あるぴた~らんどは、Arpita工房についてのお話しや、参加したフェスのレポート、 縄文人について、などなど色んなことを自由にお喋りするポットキャスト番組です。 時にはあるぴたと親交のあるクリエイターや、アーティストたちをゲストにお招きし、 Free Talkスタイルでお喋りしてゆきます。
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New podcast weblog
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Des dirècts què fèso sur Radiô Arpitania avouéc lo tèlèfôno de fata (pochie). Mas asse ben les articllos ôdios du miô « carnèt-têla » (blogue) de http://patwe.ch/blogue
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Here are some motivational talks from the audio books. Hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned.
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Very warm welcome to all of you to this loving world. My podcast about love, life, Lust, Celebration, Travel all these together gives you perfect blend for hearing something new something fresh.😘
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Podcast by Arpita_Bhatt
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We are Twin Sister named Avisha and Arpita and our purpose is to motivate people and share with you insightful theories of Indian teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor. We have two YouTube channel named Marvel Twinz and Economics by Avisha and Arpita. You can also follow us on our YouTube channels.
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Dirèct de la Lé, Comba de la Morges, en Valês
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Festival de chant improvisâ pér Cérès, en Val Soane, Piemont.
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Tornâ de la Via Alpina, enpartia 2
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´L at comenciê!… Dês fin mâye/mê sur Radiô Arpitania!
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40 - Dirèct du 2 avril 2024 - Prèsentacion du novél programo
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Chêna Youtube de Radiô Arpitania: https://youtube.com/@radioarpitania2679?feature=shared
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Enregistrar quârque ren, por pas pédre la man, ni la lengoua!...
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Prèsto a tornar travalyér!...
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Aprés alar en Nôfchatél por aouire parlar de parren Gabud de Sembrancher, en Valês. Yô mè fôt-il fechiér quenta baladodifusion? Novél que l'est pas étâ en dirèct, fechiél sur "Dirècts" tot pariér?... Anmâd-vos lo sito? L'est-il prod cllâr, ésiê a empleyér?
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36 - Èxposicion sur l'arpitan en Nôfchatél
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Tant que fin mârs 2023. Reportâjo de RTN a tornar trovar celya: https://www.rtn.ch/rtn/Actualite/Region/20220710-L-histoire-linguistique-neuchateloise-a-la-loupe.html
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35 - Liems trovâs : Savoué & Val d'Aoûta sur pearltrees.com
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patois èxpliquâ de Daniel Fusinaz (2019)https://youtu.be/A_LkIkSBs6MChêna occitana yô j'é trovâ la vidéo de Daniel Fusinazhttps://bit.ly/pet-aousetFernand Tavernier, de Cusy, en Savouéhttps://bit.ly/fern-tavVidéo de musica modèrna en Valdoûtenhttps://bit.ly/mod-vda
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34 - Parren Charles Julliard en Jurassien! - Mas corrigiéd pire!
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Dzakye l'at envide de partagiér avouéc vos lo comencement du parlament de Charles Juillard, président de la fétha des 'patoués' 2022 en Porrentruy, et conselyér d'État de la républica et canton du Jura. Sât pas franc coment prononciér adonc corrigiéd-vèr! Pér whatsapp: 078 215 53 12 Ou pér corrriél: dzakye@radioarpitania.eu…
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33 - Acutar Romain Pittet por avanciér?...
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Dirèct du 11 d'octobre 2022
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Comentéros et décrovèrtes
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Mè su trompâ de nom!?...
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Présto a partir. Qui serant outre lé?...
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29 - En Prilly - Aprés la Val d'Aoûta
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Cen que j'é fét en Val d'Aoûta. Récontrâ Robert, de la Pizzeria de Sent Nicolas. Et Christiane Dunoyer du centro René Willien!
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Descripcion d'un gent luè/post, tot prés de la Val d'Aoûta
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Demie-an sabatico. Parlens de Katia Perret.
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Dzakye l'at reciu lo levrét du novél du Centre René Willien de Sent Nicolas en Val d'Aouta, n. 78, an 2021 et vat liére un èxtrêt en arpitan de Doues.
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Aplicacion izicast por iPad
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Fortemps, René Willien, reportâjos por radiô arpitania
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Lessons from Bhagavad Gita on Life and Success That You Need To Know
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1. Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good. 2. You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work.3. Change is the law of the universe. You can be a millionaire, or a pauper in an instant. 4. The soul is neither born, and nor does it die…
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Communication is an important part of our lives and it really matters how we communicate. Unless you are planning for a solitary sanyasi life in the Himalayas, you would require interacting with fellow humans. Whatever you communicate and how you communicate will have an impact on your life. As a wise man, you must always consider these three thing…
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Always give advise to someone who will understand your value. Correct an wise man who will worthy of your knowledge. It is better not to try to correct a fool or to spread wisdom where it doesn’t be understood or valued.
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Goodness is the only investment that never fails. It is not a choice only, it is a lifestyle. It is always good to good on everything no matter what it is. Being good is ann wonderful and vibrant legacy to leeave beehind.
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It is said to escape fear, you have to go through it, not around it. Don’t be afraid to get scars to do any new things. Scars are the medals of life. We get livelier by day to day with every scars and each drop of sweat.
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The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. A truely educated mind is the greatest weapon. It is Not the Filling of a Pail, but the Lighting of a Fire which is undeniable .
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It is said the winners never quit and quitters never win. Success is all about perseverance and persistence. Life is unpredictable; it demands sadness to know happiness. So never give up before the miracle happens.
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A proud king should shed his pride during difficulty; and must find out the solution using unbiased ideas.
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Importance of planning and prioritisation
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Do the work which is more fruitful if you need to do many assignments.
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Deriving satisfaction out of a little eating even inthe famished condition, being alert despite being deep in slumber, faithfulness and bravery –these six qualities ought to be learnt from a dog.
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Controlling all your senses like the heron andafter carefully considering the factors of time and space and the capacity of self the wise accomplish their work successfully.(The heron has this great capacity to forget everything else to concentrate on it’s target.)
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Whether it be big or small, we must do every work with our full capacity and power. This quality we must learn from the lion.
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One should never leak out one’s well thought out intentions, determinations and they should be jealously guarded like some secret Mantra. The implementation of them should also be achieved without any fan fare and in total secrecy (to ensure their successful accomplishment
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Accumulate knowledge, goodwill & wealth slowly & steadily
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A mere trickle of the tiny drops of water can fillthe pitcher. The same way we must keep on collecting knowledge, Dharma, and money.
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One should not grieve for the past and worry forthe future. The wise care for the present and chart their life’s course accordingly.
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He who is aware of the future troubles and whopossesses sharp intelligence remains happy. In contradiction to this stage, he who remains inactive, waiting for the good days to come destroys his own life.
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No penance is greater than the one done formaintaining peace, no peace is better than the one received from satisfaction, no disease as more damaging than greed and no Dharma is better than the one having compassion for all.
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If you want to overpower the entire worldmerely by just one action, then put restraint upon your tongue speaking ill of others.
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Importance of Determination | Chanakya Neeti by Avisha and Arpita
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Even if the destination or the desired object befar away or difficult to achieve one can reach it or get it if one is determined. Nothing is impossible for a determined person.
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23 - Dirèct de DaSom de St Gèrman, en Saviése
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Que fére por la noutra lengoua!?
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22-Introduccion u programo d'octobre 2020
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Les noms des participents du "Discotêrd" vos sont balyâs! A propos, por participar, le liem l'est: http://bit.ly/discoterd Qui d'oserat venir nos rècontrar!? Vos povéd asse ben venir sur lo groupo des "Amis de Radiô Arpitania" sur Whatsapp: http://bit.ly/dsct-wsp
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Get DevOps Training in Chennai From Intellipaat
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Intellipaat provides one of the best DevOps Course in Chennai which is coming as a new big thing in the country as a large group of companies are implementing DevOps and the demand for it is increasing at a very exponential rate. You will learn about various characteristics of the DevOps delivery model.…
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Intellipaat is offering an industry-specific one of the best Machine Learning Courses in Bangalore which mainly focuses on key modules such as Python, Algorithms, Statistics & Probability, Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Linear & Logistic regression, etc.Bởi arpittrainer
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De Sur-Scéx, en Saviése, Valês, Suisse
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D'entôr merolar mas asse ben (pariér) de parlar 1) du programo de ora et a venir 2) de l'hivèrn que n'ens 3) de Limor, una aplicacion que permét de coteegiér avouéc la vouéx en "asincrono" https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/limor/id1151545350?l=f
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19 - Que l’est-il l’ècritura de référence ORB et que sêrve-t-il?
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Una petita èxplicacion. Asse ben (pariér) sur periscope: https://bit.ly/pscp-orb
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18 - Dirèct du 05.09. 2019 - Félibres en (Év)Olênaz
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Inôguracion du lor Libretto CD : ORA (‘maintenant’) - « Histoire en notes et en lettres »
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Dzakye en Sur-le-Scex. Dirèct sur et sur Radiô Arpitania et sur Periscope: Regardez sur #Periscope : Dirèct du mayenhttps://www.pscp.tv/w/cGjvyDF4blFyWGVsQUp5all8MVprSnpBUUJaQXZHdrgjoSnXYosP3vVOeUeiwB1mjlDLZ4KH7hQ1AGurkflI
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De Da Som de St Gèrman, en Saviése, Valês, Suisse. Novél du « Patwé Club Savièse ». Situacion de l’arpitan (du francoprovençâl) en Saviése. Pèrspèctives por la lengoua.
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Parlar, pregiér arpitan. Arnad en Val d’Aouta. Dicionèros et Raphaël Maître.
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