Abtreibungsrecht, Vorwahlen und Babynahrung
Manage episode 330361975 series 2918874
Folge 15: Abtreibungsrecht, Vorwahlen und Babynahrung
(aufgenommen am 31. Mai 2022)
Vortrag: Verschwörungstheorien – aus Sicht der Naturwissenschaft
Talk: The Far Right After the Russian Re-Invasion
Vorwahlen in den USA
Open and closed primaries (FairVote)
State Primary Election Types (National Conference of State Legislatures)
Reelection Rates Over the Years (OpenSecrets.org)
Trump endorses J.D. Vance in Ohio Republican Senate primary (CNN), Vom Trump-Kritiker zum Getreuen (tagesschau)
Pence: Voting for Kemp sends ‘deafening message’ that GOP is the future (The Hill)
Website von GOP 2.0 (inkl. Video)
Texas 28th Congressional District Runoff Election Results (The New York Times)
Der Supreme Court und das Abtreibungsrecht
America’s Abortion Quandary (Pew Research Center)
Polling shows America in the middle on abortion (Axios)
Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows (Politico)
What to Know About the Mississippi Abortion Law Challenging Roe v. Wade (The New York Times)
US-Demokraten scheitern mit Gesetz für Abtreibungsrecht im Senat (Tagesspiegel)
Zehntausende demonstrieren für Erhalt des Rechts auf Abtreibungen (Zeit Online)
Statement by President Joe Biden (The White House)
13 states have passed so-called 'trigger laws,' bans designed to go into effect if Roe v. Wade is overturned (CNN)
Could overturning Roe v. Wade have implications beyond abortion? (NPR Politics)
How far the GOP might go post-Roe on abortion, contraception and travel (Washington Post)
Ep. 20- EMERGENCY (Teil 1): Das Ende von Roe (Kreuz und Flagge Podcast)
How we got here: Roe v. Wade from 1973 to today (VOX)
Dobbs and the Fate of the Conservative Legal Movement (CityJournal)
Understanding Pregnancy Resulting from Rape in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Mangel an Babynahrung und transatlantische „Luftbrücke“
Best & Worst States to Have a Baby (WalletHub)
Erste Lieferung an Babynahrung über Ramstein in USA eingetroffen (SWR Aktuell)
USA fliegen Babymilch über Ramstein ein (Deutsche Welle)
U.S. Military Airlifts Baby Formula From Europe (The New York Times)
Transatlantic Treat
Netflix-Miniserie „Unsere wunderbaren Nationalparks“
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