Welcome to my podcast. May you be blessed as you listen to these life transforming messages.
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Dans Dialogues, je reçois des écrivains, des penseurs, des personnes dont le travail me parle, m'inspire, des personnes que j'aime. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Every Friday in the mix on ice radio.nl
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O podcast do Professor Fabião é destinado a divulgação de aulas de História e Geografia. Você também pode acessar o conteúdo pelo Youtube, no canal do Professor Fabião. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTGwYJAxXlQXFjUyOmNKyvA?view_as=subscriber
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Spiritual community in Minneapolis, MN helping everyone weave life more deeply with God, self, and others
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Sermons from the Sunday service at the Fairview Avenue brethren in Christ Church in Waynesboro, PA.
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Join NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shirley Madhere as she walks us through all things Fashion, the Art of Living Well and Beauty! The Forever F.A.B. MD!
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Estreando forçosamente num serviço novo, um podcast com muita música, principalmente dos anos 80, e muuuuita falação, também! Espero que vocês não odeiem!
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Podcast que te conta alguns dos crimes mais intrigantes do Brasil e do mundo. Novos episódios todo os dias 1º e 15 de cada mês!
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Bem-vindos à Fábrica de Filmes! Aqui 4 roteiristas se juntam a convidados especialíssimos para criar filmes que nunca existiram! Pelo menos eles vão tentar...
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We‘re a group of 5 friends who love traveling to Disney and all over the world together. We share our tips, tricks and stories from our travels.
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House, Soulful and Disco! For more details or booking djfabris@icloud.com If you want to broadcast my radio show contact me at djfabris@icloud.com
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La Fabrique Urbaine sur euradio est l'émission qui vous présente l'urbanisme sous toutes ses coutures, par Aldo Bearzatto.
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When They Was Fab: Electric Arguments About the Beatles
Ed Chen and Jon Stone, Lonnie Pena, Martin Quibell
Talk, more talk, chat, more chat - We’re happy to do it for you (Beatles)
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Conversations with people about their passion and their involvement with the community. Helping to rebuild the fabric of society one conversation at the time. Please Subscribe, Share and Review.
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We will be discussing the ever changing landscape of school counseling. This podcast will include helpful tips, discussions about current events, and pop culture. Throughout the season, we will feature amazing, talented, and accomplished professional school counselors, who are experienced and new, to bring their fresh take into school counseling. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fabion-vicks/support
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Ontdek de nieuwe Vocal Fabric podcasts: gesprekken met onze musici over de stem, en meer bepaald de stemmen van het Vlaams Radiokoor.
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Programledaren Fredrik Ralstrand träffar kända och okända som jobbar med tv. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Der Podcast der Industriemuseen von LVR und LWL Wie wollen wir in Zukunft arbeiten? Wozu brauchen wir Biodiversität? Woher kommen die Rohstoffe von morgen? Wie gehen wir mit KI und Fake News um? All das sind Fragen, denen sich die Industriemuseen von LVR und LWL in ihren Sonderausstellungen stellen. Der gemeinsame Podcast „FabrikFunk“ geht einigen dieser Fragen auf den Grund. Spannende Gäste wurden in die ehemaligen Fabriken eingeladen, um mit Moderatorin Nadine Hadad über gesellschaftlich a ...
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This podcast is promoted by the University of Copenhagen together with other cultural institutions from Denmark, Germany and Greece, that intends to document different personal stories from different cultures about the piece of fabric that they are most connected to in their lives.
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Um podcast sobre o mundo do horror criado por dois amantes do gênero, Davi Cardoso e Viviane Rodrigues, onde ambos conversarão bastante acerca do que esse universo horripilante tem a nos oferecer.
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The Fabricator Podcast brings you conversations with people who make things out of metal. We speak with manufacturing leaders, metal fabricators, welders, job shop owners, small business entrepreneurs, artists, marketers, educators, and more. Host Dan Davis, Editor-in-Chief of The Fabricator, and a rotating co-hosts also go beyond discussing just manufacturing and the skilled trades, and chats about pop culture, current events, food, music, movies, comedy, and, of course, robots. Episodes dr ...
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Imagine getting insider knowledge from industry leaders every week. Hear their stories, the challenges they've overcome, and the invaluable advice they have for anyone stepping into the finance world. That’s what Finance Friends with Fabian is all about: an exclusive seat at the table, where you’ll feel like you’re chatting with friends. Follow us on Instagram @FinanceFriendsPodcast for the latest updates and more exciting news!
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Die Vision: Der Weltraum wird zum Industriegebiet der Erde. Alles, was Dreck und Abgase erzeugt: ab damit ins All! Die Erde ist zum Wohnen da! Ist das die Zukunft?
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Piccola guida per musica ed eventi....divertenti tra musica, spettacolo e interpreti con Fabio Alberti
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(ehemals Sag doch mal was) Der Podcast für alle, die Veränderung wollen • die aus ihren alten Mustern ausbrechen wollen • die sich in dieser Gesellschaft oft fremd fühlen • Für die Introvertierten, die Hochsensiblen, die Außenseiter und Systemsprenger • Über Ängste, Gefühle, Stärken und neue Möglichkeiten ... Moderator und Autor Fabian Forth reiste 8 Jahre frei durch die Welt bis er sich für kreative Projekte in Leipzig niederließ. Er erforscht den Irrsinn menschlicher Gedanken, ist dem Ursp ...
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Podcast by House, Deep-House,Tech-House, Funky-House, Jacking, NuDisco, Rock, Pop, Funk
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La musica di ieri, oggi e domani
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Der Schweizer Wirtschaftspodcast mit den hochkarätigsten Gästen! Von Börsen und Bitcoin bis Kaufkraft und Zinsen: Fabio Canetg, Geldökonom und Journalist, diskutiert im Geldcast mit seinen Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft über deren Werdegang, über die aktuellsten Themen aus der Finanzwelt, über die Geldpolitik der Schweizerischen Nationalbank und über die Wirtschaftspolitik von Bundesrat und Parlament. Ein Podcast über Zentralbanken, Inflation, Schulden und Geld – verständlic ...
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¡Bienvenido! Tips, opiniones, consejos sobre adiestramiento canino
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Contaremos historias de pessoas da região da Baixada Santista e principalmente da cidade de Santos
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Programa de divulgación científica dirigido y presentado por Jorge Onsulve. Los contenidos está relacionados con el mundo de la Ciencia en general. Charlie Duke, Pedro Duque, Carlos González, Jorge Pla, entre otros forman parte del elenco de invitados colaboradores de este programa. Para más información: www.lafabricadelaciencia.com
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Partiendo siempre del sarcasmo y la ironía el comediante Fabián Castillo y su co host Sadel O comentan sin censura sobre todos los tabúes que te puedas imaginar. Desde sus vidas personales, sus familias, las noticias del día y lo último en la cultura popular. Dale oído y comprueba más allá de toda duda que este es el mejor podcast de Puerto Rico Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/esofuesarcasmo/support
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What I believe in
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Gestion de Redes S.
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This is the companion podcast to the first ever glass and glazing industry blog- "From the Fabricator"- join Max Perilstein of Sole Source Consultants each month for interviews and details into the most important subjects in the industry.
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Inspirationen für die Produktion und Logistik von morgen! Die Fabriken von heute sind im massiven Wandel. Mein Anliegen ist es den produzierenden Unternehmen und Führungskräften in der Produktion dabei zu helfen Vorreiter zu sein. Damit das klappt, biete ich eine Plattform für mutige Ideen, clevere Konzepte und smarte Technologien. Mein Name ist Tobias Herwig und ich bin in der Fabriken der Welt unterwegs. Ich unterhalte mich mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, Verantwortlichen in der Fabrik, P ...
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Join CD & Melody as they talk about all things faith, family, love, sex, and relationships while keeping it real, honest, and biblical. CDANDMELODY.COM
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Yo new podcast first actually
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Nesses podcasts, eu divulgarei em conteúdo de audio as aulas de Filosofia, Historia e Sociologia. Divulgarei também debates cientificos e teóricos na Filosofia, Ciências Humanas e nas Ciencias da Educação.
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Canal oficial do ator, apresentador, produtor, roteirista, colunista, empresário Fábio Porchat
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The Annual FFAB Year in Review: 2024 - Part 2
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Dedication: The past, the present, and the future Episode Title: The Annual FFAB Year in Review Episode Teaser/Topic It’s that time of year, again. Let’s go! Full Episode Description: William Shakespeare said, "Our past is a prologue." So, we may be wise to pay attention to our past, as it may be an introduction of what lies ahead ed in our future.…
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2024.53 2024 in Review (Part One)
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After a news segment (Julian, Joey Molland, Ringo and Paul!), Marv and I sit down for part one of our look back at some of the happenings in the Beatles world over the last twelve months. New music in the form of an EP from Ringo, an anniversary release from Paul for "Band on the Run", a brand new mix for "One Hand Clapping" and more!…
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Mostrando as músicas novas do século XXI que faziam sucesso há 20 anos! OH, WAIT! Enfim, como, provavelmente, este será o último do ano, BOAS FESTAS A TODOS!Bởi fab4t
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Disney World’s Food & Wine Festival: The Ultimate Review!
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We ate, drank, and conquered Epcot’s Food & Wine Festival—and now we’re spilling the tea (and wine 🍷) on ALL the hits and misses!Bởi Fab 5
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Min mormors jakke fuld af nye og gamle minder
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Sommer (opkaldt efter Sumer) fortæller om nogle forskellige tasker hun har strikket. Jeg fik det desværre ikke på optagelse men Sommer fortalte mig også om hendes rejse til Danmark fra Irak. Det kan heller ikke ses på billedet, men hun har fået lavet mærk
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Jeg snakker med Zeynep fra Tyrkiet, som fortæller om sin favorit nederdel, som hun føler jeg glad og præsentabel i.
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Jeg fortæller om en gammel genstand, som er ny for mig, men som har været i mit liv længere.
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Episode om Magnus' trøje, hvilket han har arvet af hans afdøde far.
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Interview med Adam om hans denim bukser
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Yildiz fortæller om nogle genstande som betyder noget for hende. Genstandene er lavet af hendes familie, og er lavet af perler og tråd.
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Der findes desværre ingen billeder af sættet, men det var dette, der betød mest for hende og derfor fortælles om det.
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Denne episode omhandler Cilja's bolero som hun lavede mens hun gik på højskole. Boleroen var hendes første rigtige projekt og der er derfor en del følelser forbundet med denne.
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Denne episode omhandler min farmors sidste hjemmehæklede sjal. Hele mit liv har hun lavet sjaler til mig men dette blev hendes sidste - og så i min yndlingsfarve
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Aisha fortæller om sin bluse, der vækker minder om hendes søster og Tyrkiet.
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Podcast med Isabel fra KU. Hun fortæller om et håndlavet mosaik hæklet tæppe og dens betydning for hende.
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I denne podcast tales der med Fahad fra Tingbjerg. Hun fortæller om en traditionel pakistansk klæde kaldt Shalwar Kameez og generelt om tøjets betydning. Billedet er af Vicki Francis/Department for International Development, United Kingdom,
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En mand fortæller om en dansk landsholdstrøje fra sommeren 2021, hvor europamesterskabet blev til en folkefest.
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Kort fortællig on en skjort og en halskæde som tilhørte min far
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Sein Vater verbot ihm Football zu spielen und wollte, dass er Jura studiert. Erst nach dessen Tod kann Edwin Hubble sich seiner eigentlichen Leidenschaft widmen: der Astronomie – und wird zum einflussreichsten Astronomen des 20. Jahrhunderts.
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Podcast med Isabel fra KU. Hun fortæller om et handlavet mosaik hæklet tæppe og dens betydning for hende.Bởi The Fabric of My Life
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Vor 100 Jahren entdeckte Edwin Hubble, dass es nicht nur eine Galaxie gibt, unsere Milchstraße – sondern das, was davor als „Nebel“ bezeichnet wurde, auch Galaxien sind. Jede Millionen Lichtjahre von uns entfernt und mit Milliarden von Sternen.
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Jeg, Ellen, fortæller om min "kattetrøje", en hjemmestrikket gave fra min gudmor
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Iman fra Irak fortæller om de babytæpper, hun hækler til sine børnebørn
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fardos, an iraqi refugee woman, explains how she learned to crochet despite having multiple surgeries on her handsBởi The Fabric of My Life
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after the passing of my father, a grey fleece jacket became so important
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136. Sleepwalker Killer - O Pesadelo que Virou Realidade
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Atenção! Esse episódio não é recomendado para menores de 18 anos. Contém: linguagem imprópria, temas sensíveis e violência extrema. Brian e Christine estavam vivendo a melhor fase da vida. Ambos eram aposentados, tinham uma casa confortável e ainda mantinham a chama do amor ativa. Em julho de 2008, os dois fizeram uma viagem tranquila de motorhome …
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Alejandría, la ruta de la Seda y los Reyes Magos (Especial Navidad). Eva Tobalina.629.LFDLC
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Hoy hemos hablado con Eva Tobalina de la Ruta de la Seda, de la importancia de la ciudad de Alejandría como uno de los puertos principales de Oriente a Europa y...de los ¡Reyes Magos! Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals
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Dags för vår nyårskrönika där det gångna året summeras på TV-fabrikens vis. Är det dags för "På Spåret " att byta programledar-duo? Vi pratar om SVT:s "Kulturfrågan Kontrapunkt", TV4:s historiska flytt och en osannolik tv-händelse i Norge som involverade ett strömavbrott och fläskpannkaka. Dessutom pratar vi om att våra nordiska grannländer bytt ny…
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the last one for 2024, hope to be back more often in 2025, happy new years.Bởi mar10
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78 - RETROSPECTIVA 2024 | A Fábrica de Filmes
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Hoje a gente viaja por toda a maluquice que foi o ano de 2024! Obrigado a todos que mandaram mensagem! NOSSOS LINKS AQUIARTE DA CAPA: @joninhaart…
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Ecco cosa fare il 31 dicembre!!!! di Fabio Alberti
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Consigli per Capodanno ed oltre... tra concerti ed eventiBởi Radio Budrio
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“Cento e 1000 lacrime” l'ultimo lavoro di Pia Tuccitto, l'intervista di Fabio Alberti
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Con all'attivo 3 album ecco il singolo che anticipa quello in uscita nel 2025. Fabio Alberti intervista Pia TuccittoBởi Radio Budrio
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Recuerden enviarnos preguntas, comentarios o posibles temas para traer al podcast a través de nuestro email esofuesarcasmo@gmail.com Sigan a Fabián y a Sadel en instagram: @fabiancastillopr @cohsadel --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/esofuesarcasmo/support
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