Welcome to our podcast coming to you from the Greater Boston Zen Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We are a sangha-led sangha, and our podcasts (beginning in 2024) feature talks given by knowledgeable sangha members and guest speakers, often accompanied by group discussion. For more information about our sangha go to our website: bostonzen.org.
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GBZC member Julie Nelson (sensei) speaks about Zen stories and koans, both classical and contemporary.
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GBZC member James Lopata (Masters of Theological Studies) speaks about the history of Zen.
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Julie Nelson speaks about bringing all off ourselves to our practice, even our anger. (June 9, 2023)
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Julie Nelson comments on a case from the Book of Equanimity. (May 26, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about why we get distracted from doing things that are important to us. (May 19, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about what our Zen practice can say about a grumpy mood. (May 10, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about Raihai Tokuzui, written in the medieval times by the founder of Soto Zen. (May 7, 2023)
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Julie Nelson reflects on the difference between using time and being time. (May 5, 2023)
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Julie Nelson talks about the danger of holding to a romantic ideal of merger, whether in regard to a life partner or a spiritual teacher. (April 28, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about the story of Nanin pouring tea, at the April GBZC sesshin. (April 21, 2023) (No discussion)
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Julie Nelson discusses whether it is possible to be grateful in any circumstances, in a way that is not just spiritual bypassing. (April 14, 2023)Bởi Julie Nelson
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Rebecca Moonspike leads a discussion about what things help us be present, and what things that feel like interruptions are actually our practice. (April 15, 2023)
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Julie Nelson talks about not using our practice to hide our "gold," our beauty and uniqueness. (April 6, 2023)
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Julie Nelson talks about not using our practice to try to bypass our anger. (March 31, 2023)
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Susan Myoyu Andersen of the Great Plains Zen Center gives a guest talk at GBZC. (April 1, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about bliss states, why we need to come out of them, and why perfect wisdom can't do the job. (March 28, 2023)
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Julie Nelson talks about not using our practice to try to bypass our trauma and grief. (March 24, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about becoming intimate with our failures. (March 17, 2023)
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This is a short talk (with no discussion) in which Julie Nelson comments on how traveling in Alaska woke her up to things taken for granted.(March 8, 2023)
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Julie Nelson comments on how traveling in Alaska woke her up to things taken for granted. (February 28, 2023)
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(Discussion) What Inspires Your Practice?
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38:04Karen McCormack leads a discussion of the question "What inspires your practice?" (with an introduction to this format by Jill Gaulding). (February 18, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about the five skandhas: form, sensation, perception, mental reaction, and consiousness. (February 4, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about the Virya Paramita. The quotes are from Diane Rizzetto's book Deep Hope. (February 3, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks about practicing with a heavy heart and with worry. The quote is from the work of Rainer Maria Rilke. (January 27, 2023)
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Julie Nelson speaks briefly about the five skandas (or aggregates) in Buddhist psychology. (January 20, 2023)
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