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Psychology Has It Backwards

Christine Heath and Judy Sedgeman

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We're offering mental health professionals a fresh look at the fundamental cause of stress and distress, and the fundamental source of cure. It's simpler than it has seemed, and the result is sustained mental well-being. Psychology has had it backwards.
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show series
Innate Health is a description of the effect of The Three Principles in action. Everyone has Innate Health; it is the pure spiritual energy of creation that is aliveness in us. It is the pure energy we bring to our experience via our power to think. The Principles have no role in what we think; they describe that we think. Innate Health is the stat…
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It seems like anxiety is a plague of contemporary life. Anxiety is a feeling generated from our habit of constant access to an overload of information and entertainment, and the fear of missing out (FOMO in today's internet shorthand). We've lost our appreciation for stillness, for quiet moments of appreciating beauty and the delight of presence in…
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The higher the IQ a person has and the more they have depended on analysis and retention of information, using what they know to "figure out" what to do moment-to-moment, the harder it is for them to trust insights — fresh ideas that just pop up for us. Many of us have rejected helpful ideas we've had, inspiring new thoughts, because we hadn't anal…
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The good news about understanding the Three Principles: We are the thinkers of our own thoughts and we can create anything. The "bad" news about understanding the Three Principles: We are the thinkers of our own thoughts; our thinking creates our reality; we are totally responsible for our moment-to-moment experience of what our life offers. For ma…
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Chris and Judy confess to their own habitual perfectionism. We've learned from years of delving deeply into the Principles that it's just a thought not worth taking seriously, and harmless when we can laugh it off or let go of it. Thoughts that seem vitally important to our happiness or impossible standards we set for ourselves, our lives, or other…
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Anger is a warning that we are taking things personally. Anger rises up when we think that someone or something is making us upset, hurting our feelings, undercutting us, not caring how they impact us. We stop listening to what is being said and start listening to our own reactions. We feel or express defensiveness. Anger is no different from any o…
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We have talked before about the potential harm from taking diagnoses seriously. Diagnoses are a snapshot in time, not the portrait of who you are deep-down. The manual of Diagnoses the mental health professionals use is a huge catalogue naming observed behaviors of people who appear to be "mentally ill." From our perspective, they are descriptions …
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When it comes to escaping negative thinking, less is more. As we become increasingly aware of the Principles at work, we increasingly realize that we always have natural peace of mind available to us and we don't have to manage our thinking to find it. We know that bad or sad feelings are signals that tell us we are using that power against ourselv…
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When we have a lot of negative thoughts on our mind, they look very real and upsetting to us and we get the feeling we have to do something about them to get away from them. Or we get the feeling there must be something wrong with us, and we have to figure them out or discuss them with others to resolve them. But, as a colleague of ours often used …
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We created this podcast live with an audience at the Three Principles conference in London. Chris was on stage in London; Judy was being broadcast from her home in Pittsburgh, appearing on a big screen on stage with Chris. People often ask how we develop ideas, how long it takes to prepare our material, etc., so we decided to show them. We asked fo…
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Clients normally seek mental health help when they are facing "problems" they feel they can't resolve. A question others ask us is, "If you're not paying attention to their problems and helping them to solve them, then why do they keep coming to you?" Some people are concerned that we "brush off" problems and don't listen to our clients. Grounding …
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When people become curious about the Three Principles, they often think of our work as a tool to add to their tool kit. So sometimes it seems confusing when we make a point about not "mixing" the 3P with other approaches. The reason is that, although there are well-established approaches that do help people, the assumptions of other approaches are …
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There are many expressions that are used when people are sharing the Principles that are easily grasped and interpreted by our intellect, but do not mean what people commonly think they mean. Our intellect, the repository of everything we have learned or know so far, is quick to jump in and give us easy answers. That is why we tell people to listen…
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When we decide we want to change or we feel we need to change, we often work at it. We try really hard to change. We come up with strategies; we seek advice; we read self-help books; we go to courses, thinking we'll find a technique, or a means to fix ourselves. Too often, that leads to hopelessness and discouragement. Too often we monitor ourselve…
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This is the first installment of occasional podcasts we are going to make with Hawaii Counseling and Education Center (HCEC) intern, Spirit, to track his journey from traditional psychological training into becoming a counselor whose work is grounded in the Principles. Chris started HCEC 40 years ago, the very first clinic in the US founded on the …
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A listener of this podcast asked us to explain what we mean when we tell people to "reflect." When we're trying to understand ourselves and life, we tend to ask ourselves "why" questions. Why is this happening to me? Why can't I come up with an answer? Why did so-and-so do this to me? The list is endless. "Why?" takes us in the wrong direction beca…
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We are all "lifelong learners" but we are taught early on to "figure things out." Everyone can remember being told as a child, "Think about it. You'll figure it out." As we move through life, we spend more and more time going over and over life situations in our minds, trying to come up with answers, or asking other people for answers and then tryi…
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We are very dependent on our intellect (everything we already know that is stored in our brain) for a lot in life. It allows us to remember how to run things, where we put things, what we've learned, how to find our friends' houses, how to do our jobs, phone numbers, people's names, etc. Sometimes people hear us talking about looking to live from o…
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We might awaken from nightmares frightened or sad, but as soon as we wake up we realize it was just a dream. Even if we find our dreams disturbing, we know they are dreams. Yet when we fall into low mood thinking or get stuck on troubled memories or entertain fears during the day, we don't call them "daymares." We don't realize we can "wake up" and…
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Low mood thinking is always compelling because it generates strong feelings and it arises from insecurity. So it looks like we have to do something about it. It is habitual thinking that comes to mind from our memories with a familiar feeling, which gives it more weight. People complain about being "plagued" or "haunted" or "frequently visited by" …
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People are often confused by the power we have as thinkers to create our experience of reality. It does NOT mean that we can stare at a new car in a showroom and manifest it in our life; it does not mean we can wish for an outcome of a situation and make it happen. Life is happening; there is actual reality in which we live. But what WE see of it, …
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When we recognize the simplicity of living in the now, following our wisdom as things come to mind, we live at peace. We benefit from a flow of insight which allows us to see more clearly our own power to think and create our experience of reality and understand life. We learn as we go, finding the lessons and blessings in disappointment as well as…
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The definition of changing our minds is "having a new thought." It is natural to allow thoughts to come and go, responsive to the moment, without attachment to any thought. If we get stuck on a thought, though, we hold onto it. We think some things so often for so long that they seem more "real" to us. We all have ideas we assume are true because w…
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Each one of us is always creating our own experience of reality with our unique power to think. So there really is no such thing as objective reality. We all see what we see; someone looking at the same situation will see it differently. Indeed, in a different state of mind, WE may see it entirely differently. So our experience of life is unique to…
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A lot of people talk about "doing the Principles," or "using the Principles," or "combining the Principles with other 'approaches,'" or thinking the Principles are a "really interesting method." That downplays the power of Principles as words that stand for and describe formless power, the essential energy, from which all creation takes form. We us…
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When you hear about the Principles, you hear of "Levels of Consciousness." What does this mean? Our ever-changing "level" is the degree to which we have insights that lead us to realize that all thought is illusion, merely what we make up in the moment. All of it, even though early on, much of it seemed "real." The more we realize that the power to…
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Listening to others in neutral is difficult until we understand how thinking works in all of us. Everyone is creating their own experience of every moment in life. No two people see anything exactly alike; we all think our own thoughts and draw information from our own memory and see things in our own way. And we express what we see to each other. …
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Many people ask us whether encouraging people to find a calm state of mind and contentment isn't just positive thinking. Our state of mind is BEFORE what we think; when we are at peace and our minds are quiet, the quality of thoughts we produce is a much higher level than the thoughts we produce from a negative or upset state of mind. The problem w…
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The Principles describe the way the formless energy behind life manifests in the creation of form. They describe the way creation works. Divine Mind, formless intelligent energy, is the force behind all of creation. Divine Thought is what allows us to bring ideas and images to life within our own minds. Divine Consciousness, the energy behind aware…
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Discernment is not judgement. We can speak up if we see a friend heading down a dangerous path, or if we notice a client shading the truth, etc. The difference between the negativity of "judgement" and exercising our common sense with good will and a loving feeling is the difference between harboring negative opinions and speaking from wisdom when …
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Not being judgmental does not mean not using common sense to speak up or act honestly when we see people we care about or people we serve doing things that are contrary to living at peace, in harmony with life. Syd says "a non-judgmental mind is a mind at peace." That refers to things like personal judgments -- resentments, attitudes towards certai…
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People often express confusion about Sydney Banks' advice to "just be yourself; be ordinary." They hear it as if it means "mediocre" or "not realizing your potential." Actually, the deeper meaning of "ordinary" is "part of the order of things," and that is what we point to with the Principles. Everyone comes into life with extraordinary gifts: the …
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It's that time of year again when we're all expected to be joyful and enthusiastic, and a lot of people just feel stressed, pressured, and anxious about doing all the things they think they have to do for the holidays. We forget that we're making it up. It's our own thinking about holidays, our own exaggerated ideas of what we need to get done, our…
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(We are re-sharing a podcast from last year during the holiday season because it feels timely to us to remind ourselves and all of us that love and understanding are the answer to to human suffering and the problems of the world.) The universal energy of creation finds expression in human beings through our ability to think and experience our think…
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Many people struggle with the painful feeling of shame. Perhaps we were told as children that we "should be ashamed" of something. Perhaps we suffered mistreatment that we interpreted to mean we were not worthy of love and care. Perhaps we did things for which we harbor shame. Shame is nothing more than a negative thought about ourselves. As we und…
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People tend to define themselves according to the outside world. We try to "be" something or someone, pursuing the ideas we and others have made up about ourselves, and react to events and people. The Principles show us we are guided by our spiritual power of Thought and, when we have peace of mind, by the quiet wisdom beyond our personal knowledge…
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We are often asked, "Why is my child hanging out with 'bad' friends?" Or "Why do I keep falling for abusive men?" Or "Why do I keep doing business with people who cheat me?" Those questions arise from one deeper question: "What is it about the state of mind I live in that attracts me to the 'wrong' people?" Everyone lives in a range of feeling and …
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Everyone has guilty thoughts. Some people get stuck in guilt and never lose the feeling. Others experience guilt and make amends if possible, or learn from the experience it's related to and move on. Guilt is a feeling that informs us we have done or said something that we realize was not right or caused harm. It is healthy to experience the feelin…
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Psychology is a product of early 20th century interest in studying the soul and the mind. The word psychology has its origins in Greek words meaning "the study of the soul." As scientific methods -- focus on the measurable -- became the focus of study, Psychology abandoned the immaterial, immeasurable soul, calling it the purview of Religion, and f…
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The essence of The Three Principles is that everything in the world originates from Spiritual Energy formed into thought. The Principles belong to the Spiritual realm; they describe how the energy of life works and what creation is. Often, when people hear "spirituality," they think religions, but religions are the form the energy of spirituality h…
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Most of us grew up being told that humility was recognition that we were "mere mortals," or that humility was a set of behaviors -- modesty, consideration for others' feelings and needs, being grateful. The Principles describe a universal fact: we all come from the pure energy of life, and before we use our gifts to think and see our thinking as ou…
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People are always asking us to "define" Mind, Thought, and Consciousness again, or put them in different words. If you're trying to "figure out" the Principles by looking at the words, you can easily become frustrated and confused. Definitions are the intellect trying to figure things out. Look to understand how life works through us, from within u…
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We've all done it -- looked for an expert, or a highly recommended source, or a certain book, or a guru, or a technique, to find the answers to our deepest questions. No matter how hard we look, we end up still confused or uncertain. For many, the search goes on for a lifetime. Looking outside of ourselves for understanding will never lead us to pe…
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The Principle of Thought describes the absolute power every individual has to create their own experience of life. We do not experience anything we have not thought, whether it's a memory, a fear, a desire, a pain, a recognition, a profound insight. Until it enters our mind as a thought, it has not happened for us. The good news is we have free wil…
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A misunderstanding that arises from talk about the Principles is the idea of "listening for a feeling" or "following your feelings." When we create thoughts, images in our mind, Consciousness allows us to recognize our thoughts and to understand whether they are helpful. Our feelings provide feedback. When our thoughts are producing negative feelin…
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Often our clients bring up some version of, "I understand what you're talking about, but knowing it just isn't helping me." The Principles are not about "what," but about "how" life works, and SEEING what it truly means that we are the thinkers always creating our own experience. What "works" is listening for the feeling behind the words, allowing …
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Memories are stored thoughts, like all information we have accumulated. They have no "power" until we focus on them. Otherwise, they are like books we've already read on the shelf, unimportant unless we take them down and start reading again. They have "invisible" power only because, when they come to mind, Consciousness brings them to life and we …
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We often encourage our clients to "reflect" rather than "think about" or "figure out" life situations. Reflection is a quiet mind in a peaceful feeling; it is when we turn off the spigot of our personal thinking and listen for the natural flow of the stream of wisdom. Wisdom comes to us directly from the unknown, before thought, and it is our sourc…
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When we talk about living a happy life, we are not talking about living in denial of the facts of life events, we are not describing a life miraculously free of trouble, we are not suggesting a strategy of avoidance. Happiness is a deep feeling of well-being, of confidence in our moment-to-moment access to the guidance of wisdom and insight, of fai…
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Unlike other therapy approaches, The Three Principles has one primary goal for therapy: Happiness. While that seems counterintuitive to people who seek therapy to address problems or resolve issues, it is the expression of the profound truth of the Principles: Before the formation of thought, we come into the world at peace and content and living f…
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