The podcast of the Department of Political Science and School of Public Policy at University College London (UCL). Through this podcast we explore key themes of contemporary politics and spotlight some of the fantastic research that takes place within our department.
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UCLan Cyprus TalkZone is a Podcast Channel that serves as an academic and creative platform for students, staff, and invited guests of UCLan Cyprus to exchange knowledge, perspectives, narratives, and innovative ideas with a community with shared interests. The primary objective of this podcast channel is to foster an engaging, reliable, and enjoyable experience for all participants and audiences.
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Orange County Register reporter James H. Williams and former UCLA linebacker Josh Woods. Woods played for the Bruins from 2015-19. Williams has covered the football program since 2019. They will talk all things UCLA football on this podcast.
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UCL (University College London) is consistently ranked among the world's top ten universities (QS World University Rankings 2010 - 2021). Our excellence extends across all academic disciplines, from one of the world's foremost centres for research and teaching in the biological sciences to world-renowned centres for architecture (UCL Bartlett), education (UCL IOE) and fine art (UCL Slade School). UCL is London's leading multidisciplinary university, with more than 13,000 staff and 43,000 stu ...
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The companion podcast for courses on programming from the Advanced Research Computing Centre of the University College of London, UK.
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Your home for #UCLA talk with the What's Bruin Symposium, the UCLA B Team and West Coast Bias
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Why does the housing market seem so broken? And what can we do about it? UCLA Housing Voice tackles these questions in conversation with leading housing researchers, with each episode centered on a study and its implications for creating more affordable and accessible communities.
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Short Pods er et program, som præsenterer dig for én pædagogisk relevant teori eller metode, på cirka 5 minutter (ofte 7 eller 10). Har du forslag til emner, som programmet skal formidle, er du velkommen til at kontakte os på God fornøjelse!
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Our mission: In partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, the Public Mental Health Partnership at UCLA aims to realize a vision for excellence in care for vulnerable populations that incorporates typically marginalized perspectives and builds capacity to foster health equity. Visit our website for more information:
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Talking Europe: The UCL European Institute podcast
Talking Europe: The UCL European Institute podcast
The UCL European Institute UCL's hub for research, collaboration and information on Europe and the European Union.
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Catch up with any event you have missed. The public event podcast series from UCL Political Science brings together the impressive range of policy makers, leading thinkers, practitioners, and academics who speak at our events. Further information about upcoming events can be found via our website:
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Bruin Report Online: A UCLA Athletics podcast
247Sports, Bruin Report Online, UCLA, UCLA Football, UCLA Basketball, UCLA athletics
The writers for Bruin Report Online discuss everything related to UCLA football, UCLA basketball, and UCLA recruiting with experts from
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Velkommen til Indersiden! Programmet hvor vi sammen med en ekspert fordyber os i pædagogiske emner, og undersøger indersiden. Har du idéer til emner, som du kunne tænke dig at vi tager op i programmet eller personer som vi inviterer i studiet, er du velkommen til at skrive til os på God fornøjelse !
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Recent sermons from Grace on Campus UCLA, a ministry of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
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A women-led podcast that spotlights stories of work and activism to humanize and break down economic and racial justice issues. Produced by Veena Hampapur and Saba Waheed.
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Üç alakasız kişiliğin bir arada genellikle spor üzerine olan ama ne zaman nereye gideceğide belli olmayan haftalık podcast yayınıdır
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Türkiye ve Dünya gündemi üzerine konuların tartışıldığı Tahir Yıldız, Gökhan Tutak ve Özkan Günyeli 'nin katkıda bulunduğu, deneyim ve düşüncelerimizi paylaştığımız podcastimize hoşgeldiniz.
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The UCLA Internal Medicine Podcast contains the lectures presented in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Ronald Reagan-UCLA Medical Center.
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Podcasts of public lectures about Latin America.
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A weekly recap podcast about the latest from UCLA - sports, news, and events.
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Our brand new podcast, #MadeAtUCL, explores the disruptive discoveries emerging from UCL! Our host, and recent UCL graduate, Suzie McCarthy, talks to UCL researchers answering life's big questions; from green infrastructure to artificial intelligence, space exploration to treating cancer. Explore all the disruptive discoveries from UCL:
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Interviews with UCLA Anderson FEMBA students, faculty and staff with host Assistant Dean Dylan Stafford.
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From chronic diseases, the climate crisis, to social injustice, how are we tackling the biggest problems of the 21st century? As UCL Business (UCLB) celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2023, this new monthly podcast series will explore how we have supported UCL academics to create impact across several areas, such as: medical research, patient healthcare, the environment, and our wellbeing in a contemporary society. New episodes will be released every third Thursday of each month. Soundtrack ...
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Podcasts from the UCLA Nazarian Center for Israel Studies.
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Generation UCL is a research and engagement project that is collecting the stories of UCL alumni over 200 years. To give an insight into the breadth and diversity of the student experience, this series includes short extracts from these oral history interviews alongside excerpts from written memoirs that have been voiced by actors.
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Programmet, hvor vi deler historier og anekdoter om de studerende. Det er også programmet, hvor vi holder os langt væk fra emner såsom ressourcefordeling, fremmøderegistrering og dårlige karaktérer. Hvis du vil opleve UCL pædagoguddannelsens undervisere uden skjold og talepapir, så er det her du skal lytte!
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The award-winning UCL Film & TV Society provides a forum for both emerging filmmakers and cinema lovers at University College London. The home of the FilmSoc Podcast.
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As global warming worsens, heat increasingly impacts people's daily lives - influencing health, behavior, and more. But, we often aren’t very conscious about heat and knowledge of it doesn’t get shared beyond academia and specialized fields. In every episode, our hosts engage different researchers, activists, or community members to share their work and how it can be applied in the real world.
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Welcome to the Post-Soviet Press Pod’s "10 Minutes on…" series, which condenses the key information you need to know about each of the 15 countries of the former USSR into a bitesize 10 minutes(ish).
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Velkommen til Pædcastredaktionen podcasts. Besøg vores hjemmeside for at se vores samlede programflade. Short Pods er 5 minutters introduktioner til teori eller metode. Lektor på slap line er hverdagsfortællinger fra uddannelsen, krydret med skæve indslag. Indersiden er ekspert-interviewet som du kender det. Vores programmer henvender sig til alle med interesse for det pædagogiske felt. Vi er meget interesserede i at høre din mening, og al ris og ros kan send ...
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Oh Pod! x UCL is a co-produced podcast tackling the taboos of healthcare issues. In this series, Shakira and Iman have insightful conversations with leading academics about common health related misconceptions, covering everything from anxiety to perinatal mental health. Each month Shakira and Iman are joined by a leading academic to offer their perspective on the big questions, cut through frivolous news and to de-bunk urban myths. Oh Pod! x UCL is a warm, inclusive, and inviting podcast. E ...
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Keep it Civil, the biweekly engineering podcast from UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, explores the fascinating and diverse world of engineering. We sit down with top engineers from UCL and beyond to discuss some amazing projects tackling real-world problems and shine a light on aspects of engineering science that may not have been on your radar. Banner image: Pointcloud of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey, by Charles Thomson, 3DIMPact Research Group (H ...
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In this new series, UCL Future Cities explores the complexity of urban living. We’ll be examining today’s most crucial topics and how technology, climate change, health and society all interconnect with the urban spaces of tomorrow. Listen to cutting edge conversations from experts who ask what the future of our cities might be and how new research and applied innovation can help. In this first six-part series, we’re looking at London and what the future holds for the city’s many communities ...
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The official podcast of the UCLA Law Review. In each episode of Dialectic, we discuss a legal topic from a recent or forthcoming UCLA Law Review article. Often we do this by interviewing our published authors about their legal academic work. On occasion, we ask other academics and professionals to comment on our published pieces. By speaking with both our own authors and leaders in other, nonacademic fields, we hope to generate an ongoing dialogue that will supplement our print journal and b ...
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Genvej er en programserie som handler og litteratur og pædagogik. Når du lytter til denne programserie, giver vi dig en genvej til at få indblik i andre menneskers liv og perspektiver med mulighed for at få styrket vores indlevelsesevne og empati. I Genvej er der en række forskellige afsnit, hvor vi bl.a. drøfter noveller og romaner, som handler om tematikker, som kan give flere nuancer i forhold til at forstå pædagogik og pædagogisk praksis med. Og vi taler med forfattere, som har skrevet n ...
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Together We Create Series 2: What UCL's social scientists gain from collaborative partnerships
UCL Minds
Together We Create is a podcast series from UCL’s Collaborative Social Science Domain in which UCL social scientists share their stories, reflections, and top tips on collaborating with engineers, scientists, health practitioners, and designers and others, and discuss the benefits and challenges of taking a collaborative interdisciplinary approach to research. Series 2 In Series 2 four UCL social scientists, who were awarded one of our Social Science Plus awards, talk about their pilot proje ...
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Presented by Doctor, writer and TV Presenter Xand Van Tulleken and community health psychologist, UCL lecturer and self-proclaimed hippie, Dr Rochelle Burgess. This podcast is about public health, but more importantly, it’s about the systems that need disrupting to make public health better. In each episode, we’ll be challenging the status quo of this field, asking what needs to change, why and how to get there. Each month we’ll be joined by activists, scholars, artists, comedians and indust ...
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Episode 1 dives into all things student life. Whether you're in the middle of your studies or reminiscing about your time at university, we’re here to explore the highs, lows, and everything in between. From myths about university life to the impact of COVID-19, and the real value of exams, we’ll cover a range of topics that all students can relate…
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Is Morality the Cause of Ideological Disagreement
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38:10Polarisation is a defining feature of contemporary politics, raising concerns among many observers. People on the left and right—liberals and conservatives—often seem to inhabit entirely different worlds, holding fundamentally distinct perspectives on reality and morality. But what underpins these divisions? Are they rooted in deep-seated moral int…
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6/10 The code you're looking for is in ... the library
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33:30Software libraries play a crucial role in software development, and C++ is no exception. Klaus and I walk through the different aspects of building, using and selecting libraries. Links: CMake tool write up on software libraries with a bit of history…
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The Ukraine Shelf Episode 1: Crimea with Elmaz Asan and Rory Finnin
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54:26Russia’s aggression against Ukraine began not in 2022, but in 2014, with the invasion and occupation of Crimea. This episode explores Crimea’s significance as a strategically important nexus between east and west, between Europe, Russia and the Middle East, and as an integral part of Ukraine historically, politically and culturally. The focus of ou…
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I dette afsnit introducerer adjunkt Jonas Bjørn Rosenlund til Ove Kaj Pedersens samfundsanalyse af konkurrencestaten. Nogle af de mest grundlæggende karakteristika ved konkurrencestaten introduceres overfladisk, og der ligges op til at lytteren selv reflekterer over hvordan de præsenterede pointer påvirker pædagogisk praksis. For yderligere inspira…
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Is development possible without fossil fuels?
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1:13:51The COP 29 conference once again highlighted divergences between ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries with regards to states’ responsibility to limit their carbon emissions and transition away from fossil fuels. According to many poorer countries, restrictions on fossil fuel production and consumption would constrain economic and social developme…
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Episode 1413: West Coast Bias - Laker Swag
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43:12Enjoy the What's Bruin Show Network! Multiple shows to entertain you on one feed: Support WBS at for just $2/month and get exclusive content and access to our SLACK channel. Twitter/X: @whatsbruinshow Instagram: @whatsbruinshow Call the What's Bruin Network Hotline at 805-399-4WBS (Suck it Reign of Troy) We are also on Yo…
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Talking Ben Howland, Basketball Winding Down Regular Season, Football Official Visits
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56:45Dave and Tracy talk about the interview with Ben Howland, the end of the regular season in basketball, and football official visits. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Εξερευνώντας τις Τάσεις στη Διαφήμιση και το ΑΙ: Με τον Γιάννη Πέτεβη, BA (Hons) Advertising & Marketing Communication στο Πανεπιστήμιο UCLan Cyprus | TalkZone Business Talk EP.2
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34:05📢 Talkzone Business Talk | AI & Διαφήμιση: Οι Νέες Τάσεις Στο νέο επεισόδιο του Talkzone Business Talk, η Θεοδώρα Τσολάκη, Deputy Head of Marketing, φιλοξενεί τον Γιάννη Πέτεβη, Associate Lecturer του προγράμματος BA (Hons) Advertising & Marketing Communication στο Πανεπιστήμιο UCLan Cyprus. Μαζί συζητούν τις πιο πρόσφατες τάσεις στη διαφήμιση και …
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This week we’re exploring the relationship between religion and violence. What are the circumstances in which organisations motivated by religious ideas resort to violent methods? And how can such violence best be prevented?The relationship between religion and violence is a subject of enduring debate. Religion is often portrayed as a force for pea…
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Disability Representation in Politics
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39:28This week we’re looking at the representation of disabled people in politics. Why are there so few disabled politicians? What impact does that have? And what can be done to level the playing field? While one in five people in the UK is disabled, the proportion of disabled individuals among elected representatives is significantly lower. Despite bro…
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Ep 87: Rental Voucher Lease-Up Rates with Sarah Strochak
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49:25Housing Choice vouchers help lower-income tenants pay rent, yet only about 60% of issued vouchers result in a successful lease-up. Sarah Strochak joins to share how lease-up rates vary for different groups and markets, and how reforming voucher policies could improve the lease-up process and get more people into affordable homes. Show notes: Ellen,…
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Episode 1412: What's Bruin Show - JuJu Snatches UCLA Women's B1G Chain
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1:19:08Enjoy the What's Bruin Show Network! Multiple shows to entertain you on one feed: Support WBS at for just $2/month and get exclusive content and access to our SLACK channel. Twitter/X: @whatsbruinshow Instagram: @whatsbruinshow Call the What's Bruin Network Hotline at 805-399-4WBS (Suck it Reign of Troy) We are also on Yo…
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Supporting Clients Who Observe Ramadan
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1:02:08Presented by Madina Wardak, MSW, ACSW This presentation explores the observance of Ramadan, highlighting spiritual, cultural, and practical considerations that may affect the needs and engagement of individuals receiving mental health services. Attendees will gain insight into the significance of the holy month, including fasting, prayer, and commu…
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Previewing UCLA women versus USC and UCLA men versus Purdue
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1:05:11Dave and Tracy talk about the women's basketball team taking on USC tomorrow and the men's basketball team taking on Purdue today. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Resilience Research Group: Perfectionism & Building Capacity for Evidence-Based Interventions
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42:08In this episode, the host Angel Au (UCL) speaks with Professor Roz Shafran (UCL) about her extensive research on perfectionism and her work in expanding access to evidence-based psychological interventions. This episode covers: 1. How perfectionism affects mental health and how cognitive behavioural therapy can address it. 2. The Lucy Project and i…
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Edge/LB Oluwafemi Oladejo on NFL Scouting Combine, playing for UCLA football
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39:09USA Today reporter James H. Williams and former UCLA linebacker Josh Woods talk with Oluwafemi Oladejo. The former UCLA linebacker and edge rusher will participate in the NFL Scouting Combine this week as he continues to improve his draft stock. Oladejo also talks with the guys about moving to edge before the 2024 season, his time at the Senior Bow…
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Disability Representation in Politics
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39:28While one in five people in the UK is disabled, the proportion of disabled individuals among elected representatives is significantly lower. Despite broader discussions on inclusive politics, disability remains an often-overlooked aspect of the conversation. For many people working in this area, addressing such challenges isn’t just about fairness;…
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Episode 1411: What's Bruin Show - Final Regular Season Laps for Women's and Men's Hoops
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53:03DUMPLINS: CLICK HERE for the BEST dumplings you will EVER eat., Feb 28, 2025 6:00 PM 10:00 PM Hop Merchants Bottle Shop and Taproom 5013 Lankershim BoulevardLos Angeles, CA, 91601 Legal Troubles? - Call Jacob Khachatryan For Your Criminal Defense! 747-755-5555 DUMPLINS: CLICK HERE for the BEST dumplings you will …
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Episode 1410: The Bear Minimum - Megan Finishes Winter Break (Posted a Month LATE)
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27:18DUMPLINS: CLICK HERE for the BEST dumplings you will EVER eat. Enjoy the What's Bruin Show Network! Multiple shows to entertain you on one feed: Support WBS at for just $2/month and get exclusive content and access to our SLACK channel. Twitter/X: @whatsbruinshow Instagram: @whatsbruinshow C…
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Episode 3 – Prioritising your child as an individual
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30:09In episode 3 of Little ears, big challenges: navigating mild and unilateral deafness in children, we ask the parents to tell us about their experiences of how they prioritise their child and family's needs, and they also discuss various avenues they explored to help with their child's hearing and communication. Listen in as our conversations contin…
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Episode 4 – Decisions evolve over time
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25:55In episode 4 of Little ears, big challenges: navigating mild and unilateral deafness in children, we start by talking to some of the parents about how the decisions they made when their child was first diagnosed with mild or unilateral deafness have evolved or changed over time, perhaps due to a change in circumstances or a change in hearing. Then …
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In this chapter we talk with the Geologist David Dobson. David is a Professor of Earth Materials at UCL. His research focuses on high-pressure physical property measurements, from sudotakalytes in the Earth's crust to mantle reology and deep earthquakes, as well as the reologys of magma and terrestrial planetary cores. Out of the lab, he enjoys bei…
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Episode 2 – Wait and see or maximise hearing
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32:58In the second episode of Little ears, big challenges: navigating mild and unilateral deafness in children, we talk to parents about their decision making processes around technologies and other management options for their children, and whether they chose to wait and see or maximise hearing. There isn't clear evidence about what works for mild and …
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Episode 5 – Positive about the future
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30:47In the final episode of Little ears, big challenges: navigating mild and unilateral deafness in children, we're talking about what the future holds with young people and adults who all have experience of having mild or unilateral deafness. They tell us about their how they navigate the world, what technology they use, and their advice to parents wh…
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34:58In this chapter we talk with the artist, programmer, writer and performer Martin Howse. Martin explores connections between the earth, its living organisms, geophysical phenomena, software, and the human psyche, working with speculative hardware based on environmental data in open physical systems, code that investigates the layers of abstraction, …
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In this episode, we speak to Stephen Morris, VaxHub's Senior Outreach and Partnerships Manager, and Ludovica Vaiarelli, VaxHub's Partners Relationship Manager, to learn a bit more about how vaccines are manufactured and distributed worldwide. We'll hear how the process works, and how we're working with partner Universities like Oxford, along with m…
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46:34In this chapter we talk with Hannah Cornish, curator at the Grant Museum of Zoology, UCL with Thomas Kador, Lecturer in Creative Health on the UCL Arts & Sciences programme. Hannah provides intellectual access to a collection of 68,000 specimens. She designs and facilitates museum teaching, collaborating with researchers and artists, managing colle…
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In this chapter we talk with the social anthropologist Roger Sansi. Roger has worked on Afro-Brazilian culture and religion, the concept of the fetish, and on contemporary art. His publications include the books Fetishes and Monuments, Sorcery in the Black Atlantic, Economies of relation: Money And Personalism in the Lusophone World. One of Roger’s…
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Episode 1 - What does mild/unilateral deafness mean?
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31:53In this first episode of Little ears, big challenges: navigating mild and unilateral deafness in children, we introduce you to the voices of parents, young people and adults who feature in our series. We’ll meet parents who open up about what mild or unilateral deafness means for their children and the impact it has on their day to day lives. You’l…
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Talking UCLA Basketball's Brutal Loss to Minnesota and the Implications
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1:04:54Dave and Tracy talk about UCLA's big loss to Minnesota, the implications for the rest of the season, and more. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visitởi 247Sports, Bruin Report Online, UCLA, UCLA Football, UCLA Basketball, UCLA athletics
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Ep 86: Where the Hood At? with Mike Lens
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1:17:01How have conditions changed since 1970 in neighborhoods where Black residents are the largest racial or ethnic group? Mike Lens wrote a whole book on the subject: Where the Hood At? Fifty Years of Change in Black Neighborhoods. He takes the guest mic to share what he learned. Book summary: Substantial gaps exist between Black Americans and other ra…
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Nico Davillier: Incoming UCLA football transfer joins the show
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36:00USA Today reporter James H. Williams and former UCLA linebacker Josh Woods talk with Nico Davillier about his decision to join the UCLA football program for the 2025-26 season after spending the past few seasons with the Arkansas Razorbacks. Davillier talks about his early impressions of DeShaun Foster and UCLA and why he believes being a Bruin was…
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Here we touch on some ways to build classes in C++ and how class design such as class hierarchies can help to make code more readable, more maintainable and less error prone (amongst other things). Klaus Iglberger and I also touch on design patterns and briefly what other programming paradigms exist apart from object oriented programming (OOP). Lin…
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Episode 1409: WBS - UCLA Hoops is in the Final Stretch
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27:59The UCLA women's basketball team lost its first game, but is still a top team. The men stumbled in a loss, but are developing some offensive threats.
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UCLA Women's Basketball Drops First Game, Men's Basketball Heads Into Indiana, Next Year Analysis
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53:15Dave and Tracy talk about UCLA women's hoops losing to USC, what to expect from UCLA vs. Indiana in men's basketball, and then analyze the men's roster for next year. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Artificial intelligence is increasingly being touted as a game-changer across various sectors, including public services. But while AI presents significant opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness, concerns about fairness, equity, and past failures in public sector IT transformations loom large. And, of course, the idea of tech mogu…
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Episode 1408: West Coast Bias - Luka's Laker Debut
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59:26DUMPLINS: CLICK HERE for the BEST dumplings you will EVER eat. Saturday Eve at Hop Merchants!WEDNESDAY FEB 12, 2025 6:00 PM 10:00 PM Hop Merchants Bottle Shop and Taproom 5013 Lankershim BoulevardLos Angeles, CA, 91601 Legal Troubles? - Call Jacob Khachatryan For Your Criminal Defense! 747-755-5555 DUMPLINS: CLIC…
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Episode 1407: What's Bruin Show - Men Come Up Short / B1G Test For Women Coming Up vs Southern Cal
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55:31Dumplins at Hop Merchants! WEDNESDAY FEB 12, 2025 6:00 PM 10:00 PM Hop Merchants Bottle Shop and Taproom 5013 Lankershim BoulevardLos Angeles, CA, 91601 DUMPLINS: CLICK HERE for the BEST dumplings you will EVER eat. Enjoy the What's Bruin Show Network! Multiple shows to entertain you on one feed: Support WBS at Patreo…
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Inheritance, templates, function overloading - they all fall into the category of polymorphism in programming. My guest Klaus Iglberger and I discuss the different aspects of how this could be done with C++. Links Glossary provided by Bjarne Stroustrup…
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I dette afsnit fortæller adjunkt Jonas Bjørn Rosenlund om stigmatisering ved hjælp af Erving Goffmans begreb stigma. Inspireret af et af Goffmans hovedværker, bogen "Stigma", introduceres begrebet. Nogle af de mest grundlæggende karakteristika ved, og konsekvenser af, stigmatisering gennemgås, løbende suppleret af eksempler. For yderligere inspirat…
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Nanotechnology: Tiny science, huge possibilities
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23:10How is super small tech (we're talking a billionth of a meter small) going to change healthcare? It sounds like quite a far-fetched - really small things helping to diagnose cancer and other diseases? It's a type of X-ray? In this episode, we speak to Alessandro Rossi is a Research Fellow in Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCL to answer th…
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The Bartlett Review - Planning Urban Environments for Women’s Safety
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33:57Considering recent cases and societal issues, how can built environment practitioners influence policies for women's safety in cities? With Professor Priti Parikh, Director of Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, Dr Hanna Baumann, UCL Institute for Global Prosperity and Dr Margarita Garfias Royo, Deputy Director of the Engineering for Inter…
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Season 5, Episode 4 - ‘Zero Hour’ for the Climate and Nature Bill
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32:51What is the Climate and Nature Bill, and why does it matter? The Zero Hour campaign is here to tell us, as we dive into their efforts to secure widespread backing for the Climate and Nature Bill. The Bill, which had its Second Reading in Parliament on 24 January 2025, aims to strengthen the UK government’s commitments to cut emissions, restore natu…
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These days, we hear more and more about burnout, as well as rising anxiety levels, particularly in light of the recent presidential transition. How do we want to think about burnout, anxiety, and the emotional and mental load we carry when working in the social justice sector — especially when you have a personal connection to what you’re fighting …
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Matt Ng • Hebrews 7:20–7:28 For more information about this sermon visit To learn more about Grace on Campus UCLA, a ministry of Grace Community Church, visitởi Matt Ng
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Episode 1406: What's Bruin Show - Jake MiniCast
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16:34BRIEF BRIEF THOUGHTS on Basketball and the Pirate Chip Kelly becoming a Raider Enjoy the What's Bruin Show Network! Multiple shows to entertain you on one feed: Support WBS at for just $2/month and get exclusive content and access to our SLACK channel. Twitter/X: @whatsbruinshow Instagram: @whatsbruinshow Call the What's …
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Men's Basketball Surging, Women's Hoops Beats Ohio State, and Football Continues Offseason Recruiting
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Nghe Sau
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59:15Dave and Tracy talk about the men's team beating Michigan State, the women's team beating No. 8 Ohio State, and football continuing to recruit. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Indersiden #12 Pædagogiske ståsteder og bevægelser – afsnit 5
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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17:08I denne lille serie har Jess Bøg Gommesen og Anne Katrine Rask besøg af professionsforsker Bent Madsen til en samtale om hans bog (2021) Pædagogiske ståsteder og bevægelser - på tværs af almen-, social- og specialpædagogik. Samtalen foldede sig så flot ud af mange kringlede småveje, og derfor har vi klippet den lange podcast i fem mindre afsnit, de…
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