EP1: Allow Us To Re-Introduce Ourselves
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This week on the first episode of GutsXGritXGrind – The This is Female Powerlifting podcast, we are going to revisit our origin story and discuss why we don’t owe anyone pretty (and what is it that means). We’ll also talk about how the growth of our community has not only vastly exceeded our initial expectations, but the lessons we’ve learned so far from it, and how community growth has intersected with our own personal growth. We’ll also ramble on a bit about our own personal meet prep and give share some thoughts on cool things happening in female powerlifting right now and in the near future. We hope you enjoy this, our first show!
0:30 – Introductions – putting names to these awesome voices and giving a little bit of insight into who we are and what we do in real life/the real world.
3:30- - What is This is Female Powerlifting and how did this whole thing get started?
6:30 – There is no “one true way” to be a powerlifter
8:30 – Liz has actually written a great blog post for us and it will be available shortly on our blog at https://thisisfemalepowerlifting.com/
10:00 – What I lift matters, not what I look like while I do it
11:40 – Evolution of TIFPL from our three friends to a community of lifters across the globe
13:30 – Fighting back against traditional notions of beauty
14:30 – Jaime and Darron go full Canadian and name drop NHL hockey players
15:05 – What is the Boner Kill Brigade?
15:52 – Beans is the Boner Kill Brigadier
16:50 – What does it mean to not owe anyone pretty?
18:48 – PSA on 55 second long one rep Instagram videos. While this will be a topic later, here’s a teaser.
19:05 – The transition from Instagram group chat to TIFPL, the Instagram with 10 followers, to a much larger community
20:30 – TIFPL Manifesto
22:30 – Dudes and TIFPL / dudes who TIFPL
26:00 – Dude challenges and leveling the playing field – aka why TIFPL matters
27:30 – Here is @mollyKM’s 495# deadlift Darron is talking about (also read the caption): https://www.instagram.com/p/BKhiVcphPfQ/?taken-by=mollykm
28:20 – Fail videos, the Lifting Concern Police and vulnerability
29:30 – It’s ok to be “ugly” and not everything is a quest for gratification
30:50 – Owning your butt selfies and not trying to somehow link them back in to powerlifting
32:30 – “Juicy peaches” and other contrived bodily expectations – take ten lifters and you will have ten different bodies.
34:50 – YOU DO YOU.
35:30 – Being real, and expressing vulnerability – sometimes that includes fails.
@ejanss on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ejanss/
38:00 – TIFPL challenge: To post our next fails.
38:30 – TIFPL bat signal – we need recommendations for an emoji
39:30 – Power Surge meet prep discussions
41:15 – Compared to WHAT: what/who are you comparing yourself to, and WHY?
41:30 – Ryan Stinn and Climb Your Hill: Climb Your Hill comes from a Facebook post written by Saskatchewan lifter Ryan Stinn. You can read it here: https://www.innerstrengthproducts.ca/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=266 (it’s also on a t-shirt!)
42:30 – Meet performance – in the grand scheme of life, what does this one single meet really mean?
44:45 – Goal setting in powerlifting
47:05 – Shout-Outs
Samantha Coleman 600# deadlift - https://barbend.com/samantha-coleman-600-lb-deadlift/ - You can find her on Instagram here: @samathacoleman
Sara Cowan – goes 200/110/218 at Ontario Junior/Sub-Junior Provincials in Ontario. Her squat surpasses her 197.5 world record from Worlds in June, while her deadlift is a 5.5 kilo (!!!) increase from her world record pull of 212.5, also at Worlds.
Deadlift - https://www.instagram.com/p/BMNq26dgYGI/?taken-by=innerstrengthproducts
You can find Sara on Instagram here @saracowan95IPL Worlds – Las Vegas, NV – all women’s weight classes are going down on Thursday November 10. You can find live streams here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVziZHFadg0ffN3vv4P310g/videos?view=2&flow=grid
TIFPLers that are competing and where you can find them on Instagram: @onestrongnurse; @bamaburr; @momtocalky
50:45 – Teaser for #TIFPLdirtbagconfessions
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