my private fb group setting. Not so much publicly... but here I am. God can use our furnace stories to grow us, refine us and mold us into who HE says that we are. …
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As a young girl, the thought of exercise made me feel exhausted, heavy and lethargic. I would do everything I could not to exercise. Little did I know that a few years later, I would be a rower, would be running half marathons and would be completing a half ironman. My story is one that I think that we could possibly all relate to in some area of o…
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In this empowering podcast, I’ll talk about one of Satan's traps: the blame game. Satan's goal is to keep us stuck, with negativity and resentment. By convincing us to blame others for our feelings, he perpetuates a cycle of victimhood and pity parties. But we can refuse to be held captive any longer. Through my candid conversation and practical in…
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Are you feeling stuck in some area of your life? In your role as a working mom or in your role at work? In your health or in your relationships? Do you feel like you just can’t see way out of the situation and the way that things are going but you know that you want things to be different? Today's episode offers five steps to getting unstuck that I…
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In a world where we're constantly bombarded with messages telling us we're not enough, it's essential to turn to the unwavering truths found in Scripture. As Christians, we know that our worth is not defined by society's standards or our own perceived shortcomings. The Bible reminds us time and time again of our incredible value in God's eyes. We a…
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You are stressed and overwhelmed and just wish you had a moment for yourself. The to do list goes on and on and you aren't sure when you are going to get it all done. You snap at the children, want to cry and feel like you are going to break at any moment. This episode looks at how this state of stress can lead to the fact that we have even less ti…
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At the end of the day, do you find it really hard to close your laptop and stop thinking about the to do list and all the things that you didn’t get done? Do you feel drawn back to it and find yourself working after hours or unable to be present with your family or even yourself? The overstimulation of all that is required of us during the day can …
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We all long for more time. Time to do the have tos and time to do the want tos! But it feels like there is never enough of this precious resource and we are running around trying to fit everything in while feeling flustered and exhausted. Today, I offer three practical ways that you can take back your time so that you can get more done in the day a…
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Feeling like everyone else's needs and wants come before yours? Are you constantly changing your plans, putting out fires and feeling overwhelmed? What if instead, you woke up each day with intentions, peaceful, and ready to start your day with confidence? It's not only possible - I'm going to tell you exactly how you can do it! If you are like the…
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When the to do list is as long as our arms, it is so easy to jump from task to task, suddenly remembering that something needs to be done or reacting to a request for something from one of the many people who have needs or expectations of us. We are distracted, there isn't enough time to fit everything in and we end up feeling guilty for not workin…
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So how do you find your purpose in life? How do you know what you are called to do? Join me today as I give you the first two steps that I use in my coaching to help you find your Purpose. XOXO Quiz References Spiritual Gifts: Love Language: Next steps: Discover what could be keeping you STUCK …
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On 9 June 2022, my two-year-old daughter was wheeled into theatre to undergo open heart surgery. As I watched her prepare for the surgery and in the days following this ordeal, I was in awe of how she managed the whole process and it got me thinking about why she was able to do so with such calm and ease and peace. It made me think about how we cou…
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How do you speak to yourself? Do you talk to yourself with the glass half full or half empty? Do you talk to you worse than people have in your past have? Your words are POWER… power to HEAL and power to HURT. Listen in today as I teach you the 4 step method to Overcoming this and learn how negative thoughts can sabotage your dreams and goals. XOXO…
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Do you feel like you are constantly chasing your tail, trying to balance the time you spend at work and the time you spend at home? Do you wish you had more time for your children and yourself and that you could give up some of your work time but you need the money? Does the work life balance seem impossible to find and you wish you could feel less…
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Do you fear failing so you don’t take that chance? Do you have this burning desire to do or start something but yet, you do nothing because you don’t want to fail. Have you tried other things and it just didn’t work out? Are you filled with ideas of what you want to do for a dream job but yet, you don’t even move forward with that dream because it …
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Do you find that you never have a chance to do the things that you love? Or you actually can’t even remember what it was that you used to do that brought you joy? One of the biggest problems I have come across for working moms is finding ‘me-time’ or taking any time for ourselves if the time does come up or is offered to us. We end up out of balanc…
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Writing in your journal each day, allows you to direct your focus to what you accomplished, what you are grateful for and what you are committing to do different tomorrow but it can also be a place to write down your struggles, your wins, and prayer request. There is NO WRONG way to journal! Tune it to this episode to hear how I feel journaling can…
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Today, I had the great privilege of spending time with Shan Wright who lives in Indiana USA, a working mom of 4 and a registered nurse and wellness coach so we have a little bit in common! Shan’s passion for holistic healing and wellness grew after her experience with postpartum anxiety. She now shares the solutions she uses for intentional and pea…
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If you could see yourself how God sees you, what you would do differently, how would you hold yourself, would you be confident to go after your dreams and passions? Would you be confident to set boundaries and not be a doormat anymore? Tune in today as I empower you to walk in the confidence of how God sees you and I have a little mindset fun activ…
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In this coaching call, Diane was looking for some help with time management. She came to me looking for strategies to shut out the noise and focus on what matters in every time block and each area of her life. We worked through what isn’t working for her. She was distracted and found that she wasn't productive when she had the time to be. She devel…
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Triggers can cause different reactions. Some people get triggered by food… some are triggered by a song. Your body has different ways of showing triggers as well - Sadness, Fear, Anger, Shame… or even STUCK. In the today's episode, I tell you how God placed this episode on my heart then had me walk through a major trigger for me and how I used my 4…
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Today is my birthday and so I am excited to share a little bit more about where I have come from and where I am today. We look at the tools that I have used to make changes in my life and to transform it from one of striving and fluster and not doing anything properly to one of focus and feeing in control of my future, able to keep that work life b…
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Trusting yourself when you’ve been hurt in the past can be so hard. You trusted someone with your heart, with their words, with promises for your future but they walked all over that trust and even took it a step further and hurt you or even abused you. On today's episode, I will be talking about how we can heal from this abuse and not let it impac…
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Sometimes we lie in bed and wonder how we could make a change to the relentless rush and hamster wheel of life. Or at least, I have done that many nights of my life! And I have found that there is one thing that I can do that can allow me the space and the freedom to slow down and to respond life the way that I want to, living it more intentionally…
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When we are filled with uncertainty and feel stuck, it could be a sign that God wants us to pivot to teach and help us grow. In the latest episode, I reveal how I discovered that I was accepting lies from Satan and letting them hinder me from following God's calling. You might be facing a comparable situation in your personal or professional life. …
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Once the children are settled at school and the year is in full swing, we still have to get back into the swing of work if we have been out of it over the holidays. I found that my work took a bit of a backseat while I was getting everyone ready and into the new school year and now I am back at my desk and need to hit the ground running! This can s…
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Experiencing a New Phase in Life Transitions can bring about a wave of fresh emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It's beneficial to recognize and embrace these emotions as we navigate through them. As a new empty nester, I found myself in this situation. Initially, I was puzzled about why I felt this way, especially now that I am happily married and …
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Connecting with someone is the foundation of any relationship. If you do not connect with someone, it is hard to keep that relationship going. In the busy-ness of working and mothering life, there is little time to think about how we connect. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t and if we don’t, we don’t often take time to think about why not. Th…
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When we are 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑭𝑰𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑻 in who we are in Christ. We won’t feel the need to compare. However, I know that is easier said than done. Just a few weeks ago, God stepped on my toes.. actually he 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐃 on my toes about this very thing. In today's episode, I share what God showed me and how you may be keeping yourself stuck with the rabbit hole of compari…
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This is a busy season for working moms. After the holidays, we are flung into back-to-school activities with everything new whether it is a new class or a new school altogether, or just a new year after the festivities of the Christmas holidays! It can be exhausting and this exhaustion can cause us to be impatient, irritable and generally not the w…
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If you are anything like me, resentment is a part of your life, even more so now that you are a mum trying to manage the mental and emotional load and fit everything in that needs to get done. It is a really hard emotion to put down and it can cause real chasms and break downs in relationships. Today’s episode offers a new take on resentment that m…
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Have you ever felt like you were spinning your wheels and getting nowhere? If so, you are going to want to listen to this episode. I'll share how my journey has been full of pivots but how I have learned to embrace and learn from each one. I know you can too! Feel stuck? Find out what is keeping you stuck with my 5 question quiz - take QUIZ here En…
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Are you struggling to see results even though it feels like you are working so hard? Do you wonder why you can’t see to make any progress? Do you wish you could feel less pressured and more at ease? In every area of our lives, there is one thing we can do to make sure that we make progress and that we get the results that we want. Today’s episode t…
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Feeling anxious is something that we have all experienced in varying degrees. But why do some people find certain situations anxiety provoking while others seem to manage them or even thrive in them? Why do some people get overwhelmed, lose focus and feel stressed when other can remain calm and peaceful and in control? Today’s conversation takes a …
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I think it is really useful to have a word for the year that keeps us aligned to our goals and can help to ground us when things get a little chaotic so that we can keep balanced and feel more in control. This year, I have chosen a word that is going to remind me what I am doing with this podcast and as a working mum. It is a word that you, too, ca…
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It is the beginning of a new year. And we all have a list of resolutions that we are going to keep THIS YEAR! We are going to be more organized. We are going to be more consistent with our eating/exercise/parenting strategy. We are going to stop shouting at the children so much. We are going to be more self-controlled. We are going to be healthier.…
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Struggling to lose weight? Wish you had more control of what you eat and how much you eat? Do you want to find a way of life that makes you feel clearer and cleaner and healthier in your body and in your mind? Longing to focus on your work and be more productive but there is so much noise in your head about what works and what doesn't? I have alway…
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When the balls are all in the air and you feel overwhelmed and like you need more time, it is easy to drop the balls that appear to be not ‘as important’. These are generally the things that are the most important for us, the working mum, the things that keep us going and make us feel good as mums and as women. I have three non-negotiables in my da…
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In this second part of our two part ‘series’ on asking for help, we look at how you can ask for help in a way that you will actually get it so that you can have more time to get things done, can focus and be more productive and can feel less stressed about your to do list! If you haven’t yet, I really recommend that if you struggle to ask for help,…
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Asking for help can be really hard for a lot of us as working mums. And yet getting help might be the difference between failure and success. It can decrease our stress levels and allow us to be more productive so that we can focus more and in turn feel less stressed! There are various reasons why it might be difficult for us to ask for help. Getti…
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I love Christmas and all that it means. But in recent years since I have become a mom, I have found that there is so much to do and so much to think of that it has become less joyful and more arduous and there are times that I have wished it was over! I have found it all very stressful and have struggled with the mental load, longing for more time …
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For women, and especially working mums, the modern world brings so many new and different expectations and challenges that lead us to this struggle of trying to manage it all, wearing so many different hats at the same time. This episode looks at a few of the struggles we face as modern women who are working, looking after our homes, making sure al…
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As women, we generally have a negative image of our bodies. We see everything that is wrong with them and this can cause us to feel and think and behave in a negative way. It can cause us to feel stressed, to snap or shout at those around us, to feel out of control and unable to prioritize ourselves. I love helping women develop a more positive bod…
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Do you struggle with conflict in relationships? You might shy away from it or be the one who charges into it. But whichever way you go, it causes stress, frustration and anxiety. Nicky and Sila Lee, in their pre-marriage and marriage course, offer a great analogy that can be helpful in how we manage conflict in our marriages or in any relationship …
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