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Las mil caras del populismo

Paulina Astroza | Yanina Welp | Franco Delle Donne

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Un podcast para conocer esto de lo que tanto se habla y tan poco se entiende. Una propuesta de divulgación científica basada en la producción académica del proyecto Jean Monnet de la Unión Europea: Impacto, riesgos y oportunidades del populismo en Europa y América Latina. Una iniciativa del “Centro de Estudios Europeos” de la Universidad de Concepción liderado por Paulina Astroza Suárez. Con la participación del Albert Hirschman Democracy Centre, Graduate Institute (Ginebra, Suiza). Una prod ...
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Francesca Berardi – Chora

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Populismo è una parola sempre più presente nel dibattito e nel racconto politico, un concetto chiave per comprendere il futuro dell'idea di democrazia con cui siamo cresciuti. Eppure è un fenomeno politico con una lunga storia, con una geografia complessa e sovranazionale, rappresentato da figure con profili estremamente diversi. In questo podcast cercheremo di fare chiarezza sul suo significato. Cos'è il populismo di cui tanto si parla? Quali sono i segreti del suo successo? E quale il suo ...
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Rise and Resilience of Populism in Eastern Europe

Rise and Resilience of Populism in Eastern Europe

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Over the past decade, a number of European populist parties have become increasingly competitive in key votes, and in Eastern Europe, these parties have not only come to power but also remained in office in consecutive elections. In this interview series, we will interrogate some of the main drivers and impacts of populist mobilization in Eastern Europe. The "Rise and Resilience of Populism in Eastern Europe" series is hosted by Dr. Tsveta Petrova and the European Institute at Columbia Unive ...
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Steht uns nach acht Jahren Eiszeit in den deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen nun eine Blütezeit des kulturellen Austauschs bevor? Gäste der Polenversteher Adam Gusowski und Łukasz Tomaszewski im House of Podcast sind: die Kulturstaatsministerin Claudia Roth und die Künstlerin Edyta Rogowska-Żak aka Duxius. Edyta Rogowska-Żak singt, Claudia Roth bericht…
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In dieser Folge sprechen wir über Historisches: Nach acht Jahren der rechtspopulistischen PiS übernimmt der Pro Europäer Donald Tusk als Premierminister die Regierungsverantwortung. In dieser Folge sprechen wir über Historisches: Nach acht Jahren der rechtspopulistischen PiS übernimmt der Pro Europäer Donald Tusk als Premierminister die Regierungsv…
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In dieser Folge sind Adam und Łukasz im oberschlesischen Oppeln unterwegs und treffen Vertreter*innen der deutschen Minderheit. Die knapp vierzig Tausend Deutschstämmigen in Polen sind die Nachfahren der über sieben Millionen Menschen, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg das Land verlassen mussten. Das betrifft Schlesien, Ermland-Masuren und Westpommern…
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Wir präsentieren euch diese Woche ein Gespräch mit Basil Kerski. Mit ihm haben die Polenversteher über Solidarność und Polens demokratische Kultur gesprochen. Wir fanden das Gespräch so spannend, dass wir es euch in voller Länge zeigen wollen. Was kann die Deutsche politische Kultur von Polen lernen? "Einiges" sagt Basil Kerski, der Leiter des Euro…
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In dieser Folge sind Adam und Łukasz unterwegs und nehmen Warschaus Nachtleben den Puls. Wo treffen sich die Hauptstädter*innen auf einen Drink? Wo geht man am besten Tanzen? Lange lebte der Produzent und DJ Artur Korycinski in Berlin und Wien. Seitdem er nach Warschau gezogen ist, will er hier nicht mehr weg. Artur zeigt uns die Plan-B-Bar am Plac…
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Multiplicidad de voceros de la derecha radical, paleolibertarios, líderes ultraconservadores, populistas de izquierda y de derecha dan la batalla en el plano de las ideas, del pensamiento, de la disputa por el sentido. En el siglo XXI, ¿de qué batalla cultural estamos hablando? Participan Jeanne Simon, profesora de la Universidad de Concepción; Tho…
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En gobiernos populistas, un típico adversario con frecuencia devenido en enemigo es el Poder Judicial. En el discurso populista las instituciones de contrapeso son representantes del status quo. ¿Puede la justicia parar al populismo? ¿Es parte del problema o es parte de la solución? ¿Quién cuida al Estado de derecho? ¿Pueden los jueces actuar tambi…
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En la noción de pueblo que reivindica el populismo la nación es central. En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, la cooperación puede verse erosionada o desplazada si la agenda política se centra en la nación, como reclaman los populismos. ¿Qué pasa en esos escenarios con la política exterior? ¿Qué rol juega la ideología y cuánto pesan el contexto…
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¿Qué relación existe entre la oferta populista y la demanda de la sociedad? ¿Tiene características específicas los votantes de liderazgos populistas, en relación al resto del electorado? ¿Cuánto importan los contextos? ¿Cuál es la dinámica hacia la democratización y/o la desdemocratización que se inicia cuando los populistas ocupan el gobierno? Par…
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¿Seguimos hablando de populismo? El populismo es global, está en todos lados aunque no en todos lados tiene la misma incidencia ni las mismas características. El populismo parece tener mil variantes, de ahí el nombre de este podcast: “Las mil caras del populismo”. En este primer episodio nos queremos preguntar si un concepto que cada vez incluye má…
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Las mil caras del populismo. Una radiografía del fenómeno político más comentado de los últimos 100 años. Un podcast de divulgación científica basado en la producción académica del proyecto Jean Monnet de la Unión Europea: Impacto, riesgos y oportunidades del populismo en Europa y América Latina. Una iniciativa del “Centro de Estudios Europeos” de …
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Il populismo è di destra o di sinistra? Può rappresentare un elemento sano per una democrazia? E quando diventa invece distruttivo? In questa puntata cercheremo risposte sul populismo guardando alla Francia che protesta e vota per Marine Le Pen e Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Vedremo come il populismo può tenere insieme due estremi e farsi strada nelle istit…
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Il nome completo del presidente brasiliano è Jair Messias Bolsonaro. Messia è colui che è stato mandato da Dio per salvare il popolo, è l’intermediario, l’uomo eletto. In questa puntata vedremo come la fede possa farsi strumento di un certo tipo di populismo e delle mentiras di cui si alimenta. Vedremo però anche che il populismo è un concetto stor…
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Il primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orbán è diventato un modello di successo per la destra populista, in Europa e non solo. In questa puntata vedremo come un giovane dai capelli scompigliati e stanco del regime sovietico si sia trasformato in un leader populista che non ha bisogno di porsi come anti sistema, perché è lui stesso il sistema. Ospite de…
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Professor Milada Vachudova introduces the concept of ethnopolulism and discusses how political party competition in some member states of the European Union has shifted to issues of identity, as a result of and to the benefit of ethno-populist parties defending “the people.” Such polarization, she argues, goes hand in hand with democratic backslidi…
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Professor Maurits Meijers discusses how European citizens who embrace populist beliefs view and participate in their countries' democracy. He argues that they support key democratic principles and institutions but tend to hold more majoritarian conceptions of democracy. He also finds that they are dissatisfied with political parties as institutions…
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Professor Ben Stanley discusses the evolution of the populist movement and affiliated parties in Poland in the 2000s and 2010s. He argues that while its rhetoric and economic policies have empowered social groups that felt excluded from post-1989 reforms, the nativist cultural policies and the politicization of the institutional infrastructure by t…
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Professor Elżbieta Korolczuk discusses the latest phase of the struggle around gender equality in Poland in the 2010s. She offers a novel conceptualization — developed in her recent book with Agnieszka Graff, Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment — of the relationship between the ultraconservative anti-gender movement and right-wing populist …
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Professor David Ost discusses the social bases of the electoral bloc behind the Law and Justice government in Poland, which originally sought the revival of “traditional” values in the country and the strengthening of the state to enforce them but after the global financial crisis, also began to speak about the suffering inflicted on the “Nation” b…
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Professor Béla Greskovits discusses how the Fidesz party accumulated social capital and translated it into political capital and electoral success in 2010. The Civic Circles Movement, founded by Fidesz’ leader Viktor Orban after he lost the 2002 parliamentary elections, has been militant in terms of its hegemonic aspirations and collective practice…
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Professor Mitchell Orenstein discusses how Central Europe’s post-communist dependence on foreign capital constrained countries in the region into following (neo)liberal economic policies and how after the global financial crisis, populist parties in the region began to break from the (neo)liberal consensus, “thickening” their populist agenda to inc…
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Ivan Krastev speaks about the relationship between democracy and populism, arguing the latter is the outcome not of the failure of the democratization of European societies but of its success. He further discusses the unintended consequences of the five revolutions that have shaped the current state of democracy in the post-WWII West. Looking to Ce…
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Dr. Maria Snegovaya discusses how the evolution of the post-communist party systems facilitated the rise of nationalist populism. She argues that the centrist shift of the ex-Communist left parties along the economic policy dimension (and their implementation of austerity reforms, which led to growing disenchantment with neoliberalism) made the lef…
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