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Critical thinking practice on pop culture, but we don't talk by popular demand, hosted by Des. Hammer Time 是一个聊流行文化的播客节目,讨论内容以主播个人对流行文化的理解出发,也会请朋友们来聊聊天,展开我们认为有价值的话题。 If you don’t know now you know. Newsletter & 播客订阅: 给主播写信
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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人们适应啦a lot of people are used to it 年轻人老年人喜欢一起住Old people like to live with their children or the young adults live with their parents 买不起房they can't afford a house 大家庭we usually have a big family, a family of ten people, a family of twenty people
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固执己见的人是Jason The person who has strong opinions in my mind, I must say it's Jason 固执己见脾气差 he usually has very, very strong opinions at that young age, you know, very, very bad temper at the same time 志趣相投 but we usually had a lot in common, the similar interest, hobbies 犟种 it is called jiangzhong, which means the opinionated guy…
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不开心的时候 when I meet some problems or some bad emotions come to me 流行乐和轻音乐很有效果 the light music or popular music would work well 沿着河边跑步散步 go for a run or slow walk just along the riverside 负面情绪消失 my bad emotions and fatigues would be gone
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“UK R&B 在英国本地并不卖座”(‘The hardest music to sell in the UK’),这个观点经常伴随着 UK R&B 这一风格的讨论,不少文化/音乐媒体都一本正经地表达过这个观察,非得细究一下他们受欢迎的市场——好像还真的不在本地,都是在美国! 这个观点确实如此吗?本期节目我们试着聊一聊这个话题,但我们并不认为这个观点以及现象是一个“问题”,它仅仅是再次强调了,英国音乐的土壤和来源与美国传统流行乐/黑人音乐的不同。 R&B 在英国并不卖座,因为英国的文化环境就是与美国不同——如果我们只用美国传统黑人音乐的审美来欣赏的话。但深挖下去,就会发现 UK 音乐的特色,以及与美国流行音乐互相影响的趣味。 本期主要目的还是分享一下我们喜欢的 UK 音乐,尤其是那些在主流音…
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小时候有吃早餐的习惯 When I was a little child, I had such kinds of habit for sure 我妈妈做的煎蛋和面条很赞 I especially loved eating fried eggs with some noodles in the morning and my mom would do it for me 吃早餐不像过去那么重要了 the breakfast is not that important as used to be 足够 that would be enough
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Send us a text 這集邀請到艾熙 Amber Chen,來自兩個不同世代的女生,時代汰換率的轉變,某些生活質感的追求和堅持還是依舊。 哪怕一直努力不斷更新,從遇到前男友的會有的尷尬,自我形象的蛻變,這次Linda回到台灣後的生活,依舊充滿著挑戰和熱血。 減肥秘方,美容保養甚至還有立即見效瘦臉的刮痧。免費自己1分鐘按壓就可以提拉眼皮,真的是有太多好東西好撇步要跟大家經驗分享。單身,戀愛或結婚有了小孩,再忙碌也是要美麗健康的活出精彩的分分秒秒。 Chapters 00:00 遇見前男友的尷尬 03:12 Linda的Podcast初體驗 06:12 自我形象與媒體的變遷 09:11 回到台灣的生活挑戰 11:58 女性自我愛與自信 14:59 自媒體的興起與挑戰 18:03 對未來的…
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完全没兴趣 Not really nope, I have no interest in teamwork 工作表现和效率被影响 my performances and efficiency at work would be disturbed for sure 自己干 When I am coping with some problems or challenges at work or study I would work it out alone 遇到强者 if I meet someone who I admire, or someone who I look up to
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好风景也是一段回忆 good view means a part of my memories, a part of my life 要是想看看过去发生过的事儿 if I want to see something that has happened in the past 记性不好 because I'm not that good at memorising anything 做不好 I couldn't do it well
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以前喜欢在咖啡厅学习 I would say that several years ago the coffee shop could be my favorite place 学校图书馆和城市图书馆 the school library and the city library 我会集中注意力 I’ll certainly stay focused on one thing at a time 不会轻易被干扰 I wouldn't be disturbed very easily
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从没那样做过 I haven't done anything in that way 内向不敢交朋友 I'm too shy to make new friends 不喜欢和陌生人说话 I don't like talking to different people, especially, I don't like talking to the new friends or strangers 浪费时间和精力 I mean, that's a wasteful spending on time, money and energy
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Send us a text 這集邀請到全台灣首席YouTuber JOEMAN~ 其實Linda 在若干年前,就已經認識Joeman。Joeman出道時期訪問過Linda, 在電競剛萌芽的時期,兩人常彼此潛水關注。Joeman從電競主播到百萬YouTuber的心路歷程Linda都看在眼裡, 這次終於可以在節目裡暢談許多新穎,跨界等等的話題。 兩個人對於身為公眾人物的挑戰、面對負面評價的成長還有自我形象的看法,在節目中歡樂的跳耀分享。熟度數據後,Joeman發現女性觀眾的需求非常重要。 審美,健康與運動的探索都是每天必須面對外在及內心世界的壓力。兩人甚至還聊到了結婚,離婚以及對未來的規劃。追求快樂與心靈平靜之間的矛盾是兩人意想不到的共同話題。 Chapters 00:00 自我介紹與節目背景…
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我想说的这个地方我超级熟悉 The public park or garden that I like to talk about is quite familiar to me 很多人开始不知道这个地方 At the beginning, not a lot of people got to know such a special place because it was right located in the city center 真事儿 But it happened for real 消除疲劳 all the fatigues and that would be gone, you know, after traveling to the park…
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和爸妈一起住在郊区 I'm living with my parents and of course we live on the suburb 热闹的街道 I'm mean the busy street or road 街上看不到人 you wouldn't find many people on the street too 可以的话 还是希望回到市中心居住 if possible, I also want to move back to the central area of the city
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喜欢搞笑电影 I love watching different kinds of funny movies, especially the comedies 尤其是忙碌之余 especially after a tough day of work or study 一直陪伴着我 then a funny movie will be with me all the time 很多喜剧片无聊 a lot of comedies are not very interesting in fact
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放在记忆里 because by doing so, I would put it in my memories, you know, not only in my smartphone but also in my memories 记录美好 I would remember something good and something wonderful in my life 分享 很快乐 I like to share it with other people and I'll feel very happy too 就像做了好事很开心一样 It's like that I'm doing something good and putting a smile of joy on my fa…
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Send us a text 這集Linda回歸自己一個人在節目裡跟大家分享資訊,生活。曾經很孤單的Linda, 為了求好姻緣,研究拜月老原來是有很細項的SOP要遵循。 除了請求月老幫忙外,交友軟體也是Linda投靠的方法。最近接觸到了人類圖,讓Linda 更為之驚喜,激勵了自我探索的新觀點。 這集最後Linda也分享了自己私藏的保養品,沒有贊助也沒有代言,真心推薦好用,疼愛自己的保養品及步驟。 Chapters 00:00 月老的求姻緣之旅 17:30 交友軟體的成功故事 25:00 人類圖的探索與分享 28:23 探索人類圖的奧秘 31:37 個性與決策的關聯 35:56 自我認識與獨特性 39:14 歸屬感的探索 43:57 分享護膚品的心得 https://www.instagram…
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十五六岁的年纪 probably at the age of fifteen or sixteen 不知道为啥 但是真事儿 I didn't know why, but it happened for real 忙碌之后 去超市 回家 finishing a tough day of my work or study, then going to the supermarket, then I would get back home on my own 患难见真情 a friend in need is a friend indeed
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每个人都想买房 Undoubtedly, almost everyone in the world wants to buy a house 私有的 just their own properties 家是港湾 home is the center of the life. Home is the best place for them to warm up themselves 一辈子的贷款 People have to borrow lots of money from the bank and give the money back to the bank after their whole lifetime…
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